This page provide information on all of the permits, applications, and licences that are administered through the Town of BWG. Navigate through the menu on the right to be redirected to more information.
Frequently Requested

A building permit must be obtained from the Town before you begin most construction projects.

The Business Licensing By-law sets out provisions to license, regulate and govern certain types of businesses operating within the Town.

If you own a dog and are a resident of BWG, you must obtain and renew a license for each dog you own, annually.

BWG issues marriage licences for couples wishing to be married in Ontario. Here is what you need to know about obtaining the licence.

Starting a fire on your property without first obtaining a burn permit is in contravention of the Open Air Burning By-law and is subject to fines.

The Community Planning Division delivers development review, official plan and zoning by-law administration.
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