The material presented herein is intended as a manual in the production of all land development projects within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. While specific design guidelines are provided herein, the Ontario Provincial Standards and Specifications supply the basis for much of the construction activity and shall be adhered to at all times unless directed otherwise by the Town and this design manual.
The design of all municipal services is to be based upon the specifications and standards in effect at the time of approval. It is incumbent upon the Developer’s Consulting Engineer to ensure the latest specifications are being utilized. All plans are to be approved by the Town before they are used for the construction of services, however, such approval in no way relieves the Developer’s Consulting Engineer from providing an adequate and safe design.
A1.01 Familiarization |
Prior to the commencement of the engineering design, the Developer’s Consultant shall obtain copies of the Town’s “Engineering Design Criteria Manual” and “Standard Drawings” to familiarize themselves with the Town’s requirements for engineering design. Meetings shall be held with the Town’s Engineering and Planning staff to discuss areas of preliminary concern and other issues prior to commencement of the engineering design. |
A2.01 |
In addition to the information below, all submissions must be submitted in both a hard copy and digital copy. Digital versions may be submitted as: two (2) discs, each with a full set of PDF drawings, or a link to a FTP server containing a complete set of drawings.
Functional Servicing Report
A Functional Servicing Report (FSR) must be submitted to the Town for review and acceptance. This report must be presented in a readable, comprehensive and professional manner. The Developer shall retain a qualified Professional Engineer to prepare the FSR.
Five (5) copies of the Functional Servicing Report are to be submitted and shall contain the following information as a minimum;
(a) The Draft Plan The Draft Plan must be in a form acceptable to the Planning Department of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. A reduced size (8½x11) copy of the draft plan as well as a full size copy (folded) shall be included in the FSR.
(b) Contour/Drainage Plan This plan must be at a scale of no larger than 1:1250 giving contour lines at sufficient intervals to permit assessment of existing surface drainage patterns. This plan is to extend to the limits of the drainage area to be served by proposed sanitary and storm sewer systems, including a topographic survey 30m beyond the boundaries of the subdivision, or as approved by the Town. For large external areas Contour plans at a larger scale may be provided. All elevations are to refer to Geodetic Datum.
(c) General Plan of Services This will be a plan based on the Draft Plan and must schematically show the proposed storm and sanitary sewer systems and their connection to existing systems. This plan is to be accompanied by preliminary engineering calculations indicating the quantity of flows at the connection to existing systems and/or at proposed outfalls. Consideration must be given to the whole catchment area to ultimately be developed. Blocks and easements for drainage systems shall also be shown. Preliminary road profiles must also be identified in the FSR.
The method of disposal of sewage shall be provided and an outline of the actual design shall be presented, including calculations and relative size of the treatment facilities.
(d) Functional Internal Traffic Study A Functional Internal Traffic Study is to be prepared for review prior to approval of the plan.This study is key to properly evaluate the proposed internal road network with regard to substantiation of proposed right-of-way widths, etc. and should be approved prior to draft plan approval. This study would also provide information on estimated AADT for road segments, warrants for all-way stops and traffic signals on internal intersections, analysis of on-street and off-street parking, descriptions of opportunities for traffic calming, etc. The study should also clarify daylight triangle dimensions for the varying hierarchy of intersections. A complete guideline for the completion of a Functional Internal Traffic Study can be found in Appendix C.
This study shall have regard for the requirement of the Official Plan and/or the Functional Servicing Report for the applicable Community Planning Area.
(e) Drainage/Stormwater Plan When a natural drainage channel passes through and is affected by the subdivision, drawings must be submitted to indicate the location and typical cross-sections of the existing channel or any proposed changes. A preliminary stormwater management plan and report will be required by the Town to address stormwater management planning and design issues outlined in Section C of this document to the satisfaction of the municipality. The Town may undertake, on behalf of the Conservation Authorities, management of digital stormwater and floodplain management models. The Developer is to check with the Town and the local Conservation Authority to determine the current status of master copies of these models before proceeding with storm drainage planning or design.
All proposed stormwater controls shall be in accordance with the Town, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority or the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority requirements and their preliminary assessment and approval of the design is required.
(f) Water Systems The FSR shall outline the proposed source and method of water distribution. For individual well applications, a hydrogeological report shall be provided which clearly indicates the availability of water, in compliance with Provincial guidelines and regulations.
For municipal systems, the FSR shall provide an overview of the existing water system, its capacities and characteristics, and the needs generated by the new development. Confirmation of the water modeling of the distribution system will be completed by the Town’s Development Engineer based on an initial assessment and design by the Developer’s Consulting Engineer.
(g) Utilities The FSR shall show that the proponent has had preliminary discussions with the various utility providers and that appropriate plant is available to service the development lands.
A2.02 Soils Report
A preliminary soils investigation and report from an independent Soils Consultant will be required in conjunction with the FSR. This report shall provide input and comments on the existing soils, including allowable bearing capacity, infiltration rates for percolation and the applicable discussions relating to roads, services, sewage disposal, etc.
A2.03 Additional Reports
The Developer’s Consulting Engineer is responsible to identify any and all approvals and reports required by Ontario Provincial regulations (including those that are considered Applicable Law under the Ontario Building Code), as well as the policies of the Town, County, and Conservation Authorities.
Additional reports may include studies regarding acoustic/noise issues, environmental matters, and archeological assessments.
A2.04 Functional Design |
A functional design is required prior to commencement of the final design. Prior to the commencement of the functional design, the Developer’s Consulting Engineer shall meet with the Town to discuss the requirements. The functional design shall provide all details, calculations, stormwater management/floodplain management digital models (i.e. input and output files) alternatives and recommendations necessary to evaluate the servicing of the proposed development.
In cases where the subdivision development under consideration forms part of a larger area set aside for future development, the functional report shall confirm that the servicing design does not limit the future development. The functional design shall be a definite requirement, when a subdivision is being phased and the engineering design is being undertaken for each phase separately.
A3.01 Application Form and Fees
The Developer shall submit a completed application form and all applicable fees to be in accordance with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s current Fees and Charges By-law, with the first submission. Engineering submission packages are to be submitted in full to the Manager of Development Engineering. A copy of the submission correspondence (i.e. cover letters, etc.) is also to be provided to the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning and Development Services.
A3.02 Engineering Drawing Requirements
All drawings shall be created using the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s template package available for download on the Town’s website at See Appendix D, E, F & K for standard sheet examples and standard drawing layers. Files contained in this package are updated regularly so it is important that the consultant frequently visit the website to make sure they are using the up to date version of the template package. The package contains the following files;
- BWG LOT GRADING Tabloid.dwg
All drawings are to be prepared in a neat and legible fashion and in general shall include the following:
- All plans shall be prepared on standard ARCH D (610mm x 914mm, 24” x 36”) sheets bond paper.
- Drawings shall be titled and sheet numbered in accordance with the Town’s Drawing Sheet Naming Convention Appendix E.
- All elevations shown on the drawings are to be of geodetic origin.
- All drawings shall be referenced to X and Y coordinates in accordance with OTM system, NAD83.
- Plan and profile drawings are to be prepared so that each street can be filed separately. The street names are to be identified on the plan portion of the drawings.
- When streets are of a length that requires more than one drawing, match lines are to be used with no overlapping of information.
- The reference drawing numbers for all intersecting streets and match lines shall be shown on all plan and profile drawings.
- Lot and Block numbers on all engineering drawings shall be the same as on the registered plan.
- A north arrow shall be referenced on all drawings.
- A key plan drawn to 1:10 000 scale shall be shown on all plan and profile drawings as well as the General Plan of Services. The area covered by the drawing shall be clearly identified.
- All engineering drawings shall be signed and stamped by the appropriate qualified professional (i.e. Professional Engineer, Landscape Architect, etc.). The drawings shall be stamped, signed and dated, prior to the issuance of drawings for tendering and signing by the Town.
- Exceptions and/or deviations to the published Town Engineering Design Criteria Manual shall be listed and shown in the details section of the drawing set.
A3.03 Digital Drawings
All electronic (AutoCAD) drawings shall contain all infrastructure relevant to the development. The electronic files shall conform to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system (North American Datum of 1983, Zone 17N) and be tied and geo-referenced to the horizontal and vertical control monuments within the local area. The location and description with respect to the monuments shall be indicated on the drawings.
A3.04 Submission Requirements
The initial engineering submission shall contain the following information:
(a) original copy of the completed Subdivision Application;
(b) a declaration from the Developer’s Consulting Engineer showing that they have been retained to design and supervise the construction of the works of the proposed subdivision according to the Engineering Design Criteria Manual;
(c) The table presented at the end of this section outlines the submission requirements. For second and subsequent submissions, the original red-lined comments from the Town and any reports requiring revision are to be resubmitted.
(d) The following engineering plans are to be prepared for each development application, as applicable:
- Cover Sheet: Showing subdivision name, application number, key plan showing the subdivision’s location relative to nearby arterial roads, Developer’s and Consultants’ information, a drawing index, Submission No. and Town File No.
- Draft M-plan: and Draft R-Plan as required.
- Draft Plan of Subdivision: Shall be the most up-to-date Draft Plan of Subdivision showing all approved redline revisions.
- General Notes Sheet: Showing the approved general notes of the Town (see Appendix F), without alteration, any other text based information not included on any other drawing and a list of design exceptions.
- General Aboveground Services Plan: Showing existing and proposed aboveground infrastructure including external works where applicable. Scale 1:1000. Including the phasing of the development as applicable.
- General Underground Services Plan: Showing existing and proposed underground infrastructure including external works where applicable. Scale 1:1000.
- Sanitary Drainage Plan: Showing existing and proposed sanitary sewers, tributary areas to each sewer including areas of future development, external drainage areas, and sewer design sheets. A separate External Sanitary Drainage Plan may be required to show large external areas. Scale 1:1000.
- Storm Drainage Plan: Showing existing ground contours to a minimum of 30m beyond the limits of development, existing and proposed storm sewers, channels, overland flow routes, 100-year ponding elevations, tributary areas to each sewer including areas of future development, external drainage areas, sewer design sheets. A separate External Storm Drainage Plan may be required to show large external areas. Scale 1:1000.
- Design Sheets (to be full size sheets, included in drawing set): Sanitary and Storm Design Sheets for the Development as outlined in this document, both digital and hard copy, computer printouts, and detail calculations for pipe strength and bedding. See Appendix H and I.
- Water Distribution System Plan: Showing existing and proposed watermains including size and type, proposed watermain elevations at all intersections and all critical junctions. The plan shall also include the internal and external demand information. Scale 1:1000.
- Grading Control Plans: Showing existing contours, existing elevations and proposed road, lot and block elevations, noise attenuation berms and fences (refer to Grading Section F for additional information required on the plan). Scale 1:500.
- Utility Coordination Plan: Showing existing and proposed aboveground and belowground utility locations, above ground service locations, road crossings, driveways (refer to Utilities Section G for additional information required on the plan). Scale 1:500.
- Traffic Management Plan: Traffic Management information to be included showing pavement markings, traffic control signage, Canada Post boxes, traffic controls, etc. Scale 1:500.
- Plan and Profile Drawings: Showing detailed alignments and profiles of the roads, sewers and watermain including pipe material, length, diameter, slope, bedding and strength classification, borehole locations, street light standard locations, restraining joints, bends on watermains. 100-year return storm hydraulic grade lines for the storm sewer shall be plotted. Service easements to be included in plan and profile drawings. These drawings are to clearly identify all relevant Town and O.P.S. Drawings not covered in the Town’s general notes (e.g., maintenance holes, safety platforms, drop structures). Horizontal Scale 1:500. Vertical Scale 1:50.
- Stormwater Management Plan: Showing the proposed stormwater management facility including the existing and proposed contours, crosssections and details of structures and other elements associated with the proposed facilities, as appropriate.
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: Showing temporary erosion and sediment control measures to be implemented on the site, including topsoil stockpile location and siltation control pond location, refer to Stormwater Management Facilities Section for additional information required on the plan. Should also include a schedule for the completion of the restorative works. Temporary construction access location and details are to be provided on this plan. Scale 1:1000.
- Miscellaneous Detail Plans: Other plans not specifically noted, including special details, cross-sections, acoustic and privacy fencing, retaining walls, etc.
- Standard Detail Plan: Showing the applicable Town Standards and OPSD’s, including all drawings, details to be utilized for the construction of the proposed works.
- Tree Inventory, Assessment and Preservation Plan and Details: To be prepared by a qualified arborist or landscape architect.
- Landscape and Streetscape Plans: Showing location and species of all plant material, planting details, fencing, decorative features, rehabilitation and restoration works. Include plantings for Stormwater Management Facility. Scale 1:500.
- Streetlighting Plans: Showing the underground ducts, streetlight schematic, photometric data (point plot) and details. Scale 1:500.
(e) The following engineering reports are to be prepared for each development application, all reports and supporting documentation shall be assembled and bound, as applicable:
- Water Distribution System Analysis Report: Refer to Section D1.00 for reporting requirements.
- Stormwater Management Report & Operations and Maintenance Manual: Refer to Section C for reporting requirements.
- Hydrogeological Well Impact Report: To identify wells within a 500m radius of the site or current M.O.E requirements and identify the anticipated impact the development will have on the existing wells. Mitigating measures shall be specified, if required. Also, monitoring of the wells will be required before, during and after construction of deep municipal services.
- Geotechnical (Soils) Report: This report shall provide calculations and recommendations for pavement design, slope stability, pipe beddings, trench backfill requirements, engineered fill requirements, building foundations, retaining walls, soil corrosivity, etc., as necessary. The report is to be stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer.
- Transportation and Traffic Impact Study: The study shall provide a summary of existing and proposed traffic volumes and conditions, time periods, evaluation of site traffic impacts, level of service (L.O.S.) calculations, mitigative measures (if required), transit operations, parking, sightlines and access requirements. The study shall also include recommendations for traffic calming, if deemed appropriate. The appropriately sized sight triangles at intersections are to be confirmed by the Consultant. The report is to be stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer. All Transportation and Traffic Impact Studies are to be in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Appendix C.
- Noise and Vibration Report: This report shall identify sources of environmental noise and vibration under ultimate conditions and recommend mitigating measures in accordance with MOE Guidelines. Warning clauses shall be included in the report. The report is to be stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer.
- Tree Inventory, Assessment and Preservation Plans: Plans to show inventory of all existing trees, assessment of their condition and recommendation of trees for preservation as appropriate, considering the infrastructure requirements and grading design of the proposed development. Tree Inventory shall include all trees with a diameter of 10.0cm at breast height (DBH) or greater and all trees on adjacent property within 6.0m of the property line.
At the first submission stage, a detailed cost estimate for the total cost of civil, landscape and street lighting works is to be prepared by the consulting team for purposes of calculating fees and financial securities to be held by the Town.
In addition to the information above, all submissions must be submitted in both a hard copy and a digital copy. Digital version may be submitted as: two (2) discs, each with a full set of PDF drawings, or a link to a FTP server containing a complete set of drawings.
A3.05 Ministry of Environment – Environmental Compliance Approvals
The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is now a municipal partner in the MOE Transfer of Review Program. The Transfer of Review Program allows the Town as a participating municipal authority to conduct the administrative and technical review of Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs).
The Transfer of Review Program covers a number of works that are of a noncomplex or less environmentally sensitive nature. The agreement between the MOE and the Town as a participating municipality under the Transfer of Review Program are for the following types of works:
- Water booster pumping stations,
- Storm and sanitary sewers (except new stormwater outfalls),
- Sewage pumping stations,
- Forcemains (except those pumping directly to a sewage treatment plant),
- Stormwater management works limited to works which control stormwater quantity and/or provide basic quality control only and which discharge to either the existing stormwater management collection system, an approved stormwater management works, a ditch, a swale or a municipal drain.
As part of the second engineering submission the Developer is to submit three (3) copies of the completed Application for Environmental Compliance Approval ( and all required documents, to the Town for review.
Applications shall be completed electronically online, all of the required sections completed fully and the Application Status shown on Page 5 reads “Form Complete” and submitted in colour. Incomplete applications will be returned to the Developers Engineer. If the Town has comments related to the approval process, they will be sent to the Developers Engineer, the Town will not recommend approval until all comments are addressed.
Once the Town is satisfied with the application, a letter of recommendation for approval will be prepared by the Town for the consideration of the MOE director, and produce a draft ECA that will be submitted along with the application documentation to the MOE. The MOE will then review the application documentation and complete the process and issue the ECA to the Developer. The Developer is required to forward a copy of the MOE issued ECA to the Town.
A3.06 Ministry of Environment – Form 1 – Record of Watermains Authorized as a Future Alteration
The Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program has now replaced the Certificate of Approval program for municipal residential drinking water systems. The Developer is no longer required to submit an application to the Ministry of the Environment for approval. The Developer is now required to submit Form-1 – Record of Watermains Authorized as a Future Alteration and all required documents, to the Town for approval.
As part of the second engineering submission, the developer is to submit three (3) copies of the completed Form 1 and three (3) copies of the Water Distribution Plan(s).
A3.07 Other Approvals
The Developer’s Consulting Engineer is required to make all submissions and representations necessary to obtain approvals from all other authorities affected (County of Simcoe, Ministry of Transportation, Conservation Authorities, Canada Post Corporation, etc). The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury shall be provided a list of all other applications being made and shall be kept informed of the progress of these submissions by copies of all correspondence.
A3.08 Original Drawings
After all approvals have been received from all parties affected, the original drawings shall be submitted to the Town. These original drawings will be signed and dated by the Town and returned to the Developer’s Consulting Engineer for reproduction. Five (5) copies of the approved drawings, plus the original and four (4) reduced (11”x 17”) shall be submitted to the Town, plus;
- One complete set of digital drawings exported in AutoCAD 2007 (or latest) format, or a .dxf format where the consultant uses a CAD platform different from AutoCAD. All necessary external references should be bound to the project drawing file. The drawing should be purged of all redundant blocks, layers, etc. No object shall be on layer ‘0’, no working layers or layers with unnecessary objects shall be contained in the digital file.
- Two complete sets of digital drawings exported in PDF format (full page size).Drawings shall be submitted in complete sets on CD or DVD. Drawings to be individual PDF files labeled as per naming convention. The storage medium must be labeled with: submission date and latest revision number, municipal project number or ID, project or subdivision name, and drawing format.
Any subsequent drawing revisions must be formally submitted for approval.
If the Developer fails to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town within one year of the date of the approval of the drawings by the Town, the Town reserves the right to revoke any or all approvals related to the engineering drawings.
The draft of the Subdivision Agreement will be prepared by the Town. The Developer’s Consulting Engineer shall prepare the draft schedules for the agreement where appropriate (i.e. - list of drawings, cost estimate, legal descriptions for reference plans, etc).
In order to request the preparation of the Subdivision Agreement, the following information must be submitted to the Town’s Planning and Development Services Department: (a) A written request and all applicable fees. (b) The name of the person and/or company and Mortgagees with whom the Subdivision Agreement will be executed. (c) Four copies of the Legal Description based on the Reference Plan. (d) Four copies of the proposed final plan for registration (M-Plan) complete with all pertinent information as required by the registry office. (e) Four copies of the Reference Plans (R-Plans) for any easements to be granted to the Town. (f) Two digital copies of all plans for registration, or a link to a FTP server containing one full copy of all plans. (g) Written confirmation from the Town’s Engineering Department that the first engineering submission has been reviewed and comments have been provided. (h) A detailed cost estimate of all services to be constructed. This estimate shall include: i) detailed cost of services and landscaping; ii) cost of underground electrical distribution system and street lighting; iii) all miscellaneous expenditures; iv) allowances for contingencies and engineering. (This estimate will be used as a basis for calculation of the security to be posted for the development.) (i) Proposed timetable for construction of services and proposed staging plans. (j) any required noise reports (k) any required architectural design statements (l) any other reports noted elsewhere or as conditions of Draft Plan approval, or as requested by the Town prior to finalization of the Agreement.
