
 The next municipal election will be held Monday, October 26, 2026.

2026 Election

Planning to vote in the next municipal election on October 26, 2026? Now you can register once to vote in both provincial and local elections, all in one place.   

RegisterToVoteON.ca is where you’ll find information on eligibility, registration and how to confirm, update or add yourself to the Register. 

Voter Registration

Click Below to find the application to maintain your information for provincial, municipal, district social services administration board and school board elections in Ontario. 

Voter Registration     

Image of register to vote with a yellow checkmark
2022 Municipal Election Results
Candidate and Registered Third-Party Financial Statements

In accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, Financial Statements are to be filed with the Clerk and made available to the public. Click the link below to view 2022 Financial Statements.

Candidate and Registered Third-Party Financial Statements

Compliance Audit 

The Municipal Elections Act (MEA) provides that an elector who is entitled to vote in an election and believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate or a registered third party advertiser has contravened a provision of the MEA relating to election campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s or registered third party advertiser’s campaign finances, even if a financial statement has not been filed.

Joint Compliance Audit Committee

The Compliance Audit Committee is mandated by the Municipal Elections Act (MEA).  The Act requires that, before October 1st in an election year, Council establish a compliance audit committee for the purposes of Section 88.33 of the Act relative to a possible contravention of the Act's election campaign finance provisions.


The Compliance Audit Committee is an investigative/adjudicative body created to enforce provincially enacted laws related to municipal election campaign funding.


The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has established a Joint Compliance Audit Committee with the lower-tier municipalities of the County of Simcoe and the City of Orillia.


The Committee's purpose is to consider these compliance audit applications and decide whether it should be granted or rejected.  If granted, the Committee would then proceed as follows:

  • To appoint an auditor
  • To consider the auditor's report and decide whether legal proceedings should be commenced
  • To recover the costs of conducting the audit from the applicant if there was no apparent contravention or if there appears to be no reasonable grounds for having made the application.

After receiving an application, the Clerk will provide it to the Joint Compliance Audit Committee within ten days. All reasonable notice of meetings will be given to the public, candidate, or third party advertiser.

Submit an Application for a Compliance Audit

Compliance audit applications related to the 2022 Municipal Election must be made on or before June 29, 2023, being ninety (90) days after the last date for the candidates’ and Third Party Advertisers’ filing of Financial Statements for the 2022 election or, in the case of an extension of the campaign period, within ninety (90) of the supplementary filing date. To submit an application, please click the link below.

Application for  Compliance Audit

Address: Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, 100 Dissette St., Unit 7&8, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7

Phone: 905-775-5366, Send an Email

By GHD Digital