Notice of Public Open House and Public Meeting for Town-Initiated Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
Pursuant to Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended.
Take notice that the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has initiated an amendment to the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-050 in order to conform with provincial changes to the Planning Act in relation to permissions for ‘Accessory Dwellings’ within Residential Zones located on parcels of urban residential land:

Affected Lands: Residentially-Zoned Land on Municipal Wastewater and Water Services, within Settlement Areas in the Town of BWG
File No.: D14-24-02
Subject: Town-Wide Zoning Permissions for Accessory Dwelling Units on Parcels of Urban Residential Land
THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the application is to amend the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-050 in order to incorporate new definitions, zoning standards and permissions for accessory dwelling units on residentially-zoned lands on municipal water and wastewater services, within the Town’s urban boundaries as mandated by section 35.1(1) of the Planning Act.
The effect of the zoning by-law amendment would include permitting up to three (3) accessory dwelling units, for a total of four (4) dwelling units, on a parcel of urban residential land containing a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling. Of the three (3) accessory dwelling units being permitted within the proposed amendment, up to (1) dwelling unit would be permitted to be contained within a detached accessory structure in the rear yard subject to proposed zoning standards.
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury will be holding a Public Open House to inform members of the public about the proposed zoning by-law amendment, invite questions and comments in the Zima Room of the BWG Library & Cultural Centre, 425 Holland Street West, Bradford, on the following dates:
- Wednesday, August 28th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, August 28th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury will also be holding a public meeting to consider the proposed Zoning By-law amendment and further inform Council and the public of the nature of the proposal, invite further public input, and answer questions regarding the application on:
When: Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Where: The Zima Room of the BWG Library & Cultural Centre, 425 Holland Street West, Bradford
Additional information regarding the proposal is available at: http://www.townofbwg.com/ADUzoning
Any person may attend the public meeting to make written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law amendments. Written submissions regarding the proposal can be made to Mana Masoudi, Senior Planner, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Office of Community Planning, 305 Barrie Street, Unit 2, P.O. Box 419, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A9, facsimile 905-778-2070 or email at mmasoudi@townofbwg.com.
If you wish to be notified of Council’s decision regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, you must submit a written request to Mana Masoudi at the address shown in the paragraph above.
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of Council and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact the Office of Community Planning, (905) 778-2055, ext. 1406 or email at mmasoudi@townofbwg.com.
Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury this July 30th, 2024.
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