Prior to the commencement of construction, the Developer’s Consulting Engineer shall submit the following information to the Town for approval; (a) the names of the proposed contractor and any sub-contractors (b) the contractor’s list of suppliers (c) the required Letter of Credit must be posted with the Town (d) proof of insurance in a format acceptable to the Town (e) any other information as required by the Town or as specified in the Subdivision Agreement, or Pre Servicing Agreement.
A6.01 General
This section of the Town’s Engineering Design Criteria Manual is meant to be an aid for Owners, Developers, Architects or Planners when completing an Application for a Site Plan Agreement. This section will be used by Staff to ensure that the Town’s requirements have been met. The Town suggest that the Owners, Developers, Architects or Planners address each point, where applicable, in order to accelerate the approval process.
The Owner shall retain the services of a single qualified agent to administer the site plan process and design requirements, and who will coordinate other consultants/contractors on his/her behalf. A pre-consultation meeting is to be held to discuss any unique situations that may exist on the site prior to the first submission.
In addition to the information below, all submissions must be submitted in both a hard copy and digital copy. Digital versions may be submitted as: two (2) discs, each with a full set of PDF drawings, or a link to a FTP server containing a complete set of drawings.
A6.02 Drawing Requirements
All drawings shall be submitted with metric dimensions, be drawn in black and white, to a standard scale (1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:250, 1:500, etc.) and submitted on standard ARCH D (610mm x 914mm) sheets, bond paper.
In general, all drawings shall include the following information;
- Title block and revision block
- Identification of the proposed use of the site (Development Name)
- Name and address of firm preparing the Site Plan
- Name of Owner
- Municipal address and Legal Description (Reference Plan, Lot, Concession and Registered Plan Lot Number)
- Metric scale
- Key Plan indicating general location of the development in respect to the Town street network
- Bench Mark data used (geodetic) described and labeled on the drawing
- Contour lines and/or spot elevations referenced to the Benchmark
- North arrow
- Legend
The Owner shall retain a qualified Professional Engineer to prepare all engineering drawings and to supervise the construction of all engineering services. The Consulting Engineer shall act as the Owner’s representative in all matters pertaining to the design and construction of the services in the development. A declaration from the Owner is required at the time of application showing that the Consulting Engineer has been retained to design and supervise the construction of the proposed development. Where a question arises over the requirements for professional design, the decision of the Town shall prevail.
The following engineering documents are to be prepared for each development application, as applicable:
Seven (7) complete sets of plans for the proposed development, comprised of;
- Cover Page & Drawing Index – Showing; the Development name, Town Development number (D11-xx-xxx), Key plan showing the development location relative to the nearby arterial roads, Owner and Consultant information, Drawing Index.
- Site Plan – The Site Plan drawing shall include, but not be limited to, the following information; a Site data table; Location, dimension and setbacks of all proposed buildings and structures; Location, dimensions and setbacks of all proposed yards, landscaped open spaces, planting strips, parking area, loading spaces, driveways, walkways, sight triangles and boundary fencing; Location of all proposed light standards & wall mounted lights, signs, refuse storage areas, snow storage areas and easements; Location of sanitary sewers, watermains, storm sewers, ditches, roadways, sidewalks, road widenings, existing plantings, etc; Location of all boulevard features (i.e. curbs, landscaping, trees, utilities, etc).
- Site Servicing Plan – The Site Servicing Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information; Location of all existing municipal infrastructure (i.e. watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, catchbasins, streetlights, traffic controls, sidewalk, signs, fences, trees or landscaping, etc.); All future local improvement works agreed to in the Site Plan Control Agreement; Location of all proposed servicing (i.e. watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, catchbasins, light standards, traffic controls, etc.); All details of any service connections to the Town infrastructure including methods and materials; All utility services.
- Site Grading Plan – Where applicable, lot grading is to be in accordance with the approved overall subdivision lot grading plan. The Site Grading Plan shall include, but not be limited to the following information; spot elevations at all locations where the grade changes on the site; retaining wall information; all swale and berm information; proposed elevations on all service lids and manhole covers; elevations at all building corners, underside of footing elevation & finished first floor elevation (F.F.E.), 100 year ponding limit and access points (i.e. ramps, entrances, and loading bays); the existing elevations at 15.0m and 30.0m beyond the site limits (where possible); elevations in driveways and parking lots to show drainage patterns.
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - Showing temporary erosion and sediment control measures to be implemented on the site, including topsoil stockpile location and siltation control pond location, refer to Stormwater Management Facilities Section for additional information required on the plan. Temporary construction access location and details to be provided on this plan.
- Landscaping Plan - Landscape Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information; Location and identification of all proposed plant materials (using symbols and letters); A planting list, showing the botanical and common name, size, height, spread, spacing, condition, quantity or other pertinent information; Identification of any planting beds and existing trees to be preserved or transplanted; All proposed site furniture such as benches, bollards, tree grates, light standards, picnic tables, bike racks, etc. noted on the plan and details provided.
- Tree Inventory & Preservation Plan – The Tree Inventory/Preservation Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information; A detailed inventory of all existing trees, significant shrubs or hedgerows, natural features, etc., with exact surveyed locations; Location of tree protection fencing around trees and vegetation to be preserved.
- Architectural Elevations Plans - The Architectural Elevation Plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following information; the massing and conceptual design of the proposed building; the relationship of the proposed building to adjacent buildings, streets, and exterior areas; the character, scale, appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design; The elevations of all sides of all main and accessory buildings, showing all roof structures (penthouses, chimneys, roof top units, vents, air conditioning, etc.) with metric measurements.
- Illumination Plan – Illumination Plans are to show the location and design of all exterior lighting, including lighting specifications. All exterior lighting needs to be adequate for the site and directed inward and down into the site. Lighting should be designed to avoid causing ambient light pollution.
- Detail Drawings & Notes
A6.03 Reports
Three (3) copies of all applicable reports, including but not limited to;
- Stormwater Management Report - A Professional Engineer shall prepare a report detailing the modeling, design and features of the proposed Stormwater Management System. The Stormwater Report is to provide system performance data for the 10-year to 100-year design storms and must include scale drawings showing delineated drainage catchment areas, delineated surface pond limits for the 100-year design storms (where applicable), overland flow route and a schematic diagram reflecting the model (complex models).
- Traffic Impact Study - The purpose of the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) is to examine the impact of traffic generated by a new use at its access and at nearby intersections and interchanges, and determine necessary road improvements. The TIS will be used to support the developments internal parking lot layout and entrance locations. Impact assessment is to relate to current and future traffic volumes and the level of improvement required. The need for and content of a TIS shall be determined in consultation with the Town’s Engineering Department.
- Acoustical Study - All Industrial and commercial developments and any development adjacent to or within close proximity to residential dwellings or in any location determined to be sensitive by the Town, shall be required to conduct a noise impact analysis to demonstrate compliance to MOE guidelines.
- Any other report that may be applicable to the development, such as; Arborist Report, Servicing Design Brief, Archaeological Study, Flood Plain Analysis, Environmental Impact Study.
A6.04 External Works
Installation of external works may be required within the municipal right-of-way as a result of a proposed development, the works may include items such as; the installation of municipal infrastructure (i.e. watermains, sanitary sewers, pump stations, storm sewers), traffic control devices (i.e. traffic signals), sidewalks and curbs, turning lanes, etc.
The Owner shall appoint a qualified Professional Engineer, acceptable to the Municipality, to design the external works.
The duties of the Developer’s Consulting Engineer to include, but not be limited to the following:
- prepare the designs in accordance with the Engineering Standards of the Municipality;
- prepare and furnish all required drawings in accordance with the Engineering Standards of the Municipality;
- obtain all necessary approvals from the Minister of the Environment, the local Conservation Authority, County of Simcoe and any other government or regulatory agency, as required;
- provide the field layout of the external works including the utilities and certify the quality of the required testing of the external works;
- act as the Owner's representative in all matters pertaining to the construction;
- provide coordination and scheduling to comply with the timing provisions of the Site Plan Agreement and the requirements of the Municipality, for all external works specified in the Agreement.
A7.01 General
The “as-constructed” drawings represent amendments, changes and variances, to the approved engineering drawings, as a result of the works constructed/installed within the development, as accurately represented on all applicable drawings. “asconstructed” drawings shall be void of any previously existing features which have been altered or removed through construction. Drawing submissions shall be accompanied by revised drainage calculation design sheets which confirm the capacity of the constructed sewers.
“As-constructed” information pertaining to all underground services shall be provided prior to inspection and review, for approval of Acceptance (substantial completion) and initiation of the Maintenance Period. The “as-constructed” drawings showing all road works and servicing works shall be submitted prior to final inspections for issuance of a recommendation for Final Assumption.
A7.02 “As-constructed” Field Survey
The “as-constructed” revisions shall be based on a final survey of all the subdivision services and the Developer’s Consulting Engineer’s construction records. The drawings are to be accompanied by an infrastructure record sheet with all requested information relative to the services constructed. The infrastructure record sheet can be found electronically on the Town’s website or can be provided upon request. This information shall include a list of the numbers, lengths, sizes, materials, slopes, year of construction, etc. of the infrastructure items, related to the street name and/or facility, as a minimum. The infrastructure items shall include, but not be limited to:
- storm and sanitary sewers (incl. maintenance holes, catchbasins, rear lot catchbasins, headwalls, etc., including invert and top of cover elevations, sizes, distances and pipe slopes between all manholes
- watermains (including location and ties to all valve boxes, chambers, hydrants and other watermain appurtenances)
- location of all service connections to all lots and blocks
- roads and sidewalks (including lengths, widths and centerline elevations)
- traffic signs (including type, location, year installed, etc.)
- benchmarks as outlined below, Section A7.04.
All CCTV inspections of all sewer lines are required including colour video record in CD or DVD formats and a printed report.
A7.03 Drawing Revisions
The original drawings shall be revised to incorporate all changes and variances found during the field survey and to provide ties and additional information to readily locate all underground services.
All sewer and road grades are to be recalculated to two decimal places.
Watermain profiles are to be shown based on elevations obtained at 20m intervals.
All house numbers are to appear on all “as-constructed” drawings.
All street names, lot numbering and block identification shall be checked against the Registered Plan and corrected if necessary.
The “as-constructed” revision note shall be placed on all drawings in the revision block and dated based on when the drawings were completed.
The information on the “as-constructed” drawings may be checked by the Town at any time up to two years after final acceptance of the subdivision. If any discrepancies are found, then the drawings shall be returned to the Developer’s Consultant for rechecking and further revision.
The Developer’s Consultant shall be required to explain in writing any major difference between the design and the “as-constructed” data and to provide verification that the alteration does not adversely affect the function of the subdivision services.
A7.04 Survey Control Monuments
Prior to the assumption of the subdivision, the Developer’s Surveyor shall establish a network of second order horizontal control monuments, as set out in “Ontario Specifications for Horizontal Control Surveys (OS 79)”, as well as a network of vertical control benchmarks, as set out in “Ontario Specifications for Vertical Control Surveys (OS 79)”.
The same monument may be used as both a horizontal and vertical control monument/benchmark. The horizontal control monuments, and the vertical control benchmarks, shall be established at approved locations to the satisfaction of the Town, using the following criteria:
- Two (2) horizontal control monuments and two (2) vertical control benchmarks for the first ten hectares (10ha) (or less) subdivided by the plan, and one (1) additional horizontal control monument and vertical control benchmark for every additional ten hectares (10ha) (or less) subdivided by the plan.
- In addition, every existing horizontal control monument and vertical control benchmark destroyed during subdivision or site plan construction must be replaced.
- The new horizontal control monuments and vertical control benchmarks (including replacements) shall be installed by an Ontario Land Surveyor. A certificate by an Ontario Land Surveyor shall be provided stating that the horizontal control monuments and vertical control benchmarks were installed as
set out by the “Ontario Specifications for Horizontal Control Surveys (OS 79)” and the “Ontario Specifications for Vertical Control Surveys (OS 79)” respectively, and confirmation from the Ministry of Natural Resources that the horizontal control monuments and vertical control benchmarks have been accepted into their Cosine Database.
The horizontal control monument shall be a round iron bar (0.025m x 1.22m) with brass cap or any monument approved by the “Ontario Specifications for Horizontal Control Surveys (OS 79)”. See BWG Design Standard A102.
The location, description and pertinent information with respect to the monuments shall be indicated on all engineering drawings and on the Town’s Survey Monument Record Sheet, Appendix G.
A monument is to be placed in each plan/phase of a development, to establish both vertical and horizontal control.
Locations to be as directed by the Town. Town confirmation required prior to construction of concrete monument.
Work to be 2nd order surveying, with closure between 2 known benchmarks, using double-closure method.
Plaques to be used as stipulated by the Town and have an identification number stamped on them as directed by the Town. Numbers are to be stamped prior to final installation.
Submissions to be made in the format indicated by the Town, stamped/sealed by the OLS. Supporting calculations, leveling and adjustment sheets, to be provided verifying the methodology and calculations.
Monumentation to be constructed on publicly owned lands in accordance with the attached detail, unless directed otherwise.
Horizontal control points are to be established using UTM, NAD83, Zone N17.
A7.05 Submission
The final ‘As-Constructed’ drawing submission shall include all approved drawings listed in the Subdivision Agreement. Drawings which reflect ‘As-Constructed’ changes shall have ‘As-Constructed’ notation in its final revision of the title block.
The following are a list of the requirements to be met when “as-constructed” drawings are to be submitted:
- one complete set of bound “as-constructed” drawings.
- one paper and electronic (Excel spreadsheet) copy of the “as-constructed” design calculation sheets.
- one paper and electronic (Excel spreadsheet) copy of the infrastructure record sheets.
- One complete set of “as-constructed” digital drawings exported in AutoCAD 2007 (or earlier) format, or a .dxf format where the consultant uses a CAD platform different from AutoCAD. All necessary external references should be bound to the project drawing file. The drawing should be purged of all redundant blocks, layers, etc. No object shall be on layer ‘0’, no working layers or layers with unnecessary objects shall be contained in the digital file.
- Two discs, each containing a set of “as-constructed” drawings, in PDF format (full page size) or a link to a FTP server containing a complete set of PDF drawings.
Drawings and spreadsheets shall be submitted in complete sets on CD or DVD. The storage medium must be labeled with: submission date and latest revision number, municipal project number or ID, project or subdivision name, and drawing format.
The submission of the “as-constructed” drawings, in paper and digital format, to the Town must be completed before “Final Acceptance” of the subdivision will be given.
Table 1A: Engineering Drawing Submissions |

All roadways in new developments shall be classified according to the Town’s current Official Plan. The Town’s roadway classification includes the following:
- Major Arterial
- Minor Arterial
- Collector
- Local
Roadways within urban areas are to be designed and constructed to urban cross sections. Roadways servicing industrial, commercial and institutional land uses are also to be built to urban standards. Residential land uses outside of urban areas may only be constructed with rural cross sections under limited circumstances, with specific approval from the Town.
The proposed classification of all streets planned in new development areas shall be confirmed with the Town prior to the commencement of the design.
B2.01 Arterial Roadways
The Town will undertake the planning and design of new arterial roadways and arterial roadway widenings. The Town aims to maintain and protect the capability to achieve satisfactory capacity for the movement of people and goods, including:
- automobile movements supporting all trip purposes
- truck movements serving the downtown and employment areas
- pedestrian flows
- transit services and facilities.
B2.02 Traffic Signals
All arterial to arterial road intersections will be eventually signalized. Traffic signals located between arterial road intersections will be determined by the Town. Signalized intersections will be spaced between 300m to 500m apart and the spacing will be dependent upon the arterial road and the section of arterial road being considered for signalization. In addition to permitting vehicle turning movements, traffic signals will maximize signal progression and vehicle carrying capacity while assisting other objectives of the Official Plan to be met.
Traffic signals on arterial roads will generally occur at collector roads serving continuous connections across and between concession blocks.
B2.03 Access to Adjacent Land Uses
Lands adjacent to the arterial roads are to be served by continuous collector roads which meet at the traffic signals on arterial roads. The dedication of traffic signals to an individual land use adjacent arterial roads is generally not encouraged, except where justified in particular circumstances, and where acceptable signal spacing criteria can be met. If an individual large land use, such as retail/commercial/service- oriented uses can achieve traffic signal spacing, then the Town will require that adjacent land uses connect their parking lots in order for vehicles to access the traffic signal. Where arterial roads are flanked by residential land uses, direct driveway access will not be permitted. Any other access to the arterial road between traffic signals will only be considered if the impacts to arterial road traffic flows are minimal. This access will be only restricted entrances such as rights in and rights out and will be at the discretion of the Town.
B2.04 Local Road Connections
Consideration may be given by the Town to allow an unsignalized local/collector road connection between traffic signals. This will not be considered unless it can be demonstrated, through a traffic study, that such a connection will not degrade the carrying capacity of the arterial road. However, no local roads will be permitted to create a four-way intersection (unsignalized intersection) with an arterial road.
B2.05 Reserves
Access to the arterial roadways will be protected through provision of continuous 0.3m wide reserves on both sides of the right-of-way. The reserve may be lifted only at the Town’s discretion.
B2.06 Road Cross Sections
The Town’s Official Plan specifies road allowance widths of 26m and 20m for collector and local roads respectively and 35m and 30m for major and minor arterial roads respectively. The Town has approved the use of “alternative” road allowance widths, which are less than those specified in the Official Plan. The development proponent is responsible to demonstrate the appropriate application of the “alternative” road allowance widths as outlined below. The road cross sections based on the Official Plan and the currently approved “alternative” road allowance widths are provided in Section K (BWG Standard Drawings B101 to B106 and B117 to B119).
B2.07 Collector and Local Roads
The collector road system will preferably consist of a two-lane roadway with allowances for parking. Four-lane collector roads are discouraged and will require specific approval by the Town. At the intersection of the internal collector roads and arterial roads, an exclusive left turn lane must be provided. Traffic volumes will dictate if two inbound and outbound lanes are required in addition to the left turn lane. The pavement and road allowance may be widened where requested by the Town to provide “bump-outs” for transit stops, on-street parking near schools, parks or open spaces. The bump-outs allow for parking or transit activity without affecting through traffic. The road allowance width must also incorporate any proposed entrance features (i.e. medians, landscaping strips, signage, etc.) and day-lighting requirements. Local roads will be designed as standard two lane local streets permitting parking on one side.
B2.08 Supporting Traffic Studies
Prior to the time of draft plan approval, the Town may require the proponent to prepare and submit two supporting traffic studies, for the Town’s approval. The first study consists of a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) which is a broad-based external transportation study that examines the property boundary conditions and interconnections with adjacent properties (including signalization issues), assessed under existing and future conditions. The study must recommend the phasing of traffic signals and arterial road widenings to match development.
The second study consists of a Functional Internal Traffic Study (FITS) which balances appropriate urban design guidelines with a detailed assessment of internal transportation and traffic geometric design including opportunities for traffic calming, off-street or driveway parking issues, signalization warrants, roadway capacity, lane configurations, boulevard requirements (i.e., snow storage and utility corridors and buy-in from utilities), transit and pedestrian requirements, vehicle decision making criteria and intersection vehicle sight lines, medians and entrance features.
A guideline for the preparation of the traffic studies can be found in Appendix C.
B2.09 Roadway Phasing and Implementation
The Town will require that the collector road network be in place early in the development process in order to preserve the capacity of the arterial roads and to provide alternative travel routes for residents and businesses in new growth areas. In some cases, the collector roads may need to be planned and constructed before the adjacent local development is ready to proceed. The Town’s general requirement is that two collector road connections to two different arterial roads will be required for each phase of development. The full extent of the collector road system in each phase is to be constructed. Roadway phasing and implementation is to be discussed with the Town early in the development process.
