Community Planning
The Community Planning Division delivers the core services of strategic and policy planning, development review, official plan and zoning by-law administration, heritage planning and the Town's Committee of Adjustment.
The Town requires all applicants to pre-consult with Town staff prior to the submission of an application for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium, or Site Plan Control/Amendment to Existing Registered Site Plan. Call to arrange a pre-consultation: 905 778 2055.
By-law 2022-52 - Fees and Charges By-law Amendment was enacted by Council on June 7, 2022 to update fees relating to Planning. The updated fees are reflected in Planning applications forms, effective July 1, 2022.
Development Engineering
The Town's Development Engineering division oversees the implementation and construction of all residential and commercial development projects. Additionally, we provide engineering assistance to other service areas and review/comment on Draft Plan, Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Committee of Adjustment Applications.
Development Engineering provides design review and development approval for all development projects and provides site monitoring and project management throughout the entire development process. Staff also respond to residents' concerns relating to development projects and works with the developer to address them.
Development Engineering on behalf of Engineering Services and Leisure Services oversees the Town's Design Criteria Manual which is a guiding document for development standards within the Town.
Development Engineering also administers the Town's Fill and Site Alteration By-law, which was enacted by Council in the interests of the public and protecting the environment.
Application Forms Library
Use the search field or navigate through the table below to view and download Planning application forms.

In addition to being published in the local print and online newspapers, Planning Notices are also published on our news page.

The Town of BWG is launching its Official Plan Update for Growth Management to 2051.

The Design Criteria Manual is intended to be used as a guide for all land development projects within BWG.
Contact Us
Community Planning
305 Barrie Street, Unit 2, PO Box 419, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A9, Map this Location
Send us an email