The geometric road design for new roads shall adhere to the following minimum criteria table:
Table 2: Geometric Road Design
Minor Arterial
Major Arterial
Design Speed (hm/hr)
K-Sag Min. (m)
K-Crest Min. (m)
Minimum Centreline Radii
Minimum Grade
Desired Maximum Grade
Minimum tangent length between reverse curves
Maximum grades for through roads at intersections
Road Width (m)
Right-of-Way (m) [with urban design]
20.0 [16.0*] [18.0]
26.0 [23.0]
30.0 [26.0]
35.0 [30.0]
Intersection Angle
70° - 90°
85° - 90°
85° - 90°
80° - 90°
Minimum Tangent Length for intersection Approaches (from CL) (m)
* for single-loaded roads only
All grade changes in excess of 1.0% shall be designed with a vertical curve. The minimum tangent length prior to a grade change of up to 1.0% is 6m, and between 1.0% and 1.5% is 9m. The concrete curb gutter on cul-de-sac’s and bends is to maintain a minimum grade of 0.50%.
The typical road allowance cross-section shall be designed and constructed as per the appropriate standard drawings. Details shall be provided for any special provisions required due to unique physical conditions on site or for existing or future design conditions. Such conditions include retaining walls, slope protection, culverts, bridges or special cross fall conditions.
Laneways are to be considered for review by the Town on a case by case.
Road widening/tapering at the intersection of industrial and/or collector roads with arterial roads may be required depending on the findings and conclusions of the supporting traffic reports. The straight run and taper length for this additional pavement strip shall be determined by the Town in conjunction with the Traffic Report. In such cases, the boulevard width shall be maintained.
B3.01 Horizontal Curves
The layout of horizontal bends shall be according to BWG Standard Drawing B107.
B3.02 Vertical Curves
All points of grade change in excess of one percent shall be designed with vertical curves as outlined in the current Transportation Association of Canada publications. The minimum visibility curves to be used are outlined in the geometric details for each roadway classification. The minimum tangent length between vertical curves shall be 9m.
B3.03 Backfall at Intersecting Streets
At all street intersections the normal cross-fall of the major street shall not be interrupted by the crown line of the minor street. A two or three percent back slope shall be provided on the minor street at all street intersections, except those controlled by traffic signals. This back slope shall continue to the end of the curb return radii to facilitate proper drainage of the intersection. Overland flow routing of storm drainage through the intersection must be maintained.
B3.04 Geometric Intersection Design
Property daylighting at all intersection quadrants shall be included in the road allowances in accordance with the following dimensions.
Table 3: Daylight Triangle and Curb Radii
Road Classification
Intersecting Road Class
Daylighting Triangle Dimensions (m)
Curb Radii (m)
Such daylighting shall be shown on the proposed plan for registration and on all engineering drawings.
B3.05 Cul-de-Sac and Bulbs
Permanent cul-de-sacs are generally not permitted. Where approved, they shall be no longer than 120m. A maximum length of 150m may be permitted only where supported through a traffic study and where appropriate servicing configurations are approved by the Town.
In locations where adequate water flow requires mains connected from the two ends of the road, the pipe shall be provided through a walkway block at the end of the cul-de-sac.
The turning bulbs shall be constructed as per BWG Standard Drawing B108, minimum gutter grades of 0.5% shall be maintained along the flow line of the gutters around the bulb.
B3.06 Location of Utilities
The location of utilities within the road allowance shall be as detailed in the BWG Standard Drawings for Road Cross Section Details. A Utility Coordination Plan shall be submitted to the Town for approval of the proposed utility locations.
All utility wiring is to be installed underground. Hydro transformers are to be housed in suitable enclosures and mounted on transformer pads installed at the final elevation of the adjacent ground. The location of transformer pads shall be as detailed on the Town Typical Road Cross Section Details. Telephone and Cable junction boxes may be mounted at the surface in approved standard enclosures.
In areas approved by the Town, “Trafalgar” poles may be utilized which incorporate the facilities for various utilities in the street light pole.
B3.07 Community Mail Box Requirements
In general, community mail centres and/or individual super mailbox sites shall be placed in locations approved by the Town. These locations are to be indicated on the approved Utility Coordination Plan. Community mail centres shall be constructed in mini-parks, centrally and suitably located in consultation with Canada Post Corporation. The design of the community mail centre must incorporate such criteria as pedestrian safety, traffic flow and aesthetics. The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury may require the developer to furnish the following amenities within the community mail centre:
- retaining walls
- park benches
- fencing
- litter containers
- landscaping
- pedestrian lighting
- concrete pad or interlocking stone surface
- architectural controlled kiosks
- adjacent car bays parallel to the travelled portion of the roadway.
The Developer shall be responsible for obtaining building permits when required, since some designs for these mailboxes constitute a “building” when constructed with a roof enclosure.
All details associated with the community mail centres or super mailboxes shall be identified on the Engineering Drawings and will be subject to the approval of the Town. The Developer shall be responsible for constructing community mail centres within residential subdivisions, prior to the issuance of the first building permit.
The approval of Canada Post Corporation with respect to location of community mail centres and/or site individual super mailboxes will be required prior to final approval of the Engineering Drawings
B4.01 Road Pavement Design
All pavement designs shall be supported by a Geotechnical Report prepared by a Professional Engineer. The report shall include results from soil testing of the existing sub-grade and recommend a pavement design required to support the anticipated traffic loading in accordance with the Transportation Association of Canada publication “A Guide to the Structural Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements in Canada”.
The following tables provide the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s minimum pavement structure requirements by road classification and driveway class. Where the minimum recommended pavement design indicated in the Geotechnical report exceeds the minimum requirements in the table below, the designer shall specify the higher strength pavement structure. Where asphaltic treatment is not warranted (e.g., gravel roads), the road structure is to be specified by a geotechnical engineer.
Table 4: Roadway Pavement Design
Road Classification
Granular ‘B’
(mm depth)
Granular ‘A’
(mm depth)
HL8 Asphalt
HL3 Asphalt
Surface (Top)
(mm depth)
Copies of all test results and proposed road designs shall be submitted with the Engineering Drawings. In no case will a pavement design less than the minimum Town Standard be considered acceptable.
Testing and approval of all granular materials at the designated pits, prior to placement, and subsequent in-situ verification tests shall also be performed by the Developer’s Geotechnical Consultant.
Prior to the placement of asphalt pavement, the Consulting Engineer must submit to the Town for approval, the asphalt pavement mix designs.
Concrete curb and gutter conforming to OPSD 600.040 or OPSD 600.070 (two stage) shall be used on all new urban subdivision roads. Curbs are to be constructed per OPS specifications in all regards, with concrete strength to be a minimum of 30MPa at 28 days with 7% +/- 1.5% air entrainment.
A key is to be integrally formed with the curb in any location where sidewalks are immediately adjacent to the curb.
All curb and gutter is to be protected from damage from heavy equipment and vehicles.
Curb radii are to be continuous to the property line at all signalized or traffic controlled commercial, industrial or institutional entrances.
The following guidelines shall be used to determine the sidewalk construction within new subdivision developments, unless determined otherwise by the Town:
- Sidewalks shall be installed on one side of, Local and Industrial roads.
- Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of Collector and Arterial roads.
- Sidewalks are not required on Cul-De-Sacs unless 25 or more units front onto the roadway and/or the road terminates at an amenity (i.e., park, school, commercial, open space block, etc.).
- In general, sidewalks should be located on the north and west sides of the street.
The sidewalk shall conform in details and dimensions to the current BWG Standard Drawings and shall be installed at locations as shown on the typical road cross sections.
All sidewalks to be 1.5m wide and shall be a thickness of 150mm, constructed in accordance with OPSD 310.010 and OPSD 310.030 (intersections). All concrete and works shall conform to OPSS 351. The sidewalk subgrade shall be graded to the specified tolerances and compacted to 95% Standard Proctor Density. A 150mm minimum thickness of Granular ‘A’ bedding compacted to 95% Standard Proctor Density shall be provided for all sidewalks. Concrete strength is to be a minimum of 30MPa at 28 days with 7% +/- 1.5% air entrainment.
Sidewalks to be continuous through all driveways including industrial, commercial and institutional driveways.
The minimum thickness of the concrete sidewalk when crossing industrial, commercial and institutional driveways shall be 200mm.
All sidewalks shall have a minimum cross fall of 2.0% to a maximum of 4% and no steps are allowed.
At street intersections the curb and the sidewalk shall be depressed to meet the roadway elevations as shown on the standard drawings.
Directional grooves shall be incorporated where the slope is greater than 5% or at locations where grooves are warranted and at all intersections.
The Town requires that all concrete sidewalks be constructed as indicated on the approved Engineering Drawings, prior to preliminary acceptance.
B6.01 Walkways
Walkways as shown on the approved draft plan are to be constructed with concrete sidewalks on a compacted base, per the standards for sidewalks and as shown on BWG Standard Drawing B111. In special cases where the major system (i.e. overland) stormwater flows are to be conveyed through walkways, a walkway with adjacent curbs as shown on BWG Standard Drawing B112 shall be used. The hydraulic capacity of the walkway as noted in Section C3.00 is not to be exceeded.
Walkways within park areas shall be located as directed by the Town and shall be constructed in accordance with the Town’s specifications (BWG Standard Drawing I102).
The developer is responsible for the grading, graveling and paving of all driveways from the curb to the face of the garage, or to the dwelling (which ever is applicable).
All driveways and parking areas in any land use area are to be fully paved.
B7.01 Minimum Driveway Design
Table 5: Driveway Pavement Design
Road Classification
Granular ‘B’
(mm depth)
Granular ‘A’
(mm depth)
HL8 Asphalt (Base)
HL3 Asphalt
Surface Course
(mm depth)
50 (HL3)
Light Industrial, Commercial, Apartment, Residential/Condo
Heavy Industrial
B7.02 Driveway Grades
The maximum permissible design grade for any driveway on private lands shall be 6.0%; 8.0% in rural areas. The minimum grade for all driveways shall be 2.0%.
B7.03 Driveway Depressions
The width of a single driveway shall be 3.6m, Double driveways shall be 5.5m wide the width and location of driveway depressions for commercial industrial and apartment driveways shall be detailed in accordance with OPSD 350.010, however, the maximum width shall be in accordance with applicable by-law restrictions.
Driveway depressions shall be formed in the curb according to the detail and location as per BWG Standard Drawing B109. A mechanical curb cutting machine is not permitted to saw cut driveway depressions.
All boulevard areas are to be graded to a minimum of 2% according to the details shown on the Town’s Standard Drawings to the satisfaction of the Town. The grade of the boulevard is to be constant from the back of the curb to the property line and in no case will terracing be permitted. The final grade of the sod shall match the finished grade of the top of the concrete curb and sidewalk.
All debris and construction materials shall be removed from the boulevard area upon completion of the base course asphalt and shall be maintained in a clean state until the roadway section is completed.
Topsoil that meets the requirements in section I5.02 of this document, shall be placed on all boulevard areas that are to be sodded. The minimum depth of topsoil shall be 100mm.
No. 1 Nursery Sod shall be used for all areas that are to be sodded.
B8.01 Open Ditches
Where permitted, open ditches shall be graded to the lines and grades as shown on the plan and profile drawings.
Ditch slopes shall not exceed 4:1 with a maximum depth of 1.2m below centreline grade unless otherwise approved by the Town. The minimum depth of ditches shall be 500mm below the subgrade of the road. Ditch grades shall be a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 6%, or as designed to accommodate appropriate velocities for sodded channels. Ditches with slopes less than 1% will require sub-drains to be installed under the invert of the ditch.
Ditches are to be topsoiled with clean, weed free topsoil to a minimum depth of 100 mm. The ditch invert is to be sodded to a minimum of 2.0m wide and the balance to be seeded and mulched. When the ditch grade exceeds 6.0%, approved erosion protection shall be used.
Minimum culvert size for road crossings shall be 450mm (2.0mm thick minimum) with minimum 0.6m cover. Culverts shall be installed and bedded in accordance with OPS Specifications. All culverts require some form of end protection, being rip-rap, concrete, manufactured end sections, etc.
Driveway culverts shall be corrugated steel pipes with a minimum size of 400mm in diameter and shall be of a length to suit the driveway width. The minimum cover over driveway culverts shall be 450mm. Culverts and driveways are to be installed prior to the excavation for houses and shall include an end treatment as per the Town standard.
The proposed location and type of all street name signs, parking restrictions, traffic control signs, signalization and pavement markings shall be shown on the Traffic Control Plan and the ‘Plan and Profile’ drawings. All traffic control devices shall conform to the Ontario Traffic Manual.
B9.01 Street Name Signs
Street name signs shall be placed at each intersection and shall identify each street at the intersection. The location of the street name signs are shown on BWG Standard Drawing B113.
All street name signs shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the BWG Standard Drawings B114, B115 or B116. All street name signs shall be mounted on 50mm round galvanized finished steel posts 3.6m in length, and imbedded 1.20m into the ground.
B9.02 Traffic Control and Advisory Signage
Traffic control and advisory signs shall be located in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) as published by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.
All roads under the jurisdiction of the Town shall be posted with a maximum speed limit as directed by the Town.
All “No Parking” and “No Stopping” zones should be clearly identified with signs in accordance with the OTM. The Town will allow the placement of No Parking and No Stopping signs on streetlight poles to reduce clutter. The placement of signs on streetlight poles is only permitted when the appropriate spacing is achieved.
For local roads parking is generally only permitted on one side of the street. No parking zones are typically established on the side of road opposite where the sidewalk is located.
In school zones, no parking is permitted on the side of the road where the school is located and no stopping is permitted on the opposite side of the street.
A sign shall be erected at each entrance to the development stating that the roads are not assumed and shall be according to BWG Standard Drawing A101.
Traffic control and advisory signs shall conform to the standards of the OTM as current at the time of installation. All signs are to be manufactured with materials as outlined in the OTM.
All regulatory/warning signs shall be mounted on galvanized steel U-flange posts (2.5kg/m) and imbedded 1.20m into the ground.
Signs must be erected at the completion of the base course asphalt and maintained by the Developer until “Final Assumption” by the Town. Temporary signs may be installed initially, however permanent signs are to be installed upon completion of all boulevard grading and sodding.
B9.03 Pavement Markings
Pavement Markings for traffic control shall be provided and conform to the current standards of the OTM. All markings are to be completed with approved materials in accordance with OPSS 710.
Pavement markings shall be indicated on the plans for all stop bars, pedestrian crossings, center and lane lines, etc. as may be required for the subdivision streets. Such markings are to be shown on a Traffic Control plan.
Temporary pavement markings are to be laid immediately following the paving of base asphalt and shall be maintained as required, until top course asphalt.
Durable pavement markings shall be laid immediately following the paving of top asphalt and shall be maintained until final assumption as per OPSS 710.
Prior to the placement of asphalt after October 15th of any calendar year, the developer shall obtain specific approval from the Town on a day to day basis.
B10.01 Road Occupancy Permit
A Road Occupancy Permit is required from the Town, whenever it is necessary to perform excavations or any construction works on an existing Town right–of-way, external to the development. All work will be done in accordance with ordinances and By-laws of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. The placement and compaction of the backfill material and the restoration of the right-of-way shall be done in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Town. All road crossings shall be completed by tunneling unless explicitly approved otherwise. Any open road cut shall be backfilled with non-shrink concrete material up to the road base.
Before making detours, a traffic control plan is to be provided and permission is required from the Town. Where the road is not part of the Town road system, approval from the appropriate road authority will also be necessary. In all cases, the Fire, Police Departments, School Bus Companies and Ambulance Service must be notified by the Developer or his Contractor.
The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has prepared a detailed set of design criteria and applicable parameters for the design of minor and major storm drainage facilities. These policies are to be adhered to in the production of all storm water control facilities.
C1.01 Planning, Policies and Design Criteria
The most current version of the following Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) and Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) guidelines, policies and standards, apply to the design of storm drainage facilities in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
- Ministry of the Environment (i.e. Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, March 2003)
- Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Watershed Development Policies
- NVCA Stormwater Technical Guide (December 2013)
- Technical Design Guidelines, Standards and Policies for Siltation and Erosion Control, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
- or the most up-to-date version of the above, or any new documents issued by these agencies.
Development proponents are also required to confirm design criteria and obtain approvals from any other relevant ministries or agencies (i.e. Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, etc.). The most current version of Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD) shall also apply to design and construction of storm drainage facilities as determined by the Town.
The planning and design of stormwater management (SWM) facilities shall be discussed with the Town and the appropriate Conservation Authority early in the planning process and shall focus on minimizing the number of pond facilities. Master servicing plans for the various Community Planning Areas layout the general location of all planned stormwater facilities. Water quality and quantity control in new development areas are to be provided in Town-owned municipal blocks. Proponents in these areas may consider providing on-site control (meeting Building Code requirements) however, credit for these facilities toward reducing municipal downstream municipal SWM facilities may be considered on a case by case basis.
Individual on-site SWM facilities are discouraged. In the case of infilling proposals, on-site SWM concepts may be considered by the Town in conjunction with any potential off-site storm drainage improvements.
The planning and design of each pond shall also focus on opportunities to integrate the pond with the surrounding topography and land uses. Ponds are to be created as public amenity features and are to be safe, significantly visible and accessible to the general public. Opportunities for linkages through the use of trails to larger open space, floodplain areas or other SWM facilities are to be maximized.
The planning and design of SWM works is to have full regard for riparian rights of both upstream and downstream landowners. Any change in flow rates, or water levels that would occur as a result of the development, SWM drainage areas and/or in-stream works to neighboring private properties must be adequately addressed. Written permission from affected landowners must be sought in cases where acknowledged impacts are proposed and any governing legislation, in this regard, must be adhered to.
C1.02 Levels of Service
The level of service to be provided by the storm drainage infrastructure is listed in the following table, unless stipulated otherwise. The planning of access routes for emergency services (i.e. police, fire, and ambulance) may result in higher levels of service as determined by the Town.
Table 6: Levels of Service for Major and Minor Systems
Level of Service
Storm Sewers
1:10 year storm
- use catchbasin inlet controls (as required),
sized and located such that storm sewers do not surcharge
Hydraulic Grade Line
1:100 year storm
- no closer than 0.5m between 1:100 year storm
hydraulic grade line and finished basement floor elevations
Major System
1:100 year storm
- large drainage areas may require classification
as a floodplain using Regulatory storm criteria (LSRCA and NVCA)
- overland flow cannot exceed width or flow capacity
of right-of-way
per MTO Directive
1:100 year storm
Table 7: Level of Service for Bridges and Culverts (per MTO Directive B-100)
Road Classification
Up to 6m Span
Over 6m Span
Urban Arterial Road
1:50 year
1:100 year
Urban Arterial Road
Urban Collector Road
1:25 year
1:100 year
Local Road
1:10 year
1:5 year
1:10 year
Stormwater ponds are required to meet provincial Stormwater Management (SWM) prerequisites as set out by MNR, MOE, the LSRCA and the NVCA. SWM pond locations, functions and design criteria shall be confirmed through consultation with the relevant Conservation Authority and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. Where Stormwater Master Plans have been completed, the design criteria shall follow the approved Master Plan. End-of-pipe facilities are acceptable to the Town when the designs are safe, maintainable, integrated with the surrounding landscape, and aesthetically pleasing.
The Town concedes the overall design requirements to the most recent provincial direction, as is acceptable to the LSRCA and the NVCA. Exceptions to this are in circumstances that involve:
- matters of public safety and aesthetics
- maintenance requirements
- protecting the riparian rights of private landowners
- protection of municipal infrastructure and maintaining an acceptable level of protection to residents whose homes drain into a municipal drainage system
- conflicts with land use.
In these cases, the Town may invoke additional release rate stipulations and design requirements over and above those required by other agencies.
The Town requires integration of stormwater pond grading design with the surrounding landscape. The design is to consist of varied contour grading to ensure public safety, provide improved aesthetics, support of a variety of plantings and vegetation and provide passive recreational activities (i.e. walking trails, bike paths, vistas, etc.). Safety aspects must be given special consideration. This includes identifying the use of gentle slopes in areas where passive recreation takes place, an increasing density of appropriate plantings and vegetation on steeper slopes, handrails/guardrails at headwalls and placing signs which inform of the function and potential hazards of SWM ponds.
C2.01 Hydrology and Hydrologic Modeling
The most current rainfall data from the Toronto-Pearson meteorological station is to be used for design of storm drainage and SWM facilities. The Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves are provided in Appendix J – Design Storms, and the equations to calculate rainfall intensity are provided in Section 3.02.
The estimation of peak design flow rates can be done using the Modified Rational Method or computer model simulation. The Modified Rational Method is typically used to design storm sewers and estimate peak flow rates from small urban areas. Its application should be limited where the time of concentration (TC) is less than approximately 30 minutes. Designers should consult the Conservation Authority requirements, where applicable, to assist in determining the most appropriate method to calculate TC.
In cases where undeveloped lands dictate the time of concentration used in Modified Rational Method design, the urban time of concentration (usually smaller) shall be used and the contributing rural area reduced to a factor of:
(TC urban / TC rural)0.5
Computer analyses are best suited to large urban areas, rural areas and designing municipal SWM facilities.
The minimum and maximum duration of design storms are 4 hours and 24 hours respectively. Hyetographs of the following design storms selected by the Town (distribution based on the Toronto-Pearson data and a 10 minute discretization) are provided in Appendix J – Design Storms:
- 24 hour SCS
- 4 hour Chicago distribution
- 24 hour Chicago distribution (where requested).
The Town, LSRCA or NVCA may request other design storm lengths and distributions for evaluation during the pre-consultation process.
The following are the A, B, C values for the Chicago Design Storms to be used in the equation:
Intensity = A / (t+B) ^C, as indicated in the following
Return Period
2 Year
5 Year
10 Year
25 Year
50 Year
100 Year
C2.02 Safety Features
The Town prefers not to unnecessarily require fencing around pond blocks, but instead to allow for casual public access. Accordingly, public safety must be kept paramount in the design of SWM facilities. Table 8 (following page) summarizes pond design criteria.
The Town may elect to require fencing along any residential lot that abuts stormwater facilities. However, fencing around the perimeter of pond blocks will only be considered by the Town when reviewing submissions where there are extenuating circumstances which prevent the above requirements from being met. Specific approval will be required from the Town for consideration of fenced facilities.
Where approval for fencing stormwater ponds is given by the Town, 1.5m high black vinyl-coated fencing, posts and hardware shall be used.
Should gates in fences be requested by private homeowners, the Town requires that a clause, prepared by the Town, be registered on title of the private property absolving the Town of all liability associated with having a gate installed in a fence bordering a Town-owned SWM facility. The Town will not be responsible for legal costs incurred for registering the clause on title of the property or for the cost of the gate installation. The Town may also require construction of the fence on the private property side of the property line.
Table 8: Pond Design Criteria
Permanent Pool
Maximum Slopes
6:1 for 0.5m drop in elevation below normal water level (NWL)
Maximum Slopes
3:1 from 0.5m below NWL to bottom of pond
Average Depth
1.0 to 2.0m
Maximum Depth
Extended Detention
Maximum Slopes
6:1 for 0.5m rise in elevation above NWL
Maximum Slopes
5:1 to top of extended detention
Maximum Depth
Flood Storage
Maximum Slopes
4:1 above the maximum extended detention level up to 2m beyond the high water level (HWL)
Maximum Depth
2.0m for combined Extended Detention and Flood Storage
Maximum Slopes
3:1 from 2.0m beyond HWL as required
Design of sediment forebays at each inlet to the pond, meeting MOE design guidelines in order to maximize sedimentation in the forebays.
A minimum 3.0m wide platform at a maximum cross-slope of 4% provided around the property boundary of the SWM block for the purposes of grass cutting.
A horizontal terrace of 3.0m required for continuous slope changes in elevation greater than 3.0m.
Freeboard to top of pond of 0.3m above the HWL (based on routing of Regional Storm flow).
(HWL = maximum water level to convey the Regulatory event through pond)
Emergency overflow weir (to pass the Regulatory event) with capacity of no less than 0.1m3/s/ha.
Clay core berms with slope toe drains required if NWL is higher than surrounding grade.
Signage (as per BWG Standard Drawing C104) with one sign located on each side of the pond) shall be placed to educate and advise the public of the purpose, characteristics and dangers associated with the facility.
Bollards or gates to discourage vehicular access to the maintenance road.
Pond inlet and outlet pipes are to be equipped with grates per the OPSDs.
Maintenance vehicle access roads suitable to support municipal equipment but also designed to support vegetation growth on the surface of the roadway.
Berms constructed of suitable material, inspected by a geotechnical engineer and compacted to a minimum 95% Standard Proctor density.
C2.03 Submission Requirements for SWM Design Reports
The following is a list of documentation which should be included within SWM design reports submitted to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury for review. These reports are submitted to support the final design of quality and/or quantity control facilities. These reports shall clearly identify how applicable recommendations from Master Servicing, Functional Servicing, Geotechnical, Environmental or Hydrogeological Reports have been incorporated into the final design of the facility.
a) Site Location Plan.
b) Existing and proposed catchment area plan which delineates internal/external drainage areas and label areas and catchment reference numbers.
c) Engineering plans for stormwater facility which should identify the following:
- permanent, extended detention, highest water levels on plan view and include all ponding levels for various return periods in tabular form,
- section/details of major overland flow routes,
- section/details of maintenance access roads,
- section/details of erosion protection at inlet/outlet structure and on spillways,
- location of facility signage,
- borehole location and existing groundwater elevation,
- existing and proposed grading elevations and transition slopes,
- sediment forebay details including lining and separation berm,
- details of sediment drying area and/or by-pass pipe for cleaning purposes,
- section/details of inlet/outlet structures,
- fencing limits.
d) Landscaping/restoration plans and details.
e) Erosion and sediment control plans and details.
f) Excerpts from Master and Functional Studies which outline requirements for quantity/quality control and any facility design requirements.
g) Identify any deviations from the BWG Standard Drawings including an explanation based on site specific conditions.
h) Pre and post development hydrologic modeling schematic to illustrate all components of each model.
i) Table summarizing pre and post development catchment parameters (i.e. catchment number, area, percent impervious, CN value, etc.).
j) Table summarizing stage, storage and discharge characteristics of the facility.
k) Table summarizing pre and post development peak flows and storage volumes based on output from hydrologic modeling or comparison to volumes and target peak flows identified in Master and Functional Servicing Studies.
l) Table to summarize and compare required permanent pool and extended detention storage requirements to volumes provided in the facility.
m) Table to compare calculated 100-year hydraulic grade line elevations within storm sewer system to estimated underside of basement floor slab elevations.
n) Sample or supporting calculations for the following:
- extended detention drain-down time (hours),
- major system overland flow and velocity to confirm conveyance within R.O.W. and/or defined flow routes,
- 100-year hydraulic grade line to confirm basements will be protected,
- erosion control sizing and flow velocity at inlet/outlet structures and spillways,
- sediment forebay length and width in conformance with MOE manual, and estimate of required cleanout frequency,
- major system inlet grating sizing (assuming 50% blockage).
o) Hard and digital copies of input/output files from hydrologic modeling (digital files may be provided on diskette or via e-mail).
p) Identify erosion and sediment control methods to be implemented before, during, and after municipal servicing construction up to the end of servicing maintenance period, including schedule for implementation/decommissioning and maintenance requirements.
C2.04 Operations and Maintenance Manual
A SWM Facility Operations and Maintenance Manual is to be prepared for the Town by proponents of new SWM facilities. The manual is to describe how each facility operates and the short term and long term inspection and maintenance requirements of the facilities. Any collection system SWM components, such as oil and grit separators, infiltration galleries or infiltration trenches, etc. are to be included in the manual. The manual is to focus on the expected frequency and method of maintenance that will be required in the following specific areas:
- Facility inspection/monitoring program (outline seasonal and annual tasks based on Master/Functional Studies or Draft Plan Approval Conditions)
- grass cutting
- weed control
- plantings
- trash removal
- sediment testing, removal and disposal.
The SWM facility Operations and Maintenance Manual is also to include cost estimates (including labour, equipment and materials) for the operations and activities described above.
Report Format
The SWM Design Report and the Operations and Maintenance Manual shall be separate documents, bound with front/back covers, the planning file number shall be included on the front covers. ARCH D size plans included within the reports shall be folded and included in the back of the report in appropriate sleeves. Once the reports have been reviewed and accepted by the Town, separate digital copies of the report shall be provided.
Operational & Maintenance Features
The SWM pond designs are to incorporate features that allow the Town to operate and maintain the facility. It is strongly recommended that the Design Engineer arrange a pre-consultation meeting with the Town once a preliminary pond design has been prepared in order to discuss maintenance operations and features, specifically clean-out procedures and sediment management and removal. These features include:
- Provide a primary maintenance access to the facility (minimum 8m in width between adjacent properties) suitable for municipal equipment but supports vegetation growth on the surface of the roadway.
- Maintenance vehicle access roads and turn-around areas at sediment forebays, outlet pools and control structures having a maximum gradient of 10%, minimum width of 4m, a minimum inside turning radius of 10m and including a 10m long loading platform at the forebay and outlet pool locations. Maintenance roads may be required to other locations with the pond block as determined by the Town. Maintenance roads should have maximum crossfall of 2%.
- All maintenance vehicle access roads construction shall be structurally designed to support municipal equipment and allow for vegetation growth on the surface of the roadway.
- Provision of a drain-down pipe leading from the permanent pool to a manhole with de-watering sump, if a gravity outlet is not available.
- In order to facilitate sediment removal operations, either of the following may be proposed and are subject to review and approval of the overall approach to sediment management and removal:
- provision of a sediment drying space for each forebay, suitable to contain the volume of sediment and water remaining in the forebay (after completing pond drain-down procedures) located adjacent to each sediment forebay and higher than the maximum extended detention water level, OR - provision of a pond by-pass sewer (sized based on the minor system design criteria) between the inlet and the outlet in order to divert incoming flows around the pond for the duration of clean out operations (allows for sediment drying in-situ).
- The sediment drying space noted above is to be designed based on approximately 2.5m2 per cubic metre of accumulated sediment and a maximum depth of 0.4m. A limited tile or under-drain system in the sediment drying area is required to promote de-watering.
- A minimum 3m wide platform at a maximum cross slope of 4% is to be provided around the property boundary of the stormwater block for the purposes of grass cutting.
- Use of a reverse-sloped control pipe, which reduces thermal impacts (wet pond application).
- Provision of flow control devices in manhole structures located in a berm for easy access, maintenance and cleaning as opposed to a vertical pipe structure located in the pond.
- Minimum orifice size of 75mm diameter. Use of a screened orifice plate or weir plate fixed to a permanent structure to achieve extended detention.
- A gate valve to enable the normal pond outlet to be closed in case of chemical spills.
C2.05 Retaining Walls and Structures
Any retaining wall or structure for stormwater ponds, headwalls, culverts, roadways or grade separations are to consist of pre-engineered, precast large stone or patterned concrete systems, as opposed to rip-rap or gabion baskets, and are to include an engineering drawing or shop drawing stamped by a registered professional engineer for any structure not covered under Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings. Building permits for the construction of retaining walls that fall into the category of designated structures within the scope of the Ontario Building Code are required.
The use of gabion baskets or rip-rap as a means for erosion control is subject to specific review and approval by the Town. All rip-rap, gabion structures or retaining wall systems are to include appropriate filter fabric, sub-drainage or weeping tile systems as recommended by manufacturers or design engineers.
C2.06 Landscaping
Landscaping shall be used to enhance the safety, aesthetics and functional aspects of stormwater ponds. Native, non-invasive trees, shrubs, and ground cover are required in a low maintenance landscape design. LSRCA or NVCA policies are to be consulted for a listing of acceptable planting species.
A detailed outline of landscaping requirements is provided in Section H-Landscaping.
A planting and landscaping plan prepared by a registered landscape architect is to be submitted to the Town and the applicable Conservation Authority for review and approval. The design is to ensure a minimum 3m separation from the edge of trails or walkways to trees or shrubs. The plan is to address the following objectives:
- provide shade to areas of the permanent pool (minimize thermal impacts)
- propose vegetation which has high nutrient up-take capability and is planted in shallow ponding areas in the extended detention zones
- provide outlooks or viewing features with space suitable for installation of benches and use of gravel paths to link viewing areas with local walkway or trail systems
- provide a low maintenance ground cover that minimizes the area to be mowed on a regular basis.
The Town requires the following minimum standards for trees and shrubs:
- deciduous trees – minimum 60mm diameter caliper
- coniferous trees – minimum 1.8m in height
- deciduous or coniferous shrubs – minimum 0.9m in height.
Where tree planting is required, the density of planting is to be such that there is a minimum of one tree per 50m2. The selection of shrub species and the proposed density of plantings shall be used to discourage public access where appropriate. These locations include areas of steeper slopes around the edge of the permanent pool and around retaining walls or headwalls.
The basis of Figure 1 is that 100% shrub density equals one shrub per m2 and 25% density equals one shrub per 4m2. The purpose of the chart is not to encourage repetitive landscaping design, but to provide a guide for the relationship between planning densities and the relative pond side slope.
C3.01 General
Urban stormwater conveyance systems may include open channels and swales, storm sewers, manholes and catchbasins, roadways and road allowances. Downspouts and floor drains are not to be connected to storm sewers. The design of stormwater conveyance systems shall follow “dual drainage” principles, which consist of:
- the minor drainage system which conveys runoff from the 10-year return period storm
- the major drainage system which conveys runoff from storms greater than the 10-year return period up to the 1:100 year storm.
The design of the minor drainage system shall provide unsurcharged conditions up to the 1:10 year storm. The minor system design shall include capacity for connection of foundation drains or weeping tiles and the storm sewers shall be at an appropriate depth to provide connection to foundation drains. A hydraulic gradeline analysis shall be completed and submitted to the Town for review. Sufficient inlet control devices at appropriate locations shall be determined by the design engineer to ensure a sufficient level of protection is provided against potential basement flooding due to surcharge of the minor system during the 100-year storm event. The degree of protection is to be approved by the Town through a pre-design consultation. As an alternative to connecting foundation drains or weeping tiles to the storm sewer, a Foundation Drain Collector (FDC) sewer system may be considered by the Town. The use of sump pumps is not permitted, however, will be considered by the Town if they are deemed to be the only viable option available.
The design of the major system shall be such that runoff is conveyed within the boundaries of municipal road allowances, blocks or easements. A continuous overland flow route is to be identified on the engineering drainage plans.
C3.02 Minor Drainage System Design
The design of the storm sewers shall be computed on the Town's standard Storm Sewer Design Sheet, Appendix I and shall be included in the drawing set on ISO A1 (594mm x 841mm) sheets. All storm sewer minor system designs shall be based on a 10-year frequency unless otherwise directed by the Town.
a) All storm sewers shall be designed according to the rational formula where:
Q = 2.778 (ACi)
Where, Q = Run-off quantity in m3/sec.
A = Area in hectares (ha) C = Runoff coefficient i = Average rainfall intensity in mm/hr.
b) The value for rainfall intensity shall be calculated in accordance with the values as provided in Section C2.01. The equation for the 10-Year Storm is indicated as:
i = 1118.790/ (T+6.018)0.800
c) Values for the run-off coefficient "C" are as follows:
Urban Roadways
Commercial Areas
Industrial Areas
Schools, churches, institutions
Apartments, townhouses, med. density
Single family residential
Estate residential
Parks, cemeteries, recreation
Where required, appropriate run-off coefficients may also be determined based on detailed calculations using the following values:
Sodded Area, under 7% slope
Sodded Area, over 7% slope
Impervious areas
Gravel areas
Roof areas
Bricked areas
d) The design for minor water courses, associated culverts and structures will be designed to a twenty five (25) year storm frequency unless otherwise directed by the Town or Conservation Authority.
Manning’s Formula
Designers shall reference Section C2.01 of the BWG Standard Drawings to establish an appropriate inlet time (typically minimum of 10 minutes in small urban areas).
Table 9 provides the relevant design parameters for the minor storm sewer drainage system. This table shall be used to determine the maximum and minimum designs or storm sewers. Although the Manning’s formula is to be used as a basis for sewer design, the values listed in Table 9 will supersede the results of Manning’s calculations where applicable.
Pipe Capacity
The sewers will be designed according to the Manning equation:
Q = I.00 x R2/3 x S1/2 x A n
V = I.00 x R2/3 x S1/2 n
Where: Q = flow (m3/sec) A = nominal cross-sectional area of the sewer (m2) R = hydraulic radius (m) S = slope of pipe (m/m) n = roughness coefficient as noted below
Roughness Coefficients
The roughness coefficients to be used for storm sewer pipes will be:
a) concrete pipe: n=0.013 for all sizes of pipes b) PVC pipe: n=0.013 for all sizes of pipes c) corrugated metal (culverts only): n=0.024 for all sizes of pipes.
Minimum = 0.9m/s Maximum = 4.0m/s
Minimum = 0.5%
C3.03 Major Drainage System Design
A continuous overland flow drainage route is to be identified on the engineering drawings and grading plans. The extent of any overland ponding at low points is also to be shown on the grading plans. The maximum allowable depth of flow where vehicle or pedestrian traffic takes place or may be expected is 0.30m. Any inlet grating associated with the major drainage system is to include a 50% blockage factor in its design.
Overland flow from public property onto swales on private property must be limited to no more than 0.1m3/s, or a drainage area of 1ha, whichever is smaller. Otherwise, overland flow must be limited to road rights-of-way, walkways and easements, free of fences and other impediments to flow.
Figure 2 provides the maximum road allowance carrying capacity for overland flow for various pavement and road allowance widths. This table shall be used to confirm the capacity of the overland conveyance system relative to the expected design flows.

All storm drainage infrastructure, including sewers, manholes, catchbasins, etc., are to conform to the design standards outlined herein. Should any provincial standards (i.e. MOE) exceed the BWG Standard Drawings, those provincial standards shall dictate.
Ditch inlet grate capacities are to be checked against design flows.
Storm laterals are to be provided for foundation drain connections. The use of sump pumps is not permitted, but will be considered by the Town if they are deemed to be the only viable option available. The storm sewer system shall be designed such that a sufficient level of protection is provided against surcharging of weeper tiles resulting in potential basement flooding. The level of protection through the appropriate design and placement of catchbasin inlet control devices shall be approved by the Town. The Town may consider a Foundation Drain Collector (FDC) sewer in place of storm lateral connections to the storm sewer system. The FDC sewer system shall have a free outlet above the 100-year storm level.
Culvert capacity shall be checked against inlet and outlet control hydraulics and the potential effects of backwater to upstream properties.
Connection of residential roof leaders to the storm sewer system is not permitted and shall be directed overland.
Maximum capacity of any pipe shall not exceed 90%.
C4.01 Minimum Pipe Sizes
The minimum size for a storm sewer main shall be 300mm in diameter. The minimum size for rear lot catchbasin leads is 250mm.
The minimum size for entrance culverts shall be 400mm and the minimum size for road crossing culverts shall be 450mm.
C4.02 Location
The storm sewers shall be located as shown on the standard Town road cross section drawings. This standard location shall be generally 1.75m south or west of the centreline of the road allowance. Any sewers which are situated in off-road locations, shall be contained within easements. Such easements shall comply with the requirements noted under Appendix B.
C4.03 Sewer Alignment
All storm sewers shall be laid in a straight line between manholes unless radial pipe is required. All pipe grades are to comply with the values provided in Table 9. The minimum pipe depth shall be 2.7m except where servicing details permit the minimum frost depth (1.2m) to be used. The minimum diameter for radial pipes, where approved, shall be 900mm.
C4.04 Pipe Crossings
All sewers and connections shall have a minimum horizontal separation of 2.5m, where running parallel, and a vertical clearance at crossings of 0.5m from all watermains and appurtenances. A minimum clearance of 0.25m shall be provided between the outside of pipes barrels at all points of sewer crossings. In any event, the minimum separation distance requirements shall comply with the current MOE policy.
In cases where the storm sewer crosses a recent utility trench at an elevation higher than the elevation of the utility, a support system shall be designed to prevent settlements of the storm sewer, or alternatively the utility trench is to be excavated and backfilled with compacted crushed stone or concrete to adequately support the storm sewer. When the storm sewer passes under an existing utility, adequate support shall be constructed to prevent damage to that utility.
C4.06 Pipe Bedding and Backfill
The class of pipe and the type of bedding shall be selected to suit loading and proposed construction conditions. Details and types of bedding and backfill are illustrated in OPSD 802.01 and 802.03.
Fill beneath sewers is to be approved native fill compacted to 95% Standard Proctor as directed by a geotechnical engineer.
C5.01 Location
Manholes shall be located at each change in alignment, grade or pipe material, at all pipe junctions and at intervals along the pipe to permit entry for maintenance of the sewer.
C5.02 Maximum Spacing of Manholes
Spacing of manholes shall be in accordance with the following table:
Table 9: Manhole Spacing
Pipe Diameter
Desirable Spacing
Maximum Allowable Spacing
300mm to 750mm inclusive
825mm to 1200mm inclusive
1350mm to 1800mm inclusive
Over 1800mm
C5.03 Manhole Types
All manholes are to be supplied as precast concrete structures. The type, size and depth of all maintenance holes shall be indicated on the Plan & Profile engineering drawings. The minimum sized maintenance hole is to be 1200mm in diameter. The standard manhole details as shown on OPSS 407 and OPSD 701.010 shall be used for manholes.
In cases where the standard drawings are not applicable, the manholes shall be individually designed and detailed.
Precast manholes shall conform to CSA A257.4 specifications.
C5.04 Manhole Design
a) Safety gratings shall be provided in all manholes in accordance with OPSS 407 and OPSD 400.010 and 400.230 when the depth of the manhole exceeds 5.0m.
b) When the difference in elevation between the invert of the inlet and outlet pipes exceeds 0.9m, an internal drop structure shall be placed on the inlet pipe, as per OPSD 1003.030 or 1003.031.
c) All storm sewer manholes shall be benched in accordance with OPSS 407 and OPSD 701.021.
C5.05 Grades for Manhole Frames and Covers
All manholes located within the travelled portion of a roadway shall have the rim elevation set flush to the base course of asphalt. A maximum of 3 concrete modular rings to a maximum total thickness of 300mm shall be permitted on manholes in new subdivisions. The concreting and setting of the frame and cover shall be in accordance with the details on the OPSD. Prior to the placement of the surface course asphalt the manhole frame shall be adjusted to the finished grade of asphalt using concrete modular rings. Steel and/or plastic adjusting rings will not be permitted.
C5.06 Head Losses Through Manholes
Suitable drops shall be provided across all manholes to compensate for the loss of energy due to the change in flow velocity and for the difference in the depth of flow in the sewers.
The minimum drops across manholes shall be as follows:
Change of Direction
Minimum Drop
Straight Run
1 to 45 degrees
46 to 90 degrees
C6.01 Location and Spacing
Catchbasins shall be generally located upstream of sidewalk crossings at intersections and at a spacing in accordance with the Table 11 (below). Double catchbasins shall normally be required when the catchbasin intercepts flow from more than one direction.
The maximum allowable drainage path to a catchbasin is as follows:
Table 10: Maximum Catchbasin Spacing
Pavement Width
Maximum Spacing
9.0m to 12.0m
Where the road grade exceeds 5%, the maximum spacing is to be reduced to 75% of the above distances.
Rear lot catchbasins and connections shall be located as outlined in the lot grading criteria.
C6.02 Catchbasin Types
Catchbasins must be of the precast type as shown on OPSD 705.010 or 705.020.
Catchbasin inlet control devices are to be PVC with diamond-shaped orifices and bolted to the inside wall of catchbasins. Special catchbasins and inlet structures shall be fully designed and detailed by the Consulting Engineer.
C6.03 Catchbasin Connections
All catchbasin connections are to have a minimum of 1.2m cover over the pipe barrel.
Type of Connection
Minimum Size of Connection
Minimum Grade
Single Catchbasin
Double Catchbasin
Rear Lot Catchbasin
C6.04 Catchbasin Frame and Grate
The frame and grate for catchbasins shall conform to OPSD 400.100. In general, “bike-proof” catchbasin grates shall be used in the roadway or walkway areas. Frames shall be set to finished grade and ramped with asphalt until the top course of asphalt is placed.
In cases where catchbasin inlet capacity is a special consideration, grates may be proposed which provide increased capture of stormwater and are suitable for traffic loading, subject to the Town’s review and approval.
C6.05 Rear Lot Catchbasins
Rear lot catchbasins shall be located entirely within one lot and shall have a pyramidal type style frame and grate as per OPSD 400.120.
Sewer pipe in the easement is to be concrete encased from the street line to the catchbasin, with the pipe located on the common lot line between dwellings. House footings are to be extended to below the level of the sewer adjacent to the dwelling. All in accordance with Appendix B.
Inlet and outfall structures, including headwalls shall be in accordance with the OPS Drawings and Specifications. Said structures are to be designed and detailed by a Structural Engineer whenever required.
Grates will be provided on all inlet and outlet structures and shall be designed and detailed when standard drawings are not appropriate. In general, inlet grates will consist of inclined parallel bars or rods set in a plane slope approximately 450mm away from and in the direction of the flow. Outlet grates will consist of horizontal bars or rods. Spacing of bars or rods shall not exceed 150mm clear. All metal parts will be adequately protected against rusting.
All drainage works will require sediment control during construction periods, and permanent installations may be required. Facilities shall be located for easy access by maintenance vehicles, and sediment shall be removed whenever the storage volume is reduced to 40% of required volume.
All drainage works shall be designed to control erosion and the impairment of water quality on receiving streams as a result of urban storm water run-off.
C7.01 Inlets
Inlet structures must be fully designed and detailed on the Engineering Drawings. Inlet grates shall generally consist of inclined parallel bars or rods set in a plane at approximately 18 degrees with the top away from the flow.
Gabions, rip-rap or concrete shall be provided at all inlets to protect against erosion and to channel flow to the inlet structure.
Precaution must be taken in the design of grating for structures to minimize the risk of entanglement or entrapment of a person.
C7.02 Outlets
The OPSD 804.030 standard headwall shall be used for all storm sewers up to 1200mm in diameter. For sewers over 1200mm in diameter, the headwall shall be individually designed. All headwalls shall be equipped with a grating over the outlet as per OPSD 804.050.
Gabions, rip-rap, concrete or other erosion protection shall be provided at all outlets to prevent erosion of the watercourse and the area adjacent to the headwall.
C7.03 Safety Railings
Safety railings, in the form of a 1.2m high continuous galvanized tubular railing shall be provided along the top of all headwalls 0.9m in height or greater. Railings may also be required along shorter headwalls where a risk to pedestrian safety has been identified. The site specific conditions must be reviewed in determining the requirement for safety railings and must have due regard to public health and safety.
C8.01 Residential
Pipe material shall be P.V.C. SDR28, and be white in color and placed in accordance with BWG Standard Drawings C101 and C102. All storm services shall be double services where possible with a 150x100x100 wye connection at the property line.
Typically, a minimum cover of 2.7m (from future road grade) is required to the top outside edge of the pipe barrel for the storm and sanitary sewers, respectively. However, where specifically approved by the Town, minimum frost cover may be provided on storm sewers where servicing limitations exist.
Risers are to be used when sewers exceed a depth of 4.5m (to invert). Risers are to be brought to within 2.7m of center line grade.
C8.02 Industrial / Commercial / Institutional
Storm service connections for industrial, commercial or institutional will be considered on an individual basis. Non-standard locations are subject to the Town’s approval and must be detailed on the plan and profile and utility coordination plans.
The service connections for industrial, commercial or institutional areas shall be sized individually according to the intended use. The minimum size of service pipe shall be 200mm in diameter. The minimum grade is to be 2%. The minimum cover at the street line shall be of sufficient depth to permit servicing of buildings by gravity, wherever possible.
Storm service connections to industrial, commercial or institutional blocks shall require the installation of an inspection maintenance hole located on private property immediately adjacent to the property line.
C9.01 Deflection Test
A deflection test shall be performed on all sewers constructed using flexible (i.e. PVC, etc) material. Said testing shall be generally in conformance with OPSS 410, except that the average inside diameter of the pipe shall used for the required calculation of the mandrel sizing (where the average inside diameter is as specified by the pipe manufacturer).
A suitably designed device shall be pulled manually through the pipe not sooner than 30 days after completion of the installation and backfilling operations. The device shall be provided as described by OPSS 410. The allowable pipe deflection shall be as follows:
Pipes 100mm to 750mm 7.5% of the average inside dia. Pipes greater than 750mm 5.0% of the average inside dia.
The device to be used shall have a minimum length in accordance with the following:
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Length (mm)
C9.02 Video Record
All newly constructed storm sewers shall be T.V inspected upon satisfactory completion of all other testing, prior to the municipality’s issuance of Preliminary Acceptance of the works. All sewer lines being inspected must be flushed immediately prior to the commencement of the inspection.
A permanent record in colour DVD video form shall be supplied, illustrating a continuous record of the sewer installations, service connection, manholes, etc. A report identifying any unusual or substandard conditions shall also be submitted. All CCTV work shall be performed with a camera equipped with a full-swivel head capable of examining lateral connections, manhole interiors and other key features of the sewer installation.
The Town will require certification from the Developer’s Consulting Engineer that they have reviewed the videos and have found the sewers to be acceptable and free of all defects. Any deficiencies should be clearly identified in the Engineer’s letter and confirmation that all deficiencies have been rectified must be included with the certification.
The CCTV inspection shall be carried out by an operator certified by NAAPI (or equivalent, to the satisfaction of the Town) and shall be carried out in accordance with OPSS 409.
All video records, reports and data provided from these inspections shall become the property of the Town.
An additional video inspection and record will be required prior to “Final Assumption”.
D1.01 General
All watermain shall be sized to meet the greater of the maximum daily flow plus fire flow or the maximum hour demand. Mains in subdivisions shall have a minimum of two connections to the existing water network. The Town may require a computer analysis for all or any phased portion of the proposed watermain systems.
D1.02 Fire Flow
Fire flows are to be determined based on the most recent publication of the Fire Underwriters Survey of the Insurance Bureau of Canada, or, per AWWA Manual M31 - Distribution System Requirements for Fire Protection. In general, the minimum fire flow requirement for a particular structure or area of the municipality shall be 7000L/min.
D1.03 System Pressures
The maximum sustained operating pressure shall not exceed 550kPa (80psi). If pressure in a localized area is above this level, a pressure reducing valve shall be installed on each service within that area. See BWG Standard Drawings D106 and D107 for installation details.
Under normal conditions of maximum hour demand, the pressure shall not drop below 275kPa (40psi) at any point in the water system.
Under conditions of simultaneous maximum day and fire flow demands, the pressure shall not drop below 140kPa (20psi) at any point in the water system.
D1.04 Flow Design
The Hazen-Williams formula in accordance with the current Ministry of the Environment design criteria shall be used for the design of water distribution systems.
The Hazen- Williams equation is as follows:
Q= 0.84918 (C) (A) (R)0.63(S).054
Where C = Coefficient of Roughness C = 100 for 150mm watermain and smaller C = 110 for 200mm and 250mm watermain C = 120 for 300mm watermain and bigger
A = Cross-Section Flow Area R = Hydraulic Radius (m) S = Slope of Energy Grade Line (mm)
D1.05 Domestic Demand
Domestic water demand shall be calculated on the basis of an average day consumption rate of 300L/cap/day, or as directed by the Town.
Maximum Daily demand factor shall be determined from the current MOE design guidelines; however a minimum of 1.5 is to be used.
A density of 3.36ppu should be used for determining expected populations in residential developments and/or in accordance with the Town’s Official Plan.
Peak flows shall be determined on an individual basis and approved by the Town.
D1.06 Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Water Demands
Water consumption for industrial, commercial and institutional uses shall be calculated as follows;
Water Usage Bradford Urban Area 5m3/gross ha/day Future Highway 400 Employment Area 8m3/gross ha/day
Where actual ICI demands are unknown, the higher of the above values is to be used.
Maximum Day factor shall be 2.0, or as recommended by the Ministry of the Environment.
Peak flows shall be determined on an individual basis and approved by the Town.
D2.01 Locations
Watermains shall be located as shown on the Town’s standard roadway cross-section. This location shall normally be on the south and east side of the street. In any event, the watermain shall not be located on the same side as the sidewalk, except where there are sidewalks on both sides of the street.
D2.02 Depth of Cover
Curb and Gutter Roads 1.80m minimum cover Open Ditch Roads 1.80m minimum cover Unbuilt future Roads 1.80m minimum cover measured from ultimate design grade Road crossings 2.2m minimum cover Watercourse, Creeks 1.8m minimum cover
D2.03 Horizontal Separation between Sewers and Watermains
Watermains shall be designed to have a minimum clear distance of 2.50m from any sewer or manhole.
D2.04 Watermain Crossing Sewers and Other Utilities
Watermains shall normally cross above sewers with sufficient vertical separation to allow for proper bedding of the watermain (minimum 0.3m).
When it is not possible for a watermain to pass over a sewer, the watermain passing under the sewer shall have a vertical separation of 0.50m below the sewer and the top of the watermain. The sewer must be adequately supported to prevent settling and displacement of the joints.
Watermains crossing over or under other utilities must be designed with a vertical separation of 150mm between the outside edges of the watermain and the utility.
D2.05 Dead-Ends
The watermain distribution system shall be designed in grid patterns and looped. Dead-end sections are not acceptable.
Where dead-ends cannot be avoided, a fire hydrant for flushing purposes shall be installed at the end of the watermain.
Temporary dead-ends on watermains that are to be extended in the future shall be equipped with a temporary fire hydrant at the end of the watermain. Automatic flushing devices may be required to be installed at the owner’s expense, at the discretion of the Town.
D2.06 Minimum Sizes
For all watermains designed to carry fire flows, the minimum sizing of watermains shall be as follows:
Residential 150mm diameter, 200mm for single feeds Commercial 250mm diameter Industrial 250mm diameter
D2.07 Location Identification
A tracer wire shall be provided along the top of all watermains to permit field tracing of the watermain. The wire is to be secured to the top of the watermain at every fitting and valve and at intervals not to exceed 300m. All tracing wires shall be 12 gauge, stranded copper wire complete with outer plastic coating.
Tracing wire shall be brought up and looped inside each valve box so that continuity of the wire shall be maintained.
Where directed by the Town, utility location markers shall be placed for specific features. These shall be “Omni Marker” devices installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. A certificate of continuity will be required at time of certification.
D2.08 Joint Restraint
Mechanical joint restraints are to be installed at all tees, horizontal bends, vertical bends, hydrants, end of mains and valves, at road crossings and intersections, and all areas of disturbed backfill material. The minimum length of restrained pipe beyond the fitting is to be in accordance with the following table. Poured concrete thrust blocks are not permitted. All mechanical restraint systems shall be installed with cathodic protection and treated with Denso paste, mastic, and tape, as directed by the Town.
Table 11: Minimum Length for Pipe Restraints
Pipe Diameter
L-Min. Length to be Restrained on Each Side of Fitting Arrangements
Elbow Fittings (Deg.)
Inline Valves, Y’s & Tees
Dead-end Fitting
11 ¼ - 45
* Note the minimum length of pipe allowed on each side of the fitting (before next fitting) to be 1.5m.
D3.01 Type
Unless specified or approved by the Town, all valves shall be resilient wedge gate valves. Valves shall have a non-rising stem and a 50mm square operating nut, opening counter-clockwise.
All valves 300mm in diameter and larger shall be installed inside valve chambers.
D3.02 Size
In all cases, the size of the line valves shall be the same size as the watermain diameter.
D3.03 Number, Location and Spacing
Generally, three valves are required on tee intersection and four valves are required on a cross intersection with the valves being placed at a point where the street line projected, intersects the watermain. Valve boxes and chambers are to be located in the boulevards and out of the pavement areas as much as possible.
Valve spacing along a watermain shall not exceed 250m.
D3.04 Valve Boxes and Chambers
All valves on watermains less than 300mm in diameter shall have three piece, sliding type, Type ‘D’ valve boxes.
All valves 300mm in diameter and larger shall be installed within concrete chambers with covers set flush with the finished grade. All valves are to be restrained as per BWG Standard Drawing D109. All vales are to be fully supported on solid concrete blocks. All concrete blocks used for supports shall comply with CSA Standard A165.1-04 “Concrete Block Masonry Units”.
D4.01 Type
Hydrants shall be compression type complete with 100mm storz nozzle facing the street. The side ports shall be 65mm diameter. All hydrants shall be fitted with anti-tampering devices of a type required by the Town.
Hydrants shall be painted with rust proof paint, factory painted, in as follows:
- All hydrant bodies or “barrels” are to be red
- Side ports to be fluorescent white
- Storz nozzle cap to be black
- Top / Bonnet to be painted Light Blue
D4.02 Spacing
Hydrants shall be installed on all watermains with a maximum allowable spacing of 120m in residential areas and 90m in industrial/commercial and multi-residential areas.
D4.03 Branch Valves and Boxes
All hydrants shall be controlled by a 150mm diameter branch valve directly secured to the supply main with flanged fittings or mechanical restraints as per BWG Standard Drawings.
D4.04 Location of Hydrants
Hydrants shall be located on the projection of a lot line and offset from the street line in accordance with the standard cross-section.
Hydrants shall be 1.5m minimum distance from the edge of any driveway or house service location. Other above ground utilities such as light standards, transformers or street signs shall not be located any closer than 3.0m to a hydrant.
D4.05 Bedding Requirements
All hydrants shall be installed in accordance with BWG Standard Drawing D108, have open drainage holes and be installed with mechanically restrained joints. The hydrant base is to be installed in open-graded granular material enclosed with a geotextile fabric to ensure free draining of the boot. In areas of known high water, the hydrant drain holes shall be internally plugged.
D4.06 Fire Hydrants on Private Property
All hydrants shall be installed in accordance with BWG Standard Drawing D108, have open drainage holes. Hydrants shall be compression type complete with 100mm storz nozzle. The side ports shall be 65mm diameter.
Hydrants shall be painted with rustproof paint, factory painted, in accordance with NFPA 291 as follows:
- All hydrant bodies or “barrels” are to be yellow
- Side ports to be fluorescent white
- Storz nozzle cap to be black
- Top / Bonnet to be painted Light Blue
D5.01 General
A single water line shall be installed to service each residential property. Services for other uses are to be adequately sized and identified on the engineering drawings. Services shall be installed according to BWG Standard Drawing D110. A minimum cover of 1.8m shall be provided unless otherwise approved by the Town.
D5.02 Material
All domestic water service connections from watermain to curb stop shall be constructed of Type ‘K’ copper with a zinc anode, potable poly pipe material with tracer wire, or as otherwise approved by the Town.
D5.03 Minimum Sizing
Single water lines serving only one residence shall be a minimum of 25mm in diameter. When service lines exceed 30m in length, the size of the line shall be increased to an appropriate diameter, to the satisfaction of the Town.
D5.04 Location
Single services for one residence shall be located at a 3.0m offset from the side lot line and should not be in conflict with driveways or front yard tile beds.
D5.05 Connections to Supply Main
New construction water service connections 75mm in diameter and larger shall be made by installing a tee on the supply main.
The maximum size of connection that can be tapped into a watermain is generally one size smaller than the supply main, direction from the Town is to be obtained prior to installation. A stainless steel saddle shall be used in all cases. Wet tapping of new services will only be permitted (no dry tapping of watermain) or as approved by the Town.
D5.06 Location of Curb Stops and Control Valves
The curb stop/control valve on all water service connections shall be located at the property line. Curb stops to be brass ball or plug valves.
The control valve on water services 100mm in diameter or larger shall be located at the supply main with the valve being secured by means of anchor tees, or mechanical restraints.
D5.07 Capped Watermain
All watermain pipe materials to be capped by the supplier at time of delivery and shall remain capped until installation.
D6.01 Sampling Stations
Sample stations are to be provided as directed by the Town. Sample stations are to be installed on a separate 19mm (minimum) water service. The sampling station is to be located at parks or other public frontages, as directed by the Town, and may also incorporate a water service as part of the installation. In those locations not requiring a water service, the sampler is to be connected directly to the water main, using a non-draining curb stop.
The general configuration of the facility is shown on BWG Standard Drawings D103 and D104.
D6.02 Water Meters
Each dwelling serviced by water shall have a water meter installed, as approved by the Town, complete with a remote readout device located adjacent to the outside hydro meter.
The meter is to be located in the house at an accessible location in accordance with BWG Standard Drawings Detail D106.
Larger ICI installations will require a meter sized according to the intended use, but of the same make and type. The actual size of the water meter is to be generally one size smaller that the water service connection. See BWG Standard Drawings Detail D107.
D6.03 Automatic Flushing Device
Where so directed by the Town, an automatic flusher is to be installed in those locations as determined necessary to ensure sufficient flow of water in the distribution system. Said devices are generally required in each phase of a development where there are “dead-ends” or in areas of low flow (i.e. as a result of an insufficient number of dwellings).
The automatic flusher shall be installed where so indicated by the Town. Such devices may be relocated as deemed necessary by the Town, until full development of the subdivision.
A minimum 2m x 3m area of clear stone is to be located at the flushing device, the stone is to be place so that the water is directed to a suitable outlet.
Note: During the winter months it may be necessary for staff to flush these areas. The developers will be charged for this service.
D6.04 Decommission of Services
Where existing services are to be removed, the service is to be removed completely to the watermain, including the main stop valve and is to be plugged with proper (brass, copper) plug.
D6.05 Decommission of Watermain
Where existing watermain is to be abandoned the main is to be capped, complete with mechanical restraints (valve stems, chambers, and hydrants are to be removed and the remaining watermain is to be capped).
All swabbing, pressure testing, disinfection, flushing and declorination is to be completed by an accredited third party company and certified water operator.
D7.01 Temporary Connection
The new watermain shall be isolated from the existing water distribution system using a complete separation until satisfactory bacteriological testing has been completed and accepted by the Town. Water required to charge the new main shall be supplied through a temporary connection between the existing water system and the new main. The temporary connection shall incorporate an appropriate cross-connection control device, consistent with the degree of hazard for backflow protection of the active distribution system (e.g. a double check valve assembly or a reduced pressure zone backflow preventer per CAN/CSA-B64.10). The cross-connection control device is to be certified by a qualified person, 72 hours prior to use on Town watermains. The cross-connection control device shall be disconnected (physically separated) from the new main during hydrostatic testing and reconnected afterwards. Refer to BWG Standard Drawings Detail D101 for items to be included and additional details.
D7.02 Swabbing and Preliminary Flushing
The new watermain shall be cleaned with a minimum of two clean new wet swabs. Additional swabbing is required if the water is not clear after the second swab has passed through the watermain. Swab length shall be 1.5 x swab diameter. Swab diameter shall be 50mm greater than the inside diameter of the watermain. Swab density is to be 1.5 lb/board ft. (high memory foam).
The flow rate for swabbing/flushing should be sufficient to maintain the velocity in the main of 0.76m/s to 0.91m/s in order to keep particles in suspension. Preliminary flushing of the main shall immediately follow the swabbing operation.
D7.03 Hydrostatic Leakage Test
Hydrostatic leakage testing shall be undertaken in accordance with OPSS 701.07.22 under the supervision of the Town. Prior to commencing the hydrostatic test, all primary line valves shall be operated and verified that they are in the open position. The criteria for hydrostatic testing in this section pertain to all pipe materials, except polyethylene. Refer to OPSS 701.07.22.02 for polyethylene pipe testing criteria.
The test pressure shall be 1035kPa (150psi) which shall be maintained continuously for the duration of the two hour test. If necessary, additional water shall be added to the test section during the two-hour test in order to maintain the test pressure (i.e. the pressure should not be allowed to drop significantly throughout the two hour test with all of the make-up water added at the end of the test). The allowable leakage is 0.082 L per mm of pipe diameter per km of watermain for the two-hour test period.
D7.04 Disinfection
Watermains and services shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C651-99. The entire main shall be filled with heavily chlorinated water. The minimum concentration of chlorine is to be 50mg/L to a maximum of 100mg/L. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for a minimum 24 hours to a maximum of 72 hours, during which time all valves and hydrants in the treated section shall be operated to ensure disinfection of the appurtenance. At the end of the disinfection period, the treated water in all portions of the main shall have a residual of not less than 10mg/L of free chlorine. If the chlorine residual is less than 10mg/L of free chlorine in any portion of the test section, the disinfection procedure shall be repeated. The target maximum concentration of chlorine is 150 to 200mg/L.
D7.05 Final Flushing and Dechlorination
After the requirements of the disinfection section have been met, heavily chlorinated water shall be completely flushed from the watermain and all branches until chlorine levels in the watermain are no higher than levels generally prevailing in the distribution system. All discharge to be dechlorinated.
There are several chemicals which can be used effectively. Adequate dosage of the chemical and mixing with the chlorinated water must be ensured. The amount of dechlorination chemical required can be determined from the following equation:
Excess Chlorine Residual x Factor = Dechlorination Chemical Required
This can be calculated in mg/L or whichever unit is appropriate.
Four examples of dechlorination chemicals are listed below: a) Sulphur Dioxide (Factor = 0.901); this chemical is inexpensive but it will slightly lower the pH in the receiving water. b) Sodium Thiosulphate (Factor = 2.225); this will cause some sulphur turbidity but an excess is essentially harmless. c) Sodium Sulphite (Factor = 1.775); Excess will lower the dissolved oxygen in the receiving water. d) Sodium Pyrosulphate (Sodium Metabisulphite) (Factor = 1.338); Excess will lower the dissolved oxygen in the receiving water.
For example, a total chlorine residual of 20mg/L measured in a disinfected watermain of 11,000L could be neutralized with sodium thiosulphate. The dosage required would be:
20mg/L x 2.225 = 44.5mg/L
and the total amount needed would be
44.5mg/L x 11,000L = 489,500mg = 489.5g of Na2S2O3
This would represent in terms of 99% commercial grade sodium thiosulphate (specific gravity 1.67g/ml):
489.5 x 100 x 1 = 296mL of concentrate 99 1.67
The above information is offered as a guide only. The contractor is ultimately responsible to ensure that no negative environmental impact results from the disposal of chlorinated or dechlorinated water from the disinfection process.
D7.06 Sampling and Bacteriological Testing
Sufficient blow offs/sampling ports (including their eventual removal) should be provided to accommodate the sampling requirements detailed herein. Sample points shall be 19mm copper pipe. After the requirements of previous sections have been met, two consecutive sets of water samples, taken at least 24 hours apart, shall be collected at the ends of all branches, stubs and not more than 350m apart along the length of the watermain. The watermain shall not be flushed or disturbed during the minimum 24 hour period between sets of samples. Samples shall be taken by municipal staff using bottles provided by a provincially accredited laboratory, at the Developers expense.
Table 12: Microbiological Standards for Drinking Water
Microbiological Parameter
Standard (expressed as a maximum)
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)
Not detectable.
Total Coliforms
Not detectable.
General bacteria population expressed as
background colony counts on the total coliform
membrane filter.
20 colony forming units (CFU) per 100
General bacteria population expressed as
colony counts on a heterotrophic plate count.
50 colony forming units (CFU) per
Greater to or less than 1ntu unit
equivalent to the existing system
All samples from both sets of samples shall meet the above bacteriological testing criteria before the granting of approval for the connection of the new watermain to the active distribution system.
D7.07 Final Connection/Commissioning
The final connection will be allowed between the new watermain and the existing distribution system once the Town has granted its approval and once the requirements of the Town’s testing program have been met. The removal of the temporary connection apparatus and the installation of the final connection piping must be witnessed by the Town.
All piping and appurtenances utilized in completing the final connection must be thoroughly disinfected with a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution (or equivalent) and is to be limited to 1 pipe length.
The excavation must be maintained in a dry state in order to eliminate the possibility of trench water entering the watermain when the final connection is being made. The Contractor shall ensure that no foreign material whatsoever enters the watermain at this time. Should trench water or foreign material enter the watermain, the entire disinfection/sampling procedure shall be repeated.
D7.08 Fire Protection Testing
Fire flow testing is to be completed following the final connections in accordance with NFPA 291 or as directed by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. This is to confirm that there is sufficient fire flow to meet the design approved flows for the development. Fire hydrants should be utilized to complete the fire flow test on one third of the hydrants or a minimum of one hydrant per street within the site, whichever is greater. The hydrant flow testing locations shall be representative of the high, medium and low elevations within the site and take into account changes in pipe size, pressure zones, etc.
All hydrants should be independently tested for leakage at street pressure except temporary hydrants. A pressure gauge with a bleeder will be installed on the hydrant. The hydrant will be slowly opened until it is in the fully opened position. After all the air has been bled off, the bleeder is then closed to allow full pressurization of the hydrant at system pressure. The pressure will be recorded and the hydrant inspected for leaks. After the test, the hydrant will be shut down and checked to ensure it self-drains (where applicable).
Following flow testing and leak detection testing, all hydrants are to be secured with anti-tampering devices. Any hydrant that fails and cannot be repaired immediately must be removed from service and the water department notified.
All hydrant testing must follow the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s standard operating procedure for fire protection testing.
For any installation of water pipe systems, an investigation of the soils conditions shall be undertaken to determine the corrodibility of the native soils and to provide recommendations with regard to corrosion protection.
Cathodic protection to be provided in accordance with BWG Standard Drawings Detail D108. When specifically directed by the Town to use 175g zinc caps, or approved equivalent, the caps shall be installed on every bolt in mechanical connections where anodes are not installed.
E1.01 Confirmation of Capacity
Prior to commencement of any design for sanitary sewage works within the municipality, the Developer shall contact the municipality to ensure that adequate external trunk sewer and treatment plant capacity is available for the proposed development.
In accordance with MOE guidelines and Town policy, all urban and hamlet developments are to be serviced by municipal wastewater systems. Individual septic systems are only permitted in estate lot developments and where approved by MOE and the Conservation Authority.
E1.02 Sanitary Drainage Plan
The sanitary drainage plan shall be drawn to a scale suitable to show all the tributary areas that are being used to determine the design flows.
The design flow in each manhole and length of sewer shall be computed on the Town’s standard sanitary design sheets, see Appendix H and shall be included in the drawing set on ISO A1 (594mm x 841mm) sheets. For each area entered on the design sheet, the manhole numbers, the size and grade of the sewers and the number of the detailed plan and profile for each section of the sanitary sewer shall be shown.
E1.03 Residential Sewage Flows
Peak domestic sewage flows are to be calculated using the following formula:
Q(d) = PqM + IA 86.4
Where: Q(d) = Peak domestic sewage flows (incl extraneous flows in L/s) P = Design population, in thousands. q = Average daily per capita domestic flow in L/cap/day (exclusive of extraneous flows). M = Peaking factor I = Unit of peak extraneous (infiltration) flows in L/ha/s A = Gross tributary area in hectares The peaking factor shall be calculated based on the Harmon formula: M = 1 + 14
where P = Population, in thousands
Maximum M = 4.0
Minimum M = 1.5
The design population shall be derived from the drainage area and expected population based on the Official Plan and the most current Master Servicing Study and Functional Servicing Report. The following design populations should be used:
Single Detached Dwellings = 3.36ppu Semi-Detached Dwellings = 3.36ppu Townhouses = 2.83ppu Apartments = 1.64ppu
An average daily per capita flow of 250L/cap/day shall be used. In the absence of a proposed Plan of Subdivision, populations should be estimated based on drainage areas and the land uses identified in the Town’s Official Plan or Master Servicing Studies.
The unit of peak extraneous flow shall be confirmed with the Town. Generally, areas serviced with sewers constructed prior to the year 2000 shall use an allowance of 0.5L/s/ha and areas serviced in 2000 and later shall use an allowance of 0.2L/s/ha.
E1.04 Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Sewage Flows
An average design flow of 28m3/ha/day plus allowances for infiltration shall be used for the design of sewers on commercial sites, unless better information is available and approved by the Town. The area shall be based on the gross developable area. Maximum Day and Peak factors shall be generally in accordance with MOE guidelines and shall be confirmed with the Town.
Industrial sewage flows shall be determined in consultation with the Town. Light industrial flows shall be at 20m3/ha/day and heavy industrial flow shall be at 35m3/ha/day plus allowances for infiltration shall be used for the design of sewers on industrial sites.
A peaking factor shall also be incorporated into the design based on the gross development area as follows:
Mi = 6.6604 x Area-0.1992 where Mi = industrial peaking factor A = gross lot area (ha) Alternatively a peaking factor of 2.5 can be used, subject to Town review and approval.
Institutional sewage flows shall be designed with a peak flow of 19.8m3/ha/day plus allowances for infiltration, unless better information is available and approved for use by the Town.
The area shall be based on the gross area of the institutional site, unless more accurate information is available at the time of development.
The unit of peak extraneous flow shall be confirmed with the Town. Generally, areas serviced with sewers constructed prior to the year 2000 shall use an allowance of 0.5L/s/ha and areas serviced in 2000 and later shall use an allowance of 0.2L/s/ha.
E2.01 Location
All sanitary sewers shall be located as shown on the standard road cross-section. The standard location shall generally be 1.75m north and east of the centreline of the road allowance. Any sewers which are situated in off-road locations, shall be contained within easements. Such easements shall comply with the requirements noted under Appendix B.
E2.02 Pipe Capacities
Table 14 provides the allowable sanitary sewer capacities and gradients. This table shall be used to determine the maximum and minimum designs for sanitary sewers. Although the Manning’s formula is to be used as a basis for sewer design, the values listed in Table 14 will supersede the results of Manning’s calculations where applicable. In the case of partial pipe flow, the actual velocity is to be checked against the minimum allowable velocity at the design flow rate.
Pipe capacities shall be based on the following criteria:
Velocitymin Velocitymax Slopemin
0.60m/s 3.0m/s 0.50%
E2.03 Flow Velocities
Minimum acceptable velocity = 0.6m/s.
Maximum acceptable velocity = 3.0m/s.
E2.04 Minimum Size
The minimum allowable size for a sanitary sewer shall be 250mm in diameter.
E2.05 Minimum Grade
The minimum desirable grade for sanitary sewers is 0.5%. The minimum grade for the first upstream leg of any sewer shall not be less than 1.5%.
E2.06 Minimum Depths
The depth of the sewer shall be measured from the final centreline finished road elevation to the top of the sanitary sewer. The minimum depths of sewers for residential areas shall be 2.7m.
E2.07 Curved Sewers
The use of radius pipe or deflected pipe is not permitted.
E2.08 Limits
All sewers shall be terminated at the subdivision limits when external drainage areas are being considered in the design with suitable provision in the design of the terminal manholes to allow for future extension of the sewer.
E2.09 Storm Sewer and Watermain Crossings
Generally, a minimum clearance of 0.25m shall be provided between the outside of the pipe barrel at the point of crossing for storm and sanitary sewers. A minimum clearance of 0.5m shall be provided sewer and watermain crossings when the sewer crosses over the watermain.
In the event the minimum clearances cannot be obtained, then the work is to comply with MOE guidelines and the pipes shall be concrete encased to ensure that the pipes are properly bedded.
E2.10 Service Connections to Deep Sewers
No service connections will be permitted to sanitary sewers exceeding 7.60m in depth, measured from the finished centreline road elevation.
E2.11 Head Losses
The minimum drop for inverts in any manhole shall be 0.030m, to allow for hydraulic losses incurred at sewer manholes.
In order to reduce the amount of drop required, the designer shall, wherever possible, restrict the change in velocity between the inlet and outlet to 0.6m/s
Hydraulic calculations shall be submitted for all junction and transition manholes on sewers where the outlet is 1050mm in diameter or greater. In addition, hydraulic calculations may be required for manholes where the outlet pipe is less than 1050mm in diameter if, in the opinion of the Development Engineer, there is insufficient invert drop provided across any manhole.
Regardless of the invert drop across a manhole, as required by calculations, the obvert of the outlet pipe shall not be higher than the obvert of the inlet pipes at any manhole location.
E2.12 Changes in Pipe Size
No decrease of pipe size from a larger upstream to a smaller downstream will be allowed regardless of the increase in grade.
E2.13 Pipe Bedding
The class of pipe and the type of bedding shall be selected to suit loading and proposed construction conditions. Standard details of the types of bedding are illustrated in the OPSD 802.010 and 802.030. The width of the trench at the top of the pipe must be carefully controlled to ensure that the maximum trench width is not exceeded unless additional bedding or higher pipe strength pipe is used. Any special conditions should be reviewed by a qualified engineer and appropriate recommendations made with respect to the class/type of bedding and pipe strength.
In order to mitigate infiltration at manhole junctions and groundwater flow along pipe bedding, “clay plugs” shall be incorporated into the trench bedding. Clay materials shall be used in the trench and be placed 2 to 3m upstream from any manhole where groundwater is suspected, with intermediate plugs where deemed appropriate.
E2.14 Maximum Depth of Cover for Flexible Pipe
The maximum depth of cover allowed on flexible pipe is 6.0m.
E3.01 Location
Manholes shall be located at each change in alignment, grade or pipe material, at all pipe junctions and at intervals along the pipe to permit entry for maintenance to the sewer.
E3.02 Maximum Spacing
The maximum spacing between manholes shall be as follows:
Pipe Size
Maximum Spacing
250mm to 750mm
825mm to 1200mm
1200mm and over
E3.03 Manhole Types
Manholes shall be constructed of precast concrete. The Ontario Provincial Standard manhole details shall be used for manhole design where applicable. In all cases where the standard drawings are not applicable, the manholes shall be individually designed and detailed.
A reference shall be made on all profile drawings to indicate the type and size of all sanitary manholes. In the case of the standard 1200mm precast manhole, the size may be omitted and reference need only be made to the standard drawing number. Precast manholes shall conform to CSA A257.4 and OPSD 701.010.
E3.04 Manhole Design
- All manhole chamber openings shall be located on the side of the manhole parallel to the flow for straight run manholes, or on the upstream side of the manhole at all junctions.
- The manhole shall be centred on the sanitary sewer main.
- The maximum change in the direction of flow in any sanitary sewer manhole shall be 90%. A change of flow direction at acute interior angles will not be permitted.
- Drop structures shall be used when invert levels of inlet and outlet sewers differ by 0.15m or more. Wherever feasible, sewer systems should be designed to avoid the use of drop structures. Internal drop structures are discouraged and will only be permitted in certain cases. Pre-cast external drop structures are permitted as per OPSD 1003.020 and 1003.010.
- All manholes shall be benched to the obvert as detailed in the Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings.
- Safety gratings shall be required in all manholes greater than 5.0m in depth. Safety gratings shall not be more than 5.0m apart and shall be constructed in accordance with the OPSD details. Where practical, a safety grating shall be located 0.5m below the drop structure inlet pipe.
- All pipe connections at manholes shall be completed using Kore-N-Seal an approved rubber gasket assembly.
- Manholes located in low areas shall have water tight lids to mitigate extraneous inflows.
- Manhole riser rings and adjustment units are to be wrapped with mastic sealant (Denso or equivalent, see BWG Standard Drawing D115) at the direction of the Town for all manholes located in all areas.
E3.05 Grades for Manhole Frame and Covers
All manholes located within the travelled portion of the roadway shall have the rim elevation initially set flush with the base course asphalt. A minimum of 100mm and a maximum of 300mm height of concrete modular adjustment rings shall be used on all manholes in new subdivisions.
Prior to the placement of the final course asphalt, the manhole frame shall be adjusted to suit the final surface asphalt elevation. Steel and/or plastic manhole adjustment rings are not permitted to adjust the manhole to final grade (as per OPSD 704.010).
E4.01 General
All sanitary sewer service connections for single detached, semi-detached or linked dwellings shall be double service connections, with a "Y" connection at or near the property line. All connections are to have an Ipex or approved equivalent test fitting installed at the property line. Cast iron test fittings are not approved.
E4.02 Location
The proposed location of the sanitary sewer service shall be shown on the plan and profile drawings and generally be located in the vicinity of the common lot line between the lots being serviced. As per BWG Standard Drawings C101 and C102.
E4.03 Size
Service connections for single family and semi-detached (or linked) units shall be 125mm in diameter.
Service connections for multiple family blocks, commercial, institutional and industrial areas shall be sized according to the intended use.
E4.04 Connection To Main
The connection to the main sewer shall be made with an approved manufactured tee. Approved saddles shall be used for connecting to existing sewer mains.
A 125mm or 150mm service connection will be permitted to connect to a 250mm and 300mm main sewer providing an approved manufactured tee is installed and providing the invert of the service connection is above the spring-line of the main sewer.
No service connection of a size greater than half the diameter of the main shall be cut into the main sewer. A manhole shall be installed on the main sewer at the intersection of a service connection which has a size greater than half the diameter of the main sewer except as provided below.
E4.05 Depth |
The depth of the service connections for single family units and semi-detached units at the property line measured from the finished centreline road elevation shall be:
Minimum 2.50m
Maximum 3.00m
E4.06 Grade of Lateral
Size of Pipe (mm) Minimum Grade Maximum Grade 125 2% 8% 150 1% 6%
E4.07 Connection to Multiple Family and Other Blocks
An inspection manhole shall be required on the private property (1.5m from P/L to centre of the rim) on all connections to multiple family and other blocks.
E4.08 Connection to Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Blocks
An inspection manhole shall be required on private property located 1.50m from the property line to the centre of the rim.
E5.01 General
An infiltration or exfiltration test shall be completed on all sewers at the discretion of the Town. The Town shall be the sole judge of which test is to be undertaken. All testing shall be done in the presence of the Town.
E5.02 Deflection Test
PVC, etc) material. Said testing shall be generally in conformance with OPSS 410, except that the average inside diameter of the pipe shall used for the required calculation of the mandrel sizing (where the average inside diameter is as specified by the pipe manufacturer).
A suitably designed device shall be pulled manually through the pipe not sooner than 30 days after completion of the installation and backfilling operations. The device shall be provided as described by OPSS 410.
The device to be used shall have a minimum length in accordance with the following:
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Length (mm)
E5.03 Video Record
All newly constructed sanitary sewers shall be T.V inspected upon satisfactory completion of all other testing, prior to the municipality’s issuance of Preliminary Acceptance. All sewer lines being inspected must be flushed immediately prior to the commencement of the inspection.
A permanent record in colour DVD video form shall be supplied, illustrating a continuous record of the sewer installations, service connection, manholes, etc. A report identifying any unusual or substandard conditions shall also be submitted. All CCTV work shall be performed with a colour camera equipped with a full-swivel head capable of examining lateral connections, manhole interiors and other key features of the sewer installation.
The Town will require Certification from the Developer’s Consulting Engineer that they have reviewed the videos and have found the sewers to be acceptable and free of all defects. Any deficiencies should be clearly identified in the Engineer’s letter and confirmation that all deficiencies have been rectified must be included with the Certification.
The CCTV inspection shall be carried out by an operator certified by NAAPI (or equivalent, to the satisfaction of the Town) and shall be carried out in accordance with OPSS 409.
All video records, reports and data provided from these inspections shall become the property of the municipality.
At the discretion of the Town, additional inspections and records may be required prior to “Final Assumption”.
E5.03 Sanitary Main Line Plugs |
Prior to connecting to an existing sanitary sewer system the contractor shall ensure that a mechanical plug has been inserted into the first manhole downstream of the connection point.
The plug shall remain in place until prior to the first occupancy, or as directed by the Town. Prior to the removal of the plug the contractor shall be required to remove all debris in the pipe behind the plug.
E5.04 Sewer Laterals
All sewer laterals are to be inspected by the Town at the Owner/Applicant’s expense. Units are not to be occupied until a satisfactory inspection has been completed.
The lot grading of all lots and blocks in new subdivisions must be carefully monitored by the Consulting Engineer in order to provide sites that are suitable for the erection of buildings and to provide satisfactory drainage from all lands within the development.
F1.01 General Grading Plans
All general lot grading plans for new development in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury shall be prepared in accordance with the criteria contained in this section and shall contain the following information and detail:
- scale 1:500
- north arrow & key plan
- all existing and proposed lot numbers, blocks and municipal number
- all proposed rear lot catchbasins, leads, top elevations and inverts
- location of service connections and street hardware
- existing contours at maximum 0.5m intervals
- existing and proposed elevations at lot corners
- specified house grades (including rear grade for walk-outs, etc.)
- elevations along swales, at grade change points, at top and bottom of retaining walls
- proposed road grades, lengths and elevations on all streets with symbols at grade changes indicating direction of slope
- proposed elevations along the boundary of all blocks abutting single family and semi-detached lots in the subdivision
- direction of the surface run-off by means of arrows
- all proposed easements required for registration
- drainage over abutting lands will only be allowed in exceptional cases and only at the discretion of the Town
- all lots requiring Engineered Fill are to be so indicated.
- Generally, the lots shall be graded to maximize usable land area, minimize tree disturbance and direct flows away from the house structure.
- All boulevards are to be graded with a constant slope from the curb to the street limit. (Minimum slope to be 2% and the maximum slope to be 5%.)
- All lot surfaces shall be constructed to a minimum grade of 2% and a maximum grade of 5% to the front or rear lot lines; and a maximum average slope of 8% from side lot to side lot line.
- The maximum slope on all embankments and terraces shall be 3:1 for slopes up to 1m high; slopes shall be 4:1 if greater than 1m. The average gradient of a rear yard shall not exceed 10% as measured from the rear of the dwelling to the rear lot line or swale.
- The minimum driveway grade shall be 2% and the maximum grade shall be 6%, or otherwise approved by the Town.
- The maximum flow allowable to any side yard swale shall be that from two lots plus that from two adjacent lots. The maximum number of rear lots contributing to a rear yard swale shall be that of three rear yards, or 750m2.
- The maximum length of a rear yard swale between outlets shall be 90m. Maximum depth of rear yard swales to be 750mm. Rear yard swales shall have a minimum slope of 2%.
- All drainage swales shall be located on the common lot line between adjacent lots. Minimum depth of any swale to be 150mm. Maximum depth of side yard swales to be 450mm.
- Minimum longitudinal slope of any swale shall be 2%. Maximum side slope on any swale to be 4:1.
- The maximum flow which may be discharged from a swale onto a road allowance shall be that from 4 backyards or 750m2, whichever is less.
- Rear yard catchbasins are to be located entirely on one lot and shall be located 1.0m offset from the lot line.
- The grade immediately adjacent to houses shall be a minimum of 150mm above the invert of adjacent swales. A 0.6m wide strip shall be provided along at least one side of the dwelling, having a slope of 2%
- A minimum 0.6m wide strip must be maintained along the edge of lots abutting other lands, having the same grade as the existing lands.
- Eave troughs are to be directed toward the front of the house; all downspouts are to be directed down to a pre-fabricated concrete ‘splash pad’.
Prior to an application for a building permit, individual lot grading plans for the lot shall be prepared and submitted for approval, as per BWG Standard Drawing F101. The individual lot grading plans are to be submitted using the Town’s standard templates found in Appendix K
The grading plan shall contain the following information and details:
- lot description including Registered Plan/lot number and address.
- scaled to 1:250.
- all lot dimensions and setbacks
- percent grades on driveways
- proposed ground elevation adjacent to the buildings, at the house corners and at ground elevation for all exterior stairs. (These elevations shall be a minimum 0.15m below the brick line.)
- proposed elevations on the swales where the grade changes and elevations adjacent to the building corners
- finished first floor elevation, top of foundation wall, basement slab grade, underside of footing and finished porch or decks.
- finished garage floor elevation
- proposed elevations at lot corners
- driveway location, width, elevation at property line and at garage, and percent slope of driveway
- locations of house entrances, including the number of risers/steps required
- A connection from the front entrance/steps to the driveway and manufactured/hard surface landings at all egresses.
- grass surfaces shall have a minimum of 2%, maximum of 5%
- The maximum slope on all embankments and terraces shall be 3:1 for slopes up to 1m high; slopes shall be 4:1 if greater than 1 metre
- grading around houses and buildings shall direct the water away from the structure
- the minimum “flat area” (2% to 5% slope) immediately adjacent to a building shall be 5m at the back and 0.6m on the sides, with the slope directing drainage away from the building
- locations of sidewalks (if applicable), storm, sanitary and water services (including inverts of sewer pipes) at property line (sanitary invert to be minimum 300mm below the storm sewer service invert.
- above ground electrical equipment and hydrants to ensure clearance from driveway (typical clearance to be 1.5m minimum.)
- any trees to be preserved.
- culvert shall be indicated on the plans showing material, length, diameter, gauge, invert elevations and specific end wall treatment (if applicable)
- any porches, decks, terracing or retaining walls.
- top and bottom elevations of all terracing or retaining walls, plus the type of structure, cross-section drawings and manufacturer’s specifications.
In all cases the plot plans should reflect the elevations of the general grading plan and shall be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. Any substantive changes to the general grading plans will require prior approval from the Town.
Retaining walls are not desirable and should be minimized, however, they may be used to maintain a maximum lot slope where necessary. Building Permits are required for the construction of retaining walls that fall into the category of designated structures within the scope of the Ontario Building Code.
F3.01 Construction
All lots are to be excavated or filled such that the final elevations conform to the approved grading plans. All lots are to be completed with 150mm of topsoil and nursery sod.
Within one year of occupancy of 75% of the dwellings within the plan of subdivision, any lots which have not be constructed upon shall be graded in compliance with the general grading plan and seeded or sodded to ensure stabilization of the site.
Prior to the release of any lot from the subdivision agreement, the following information is also required by prior to consideration of release of the lot grading security:
- Clearance of water box installation.(Applicable only when serviced by municipal water)
- Confirmation of satisfactory CCTV camera inspection of the service lateral pipe. (Applicable only when serviced by municipal sewers)
- As-Built survey/grading plan showing compliance with the approved grading plan, prepared by a Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS). (Where applicable, include location of as-built septic system c/w clearances.)
- Letter from the Developer’s Consulting Engineer providing certification to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury that the grading and drainage of the lot is in accordance with the approved lot grading and drainage plans.
Once all required documentation is received by the Town, the Developer’s Engineer will arrange for a final grading inspection to be carried out by the Town to address any outstanding deficiencies.
Upon the completion of a successful Final Exterior/Grading inspection, the request for the release/reduction of security deposit will be processed.
A Utility Coordination Plan is to be submitted to the Town in order to ensure that conflicts between utilities, municipal services and driveways are avoided. The plan will indicate the location of all underground and all above ground services and utilities. The Developer’s Consulting Engineer is expected to enable the coordination of all utilities and municipal services.
The hierarchy of municipal servicing and utilities shall generally apply when determining installation locations and, in descending order, are municipal sewers/watermains including appurtenances, hydro, gas, telephone, cable, and other.
All utility surface features are to be installed, wherever possible, at projections of lot property lines.
The following utilities, services and appurtenances shall be clearly shown on the Utility Coordination Plan:
- Underground:
- Any non-standard utility trench location (hydro, gas, telephone, and cable) as per the location indicated on the standard R.O.W. Cross-section drawings - Sewer and water service connection locations - Rear-lot catchbasin leads - Any watermain, sanitary or storm sewer infrastructure crossing boulevards - All Road Crossings
- Aboveground:
- Curb and gutter - Driveway locations - Watermain valves (in boxes and/or chambers) - Fire hydrants - Sewer maintenance holes - Road & rear-lot catchbasins - Sidewalks and walkways - Easements - Hydro transformers - Streetlight standards - All pedestals (telephone, cable, and lighting) - Gas mains - All utility road crossings - Traffic and advisory signs - Mail box pads - Pavement markings (if applicable) - Bus stop pads (if applicable) - Fencing - Canada Post Community Mail Boxes - Any other features as may be directed by the Town.
In addition to the aforementioned information, each Utility Coordination Plan shall have a signature block provided for approval of each of the utilities listed below:
Hydro-Electrical Authority
Gas Authority
Telecommunications Authorities x3
Canada Post
Transit Authority (where applicable)
All primary hydro, telephone cable, gas lines and cable T.V. shall be placed underground in locations as shown on the Town Standard Road Cross-section. Design of these utilities shall conform to the regulations of the respective authority.
The type of light pole to be used in any development shall be determined in consultation with the Town at the preliminary design stage.
G2.01 Trenches, Crossings and Backfilling
Trench locations are to be as per the Town Standard road cross-section. Any proposed non-standard locations are to be approved by the Town. Common trench installation for hydro, gas, cable and telephone shall be implemented. Warning marker tape is to be installed in the utility trenches 0.6m above the cables.
Open cut utility crossings for new subdivision roads shall be installed prior to base curb construction and base asphalt placement. The crossings are to be installed perpendicular to the roadway (i.e. 90°) and opposite lot property lines wherever possible. A minimum clearance of 1.0m to any maintenance hole or road catchbasin must be maintained. Open cut utility crossings on existing roads shall have the asphalt surface saw cut for the width of the trench or as required for frost tapers, if applicable.
The backfill for the utility crossings on new roads shall be Granular ‘A’ up to the road subgrade, and compacted to a minimum of 98% SPMDD or as specified by the Soils Engineer. All granular material shall conform to OPSS.MUNI 1010. Utility crossings on existing roads shall be backfilled with unshrinkable fill to the subgrade level (conforming to OPSS 1359), the granular reinstated and properly compacted, and asphalt binder applied to the saw cut edges prior to placing the hot mix asphalt. All asphalt restoration shall be in compliance with OPSS 310. All hot mix material shall conform to OPSS 1150.
For existing roads where the curb has been undermined to facilitate the utility installation, the curb shall be removed and replaced. Curb restoration shall be a minimum of 2.0m or shall extend minimum 0.5m beyond the outer trench edges, whichever is greater. All concrete to be 30MPa as per OPSS 351. The minimum length of curb between cut locations shall be 1.0m.
G2.02 Minimum Clearances
A minimum horizontal clear separation of 1.5m between transformers and driveway edges and 1.0m for other street furniture shall be maintained. Driveways should be located to avoid catchbasins, wherever possible, and are not to encroach within 0.5m of the projected property lines.
The following chart represents the minimum clear separation between public utilities and municipal sewers and appurtenances unless otherwise approved by the Town:
Table 13: Minimum Utility Clearances
Minimum Horizontal Distance
Minimum Vertical Distance
Minimum clearance between utilities (hydro, gas, cable, telephone) and municipal services
Minimum clearance between streetlights and transformers
Minimum clearance between streetlights and fire hydrants
Minimum clearance between streetlights and side lot line adjacent to RLCB leads
Minimum clearance between transformers and community mailbox pads
For any proposed construction work in the boulevard of existing roads, the corresponding representatives for the hydro, gas, cable and telephone companies must be contacted for field locates before any digging can commence.
The Developer shall arrange for the connection of the lighting system through the appropriate power authority. The Developer shall supply the local electrical supply authority with easements wherever they are required.
The street lighting system shall be designed by a qualified Consulting Engineer in accordance with the Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) latest edition standards and approved by the Town. Street lighting systems for roadways in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury shall meet the requirements of the power authority.
The objective in designing street lighting is to provide a uniform distribution of lighting at a level that is adequate for the intended use of the roadway. Roadway lighting shall be designed using the values are found in the IESNA reference guide Fig. 22-8 and abbreviated in the following table:
Table 14: Luminance Values
Road Classification (IESNA R2 & R3)
Luminance Values
Average Maintained
Illuminance Values
Uniformity Ratio
(Average to Minimum)
(Maximum to Minimum)
Local Residential
4.0 / 0.37
6 to 1
10 to 1
6.0 / 0.56
4 to 1
8 to 1
A photometric layout will be required and must include the following information:
- Lighting levels extending past the property line to the nearest building (light trespass on adjacent residential properties is to be kept to a minimum utilizing full cut-off flat lens luminaires and house-side shields if required).
- Specification sheets on luminaires to be installed.
- Average Maintained, Average to Minimum, and Maximum to Minimum calculations taken between at least four (4) lighting poles on the roadway portion of the photometric calculations are to be provided. Photometric layout LLF (Light Loss Factor) used when calculating lighting levels is to be indicated.
- The street lighting design submission package is to be submitted to the Town and shall include a cost estimate for the proposed street lighting installation works (including wiring, poles, pedestals, etc.) and a summary of the illumination and uniformity values resulting from the design in accordance with parameters indicated in the above table (i.e. average, maximum to minimum, etc.). The Developer’s Consulting Engineer shall also be responsible for the review/approval of any required shop drawings submitted by the Contractor/supplier for verification or compliance to the lighting design and Town specifications, which shall then be forwarded to the Town for final approval.
G3.01 Street Light Poles
Standard poles are to be 9.1m, Class B, spun reinforced concrete (round) direct bury, complete with cast zinc hand hole and cover (per Stress/Crete E-300-BPR-G-M00 S/F 120 or equivalent). Poles are to be supplied with 1.8m polished aluminum elliptical arm bracket (per Powerlite RE6MA), as per BWG Standard Drawing G101.
Decorative poles are to be 8.8m, Class A, spun reinforced concrete (octagonal) direct bury, black polished finish, complete with cast zinc hand hole and cover (per Stress/Crete E-290-APO-G-S11-FC(Blk) S/F decorative bracket). Poles are to be supplied with black scroll arm bracket (per Powerlite AS5SEBK, or Cooper SCA5001BK).
In areas where approved by the Town, “Trafalgar” poles may be utilized which incorporate the facilities for various utilities within the street light pole.
All concrete poles to have a minimum of two coats of transparent sealer (i.e. “cap seal”) applied from the base of the pole to approximately 3m above the top of the hand hole box.
G3.02 Street Lighting Luminaries
Standard street lighting luminaires are to be 100 Watt, LED, cut-off style flat glass, clear tempered lens, cobra-head type luminaire unit complete with individual photocell sensors (per Philips Lumec “Roadstar”, or equivalent). The mounting height of the fixtures is to be 7.6m above the finished grade.
Decorative street lighting luminaires are to be 100 Watt, LED, black coach style unit complete with individual photocell sensors.
Landscape Plans are to be prepared by a certified professional Landscape Architect who is a member of The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA).
The Landscape Plan shall include the following information:
- Adjacent lands and roads marked with spot elevations to show the slope of land based upon the engineer’s grading plan and architectural site plan;
- Walkways, parking areas, exterior lighting, street furniture, hydrants, boulevard trees, transformers, curbs, signage, etc.;
- Location of all proposed plant material, planting beds and sodded areas;
- Location of existing vegetation to be retained or removed
- Location and type of protection measures for the existing vegetation retained;
- Location of all existing natural features such as top of back and watercourses;
- A plant list including full botanical name, common name, quantity, caliper, height, and spread;
- Location, height and material of all fences, screen walls, retaining walls;
- Location of stormwater management features; and
- Any other landscape element that contributes to site development.
All landscaping to be provided by the Developer in accordance with the principles as described in the Official Plan. All plants, materials and structures to be placed on municipal lands shall be completed in a manner that is deemed to be “low maintenance”.
The Developer will be required to plant trees on all streets and blocks in accordance with the specifications established by the Town and as shown on the approved landscaping drawings.
In preparing a landscape plan, landscape design considerations must achieve the fundamental objective to provide an aesthetically pleasing view of the subject development from the street. Parking lots have a significant impact on both the aesthetic qualities and functional elements of a development. As such, landscape plans must attempt to break up the monotony of paved surfaces, define internal driveways for traffic movement versus parking, and screen headlights from abutting areas.
The use of specialty paving within pedestrian areas is encouraged to define crossing points, arrival and entrance areas, and amenity spaces. Such paving shall compliment the architectural style and façade treatments of proposed buildings. Large projects shall also provide for pedestrian connections within the site itself, as well as from external locations. Walkways and sidewalks must take into account car overhangs, trees, signage, bike racks, benches, etc.
Landscape plans must take into account adjacent lands. Buffer requirements will be determined by the Town and may include any combination of the following: landscape strip width, plantings, fencing, berming. In addition to the aesthetic qualities that soft landscaping presents, fencing and/or berming may be required to serve as a noise reduction and/or privacy enhancing element.
At least one tree shall be planted in front of each lot or at a minimum of 12m of frontage, including adjacent to blocks and parklands. On corner lots, trees will also be required along the flankage.
Trees are to be planted so as not to interfere with other street functions or services when the tree matures. Trees shall be planted as indicated on the typical road sections and within the following minimum setback distances from the item listed:
Fire Hydrants
Hydro Vault
1.2m (sides, 3.0m (front)
Light Poles
Utility Pedestals
Buried pipes, lines
Stop Signs
Plants shall be selected from species that are native to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury area and commonly used in commercial/residential development planting programs.
Within a commercial/residential development, all trees are to be of a hardwood variety and the species and percentage of types to be used are to be approved by the Town prior to commencement of the planting program. A minimum of four different tree species are to be planted on each street in alternating patterns. On shorter streets this number may be reduced as appropriate.
The following list of trees includes, but does not limit, those that are acceptable for this purpose:
- Black Locust
- Silver Maple
- Red Maple
- Sugar Maple
- Burr Oak
- Red Oak
- Basswood
- Serviceberry
- Ironwood
- Hackberry
- White Elm (disease resistant cultivar)
- Largetooth Aspen
- Scarlet Oak
- White Oak
- Pin Oak
- Tulip Tree
Coniferous trees:
- Eastern Red Cedar
- Eastern White Pine
- Red Pine
- White Spruce
- Red spruce
- Balsam Fir
- Nannyberry
- Highbush Cranberry
- Squashberry
- Alternate Leaf Dogwood
- Burning Bush
- Staghorn Sumac
- Red Mulberry
- Service Berry
- Redbud
All plant material to conform to the Canadian Nursery Trades Association Specifications and Standards. Plant material shall be No. 1 Nursery Stock that has been grown under controlled conditions in accordance with the standards and practices of the Canadian Nursery Trade Association.
All sod is to conform to the Canadian Nursery Sod Growers Specifications. Minimum acceptable sizes for planting materials are:
Deciduous Trees:
- 60mm caliper measured at DBH and 2.25m to 4.0m min height
Deciduous trees planted in a row should be centered 5m to 7m apart for small flowering trees, and 7m to 12m apart for shade trees.
Coniferous Trees:
Coniferous trees should be spaced 4m to 8m apart depending on effect.
Shrubs: 60cm
Shrub spacing depends on variety however, shrubs should be grouped in large beds and shall be mulched to a minimum depth of 70mm.
All mulch shall be shredded bark.
The above standards are minimum requirements. Trees and/or shrubs may be required to be planted at closer intervals, with higher calipers and in greater quantities if a specific purpose is identified by the Town.
Trees are to be planted in tree pits, large enough to accommodate the root system. Trees shall be planted in a mixture of 1/3 peat moss and 2/3 genuine topsoil, properly filled to eliminate air pockets. All trees are to be placed during the Spring or Fall dormant season in unfrozen soil.
Trees shall be protected by steel “T” posts placed on both sides of the tree, parallel to the street line. A No. 9 gauge wire protected by vinyl tubing shall be used to support the tree to the posts (said posts are to be removed prior to Final Acceptance of the development) as per BWG Standard Drawing H101.
All trees to be placed in proximity to services are to be excavated by hand. The final location of all trees is to be mutually determined with the Owner’s consultant and the Development Engineer, prior to placement.
All trees that die or fail to grow prior to Final Assumption shall be replaced by the Developer.
Depending on the nature of the existing site conditions, the Town may require a Tree Preservation Plan as part of the Engineering submission. As per BWG Standard Drawing H102.
A Tree Preservation plan should contain the following information:
- Location of existing vegetation to be retained or removed (identified via a survey plan).
- Trees/vegetation within 15m of the subject property;
- Identify all trees with a minimum caliper of 60mm and group together masses of vegetation by outlining the canopy;
- Location and type of protection measures for the existing vegetation to be retained;
- Location of all the existing natural features such as top of bank and/or watercourse features;
- Layout of the proposed site development;
- Location of above and below ground utilities (including lighting facilities);
- Proposed grades, existing grades along the property lines and elevations at the base of trees to remain; and
- Plant list showing index, quantity, species, size (diameter at breast height), health, etc.;
- After care of trees to be preserved should be identified.
Parks are an essential component of the urban area. They provide opportunities for both residents and visitors to explore other aspects of daily life and to have social, educational, and recreational experiences in a designated outdoor setting.
Parkland that provides maximum benefit to the public, integrates existing natural features (such as streams and creeks) and cultural heritage resources (such as woodlots and hedge rows) in a functional manner are a vital component of a well-planned community. The ideal park will have a wide range of features and facilities from open meadow to shady groves of trees and will accommodate use by residents with a variety of interests and capabilities.
Prior to the initiation of any design work, the Town requires pre-consultation with the Owner and their agents to address the design features for park and open space facilities.
All work undertaken within parklands is to be completed in accordance with the BWG Engineering Design Criteria Manual.
I1.01 Naturalization
Areas of naturalization are encouraged within all parks and open space areas. Naturalization may be in the form of a low maintenance planting area, a buffer area for adjacent woodlots or stream corridors, or a stormwater management facility. The locations and design of these naturalization areas are to be co-ordinated with the stormwater management plan, the site’s programming needs, and with consideration for any abutting natural areas or woodlots.
Naturalization areas will consist of either open meadows of herbaceous plants, (grasses, forbs and native wild flowers) or of native woody plant material (shrubs, vines and trees) to eventually establish a woodlot.
Standard maintenance activities in the naturalization areas are to be limited to the removal of invasive non-native species, and a 1.0m mowed strip adjacent to all trails and walkways abutting the naturalized area. The Conservation Authority should be consulted and the Town must approve selection of all plant material for naturalized areas. All plant species are to be appropriate to the site. The use of native, non-invasive species indigenous to the region may be a requirement.
The Town encourages the preservation of 25% of existing vegetation within park blocks. To preserve this vegetation, a naturalized planting area may be required. Naturalization may also be required for park areas that abut Greenlands systems and watercourses. Newly naturalized areas will incorporate the following design techniques:
- The use of several plant associations which are commonly found in that area.
- Clustering of plants to replicate natural communities.
A base level of development will include rough and fine grading, site services (water, sanitary, electrical, and storm drainage systems), fencing, identification and regulatory signage, and sodding of turf areas.
All parks will include a pedestrian circulation system including a major paved walkway at a minimum of 2.4m in width connecting the main (pedestrian) entrances to the main features and/or facilities within the park. This main walkway may also serve as a multi-use trail and maintenance vehicle access route. Parks may also include minor walkways of minimum 1.5m in width providing connections for secondary entrances and features.
A minimum of one vehicular access for maintenance is required for each park, and may require a curb cut. These vehicles may use the major pathway.
The Town will determine the level of winter maintenance required, if any, for each park on a site-by-site basis.
In keeping with the spirit of the Ontario for Disabilities Act, the Town will be expecting facilities and park designs to be sensitive towards groups with disabilities. Designs will be considered on a site-by-site basis in order to evaluate the need and application of “accessible designs”. The Town may consider a special, dedicated facility within a park to accommodate a variety of users.
Trails and Walkways - Parkland and park facilities will be designed to provide barrier free access to wheelchair users and others with mobility limitations. Each park will contain a pedestrian system of walkways, trails, bridges and ramps, in accordance with the BWG Standard Drawing I102, to provide continuous direct access from the access or entry point at the edge of the park or parking lot to the park facilities.
Playground Equipment - The design of play areas is to include consideration for accessible paths to the plan area from the rest of the park, as well as, accessible surfacing to access the play equipment. As a minimum, playground equipment will be selected to allow for children who are wheelchair users to have access to the play equipment be means of a ramp or transfer platform used with the assistance of a parent or caregiver. Specific play components will take into consideration the needs of limited-mobility users, other special needs, and age groups.
Other Features and Fixtures - The selection of site furnishings (e.g. picnic tables), hardware (e.g. door handles) and fixtures will be based on ease of use for a wide range of capabilities and age groups.
I4.01 Protection
Protect all existing vegetation as directed on the approved drawings by Landscape Architect prior to commencing any site works. Protection should be in accordance with an approved Site Alteration Permit, if applicable. The root systems and habitat of existing trees shall be protected from damage due to excavation, compaction or contamination resulting from construction. For the installation of conduits, the contractor may be required to bore/tunnel under the tree’s root system using methods and equipment acceptable to the Town. No trees shall be pruned without prior approval from the Town.
I4.02 Clearing
Clear site of all rubbish, rocks, boulders, tree stumps and other useless materials and debris, remove from site and dispose of unless instructed otherwise. Cut all dead trees and remove stumps and roots to a minimum depth of 600mm below proposed finished grade.
I4.03 Topsoil and Stripping
All areas designed for paving or the construction of structures shall be stripped of all topsoil and organic matter to its full depth taking care not to contaminate it with any sub-soil. All stripped topsoil shall be stockpiled in areas so designated by the Town.
Topsoil will be re-used for landscape work, unless specified otherwise. Commence topsoil stripping only after designated areas have been cleared of scrub, weeds, brush stumps, rocks and other deleterious materials. Such materials shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the contractor.
I4.04 Grading
After stripping of topsoil, do all necessary rough grading, excavating, and filling, where required, to establish the sub-grade under all areas as shown on drawings. Level of sub-grade shall be to the depths specified, after compaction of sub-grade and of materials placed thereon. Remove all soft and unstable areas in sub-grade to approved depth and backfill with clean, approved fill material. Establish and maintain sub-grade parallel to finished grade and shape to allow adequate surface runoff and prevent ponding, scouring and erosion. Provide for uniform slopes between points for which finished grades are shown on drawings. Meet and blend with existing grades in a smooth manner. Establish smoothly rounded grades at top and toe of slopes and banks. Do not grade when soil is wet or frozen. Preparation of sub-grade:
- Scarify sub-grade on which topsoil is to be placed, to the minimum depths specified.
- Scarify sub-grades under areas which are to be raised by placing fill to minimum depth of 75mm to provide a good bond and prevent slipping of fill.
I4.05 Filling
Fill material shall be clean, free of topsoil and organic matter and debris, and shall be approved by the Town before placing. On site excavated material may be used for filling when approved by the Town. Testing of proposed fill materials may be required.
Where required, supply and spread approved fill materials to raise existing grades to the specified level, as shown on the drawings. Place fill in loose layers, not exceeding 150mm in depth and compact each layer to a minimum dry density of ninety-eight percent (98%) of the maximum Standard Proctor Density, before placing subsequent layers. The surface shall be shaped at all times to ensure adequate surface runoff and prevent ponding and scouring.
I4.06 Excavation
Before proceeding with excavating work for paving and footings, the areas shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Landscape Architect.
Excavate where required to the minimum specified depths to establish the sub-grade under all paving where shown on drawings. Prepare and compact final sub-grades as shown on drawings. The excavations for footings shall be carried to undisturbed soil, to depths as shown on drawings.
I4.07 Inspection
The Owners Consulting Engineer will verify existing sub-grade and site conditions including vegetation, and report any changes/alterations from the original approved drawings, in writing, to the Town and the Landscape Architect. The Consulting Engineer or appropriate authority will verify that all underground services, such as water lines, sewers, electrical cables, telephone, gas and other utility lines and have been constructed as per the approved subdivision drawings.
Upon receipt of the Consulting Engineers report, the work will be inspected by the Town. Town approval must be obtained before proceeding with further work.
I5.01 Drainage
All drainage associated with park amenities and open space shall conform to Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Lot Grading and Drainage standards outlined in Section F of this manual. Parkland is to be conveyed in a condition where no surface water can be left standing and in accordance with an overall grading plan. The Developer will be responsible for all costs associated with installing a drainage system to meet Town approval. The preliminary park drainage system required for conveyance is to be designed with the overall subdivision drainage taking advantage of nearby street sewers where possible. Park and open space property is not to be used for draining private properties. The Developer is required to install a storm manhole within 1 metre of the Town property line. All drainage is to be designed to encumber the site as little as possible recognizing that park amenities require excavation. The entrances to the park or open space are to be clear of sewer appurtenances.
I5.02 Topsoil and Grading
The park shall be fine graded in accordance with the approved grading plan with particular care being taken to avoid damage to those trees that are to remain. All graded areas shall be covered with a minimum of 150mm of approved topsoil, maximum slopes not are not exceeding 4:1, and shall be sodded and fertilized in accordance with the specifications of the Town.
Any topsoil stripped from the area surrounding the park and stockpiled on the site is to be removed from the site prior to park development. Alternatively, all or part of the stockpiled topsoil may be incorporated into the overall site grading plan.
Spreading of topsoil, rough grading, fine grading and bed preparation (including removal of all stones and debris) are to be completed and inspected by the Town prior to sodding. Topsoil shall be stabilized within the construction year’s growing season.
All topsoil to be obtained from stockpiles, or supplied by the Contractor, shall be a fertile, friable natural loam containing four percent (4%) minimum organic matter for clay loams and two percent (2%) minimum organic matter for sandy loams with acidity range of 5.5pH to 7.5pH and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth. It shall be free of any admixture of sub-soil, clay lumps, stones, and roots and other extraneous matter and shall be free of weeds and weed seeds.
Topsoil Spreading and Fine Grading
Obtain approval by the Town of prepared subgrade prior to spreading topsoil. Spread topsoil to the following depths: 150mm for all areas to be sodded. Depth indicated is compacted depth. Spread topsoil on prepared sub-grade of the work site. Fine grade topsoil should be used to produce a smooth even surface free from debris, sod, stones and roots. Meet and match all existing turf areas, curbs, manholes and catchbasin frames in a smooth uniform line.
Park and open space blocks generally require a water service to be provided at the property line. The size of the service is to be confirmed with Town staff prior to approval of servicing plans. Water meter chambers may be required, in order to accommodate water service equipment (as per BWG Standard Drawing D104), location of chamber to be confirmed by Town staff.
The Developer is required to install a sanitary manhole 1m from the property line in the boulevard, if required or as determined by the Town.
The Developer is required to install a storm sewer system in accordance with the approved stormwater/drainage plan. A storm manhole is to be installed 1m from the property line, if required in the boulevard.
The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury encourages the use of native species within parks and open space. Where proposed planting area is adjacent to woodlots, watercourses or other natural areas, only non invasive species and indigenous to Simcoe County will be approved.
Non-naturalized planting areas are to be designed in continuous mulched beds where possible to reduce maintenance. Bare root plant material will be considered on site-by-site basis. A variety of tree species is required. Clustering of similar species is discouraged and should be limited to clusters with a maximum of 5 – 9 per grouping. See section H for details.
I7.01 Park Trees
The Owner is required to supply and install trees within parkland areas as required to provide user comfort, screening/buffering, accenting of entrance plazas, wildlife habitat, etc., as determined by the Town.
Refer to Section H – Landscaping for a list of suitable tree species. Moisture regime, sunlight availability and salt tolerance (where applicable) must also be considered as a factor in selecting species.
Trees are to be placed so as not to interfere with underground utilities, intersection sight lines, overhead wires and light standards. Where possible, medium to large shade trees are to be selected.
Maintenance Period
During the Maintenance Period, the Owner must maintain all plants in a vigorous and healthy growing condition, including but not limited to:
- Cultivating and weeding of planting beds and tree pits.
- Watering when required and in sufficient quantities to saturate the root system.
- Pruning, including the removal of dead or broken branches, and treatment of pruning with an approved dressing.
- Disease and insect control when required. Use chemical methods in accordance with Town policy, and the manufacturer’s directions. Make good any damage at no cost to the Town.
- Keep all accessories in good conditions and property adjusted. Repair or replace accessories when required at no cost to the Town.
Final Acceptance
Planting will be inspected at the end of the Maintenance Period and plant material will be accepted only if it is in a vigorous, healthy, growing condition, in full leaf with no more than 20% dieback. All beds, and tree pits must be freshly cultivated and free of weeds, rubbish and debris.
I7.02 Sod
Schedule sod laying to coincide with topsoil operations. Do not begin to install sod without inspection and approval of topsoil preparation. Topsoil to be free of stones, debris and weeds and fine graded to grades indicated on plan prior to start of sodding operation.
Sodding during dry weather is acceptable only if sufficient and continuous watering is assured. Where slippage of sod is likely to occur because of the degree of slope, pegging is required. When sod is established, drive pegs flush with sod. Lay sod even with adjoining landscape areas. The rows shall have staggered joints. Butt sections closely without overlapping or leaving gaps between sections. Cut out irregular or thin sections. Provide close contact between sod and soil by means of light roller. Heavy rolling to correct irregularities in grade is not permitted.
Water immediately after laying to obtain moisture penetration through sod into top 150mm of topsoil. Provide adequate protection of sodded areas against erosion and other damage. Remove this protection after sod has become established.
It is the Developer`s responsibility to maintain the sodded areas in good condition for one year. Maintenance includes but is not limited to weeding, fertilizing as required by soil tests, cutting as required to maintain sod at a maximum height of 60mm and watering.
Water sodded areas to sustain its prosperous growth and prevent deterioration. The Developer is responsible for supplying water to the site. Acceptance
Sodded areas will be accepted at the end of the maintenance period provided that:
- Sod is property established.
- Turf is free of bare or dead spots and weeds.
- Sodded areas have been cut within 24 hours prior to acceptance inspection.
Certified No.1 Cultivated Turf Grass Sod, in compliance with the standards outlined in the most current `Guide Specification for Nursery Stock`, published by the Canadian Nursery Trades Association of Ontario.
I8.01 General |
All playground equipment shall comply with CAN/CSA Standards Z614 –Children’s Playspaces and Equipment (latest edition) and incorporate accessibility features that comply with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, and are to be in accordance with BWG Standard Drawing I103.
The playground will be separated into distinct play area sections. A junior play area for children 18 months to 5 years old and a senior play area for children 5 to 12 years old.
It is generally acceptable to mix products from different manufacturers on a project site. Timber and wood components are not acceptable.
Consultants and contractors shall provide shop drawings of creative play structures and play equipment for review and approval by the Town.
I8.02 Structures
A typical program for a Neighbourhood Park may include at a minimum:
- Swings – 2 seats for toddlers, 4 belt seats, and 1 accessible seat for children with disabilities.
- Junior creative structure: 2-3 decks with min. 1 roof, transfer station & stairs, 2 plastic slides – single and dual track, climber, tunnel or bridge between decks, 3-4 activity panels, and talk tube or alternate.
- Senior creative structure: 3-6 decks with min. 1 roof, transfer station with stairs, accessibility ramp, 2 plastic slides – straight and spiral both open, 3 climbers, rock wall or similar activity, 4-5 activity panels, and sliding pole.
- Spring/spinning toys: 2 units varying types.
I8.03 Manufacturers
The following manufacturers are approved:
- Recreation Play systems
- ABC Recreation
- Belair Recreational Products
- Henderson Recreation Equipment
- Landscape Structures
- Little Tikes (commercial play systems)
I8.04 Components
- Steel with plastisol coating preferred; plastic wood or Trex is acceptable
- Provide a transfer deck on structure to make it accessible
- Provide minimum 1 set of stairs
- Chain net, cable net, and cargo net climbers shall have one piece coupling or nut and bolt couplings. Screw couplings are not acceptable.
Spring Toys:
Direct buried spring toys are not approved except those from Kompan. Anchor all other manufacture’s spring toys in a footing. Spring Toys must be removable by Parks Maintenance personnel.
Approved Products:
- Kompan: any spring toy seesaws.
- Game Time: any saddlemates, dino and fire chief car are best performers
- Belair: spring rider, giant see saw, 4-way rock-a-bout
- Landscape Structures: selected spring products
Not Approved Products:
- Little Tikes: all spring toys
- Super rider
- Game Time: Jumbo Flyer
Independent Climbers - Approved products:
- Any product by Belair or Landscape Structures, finish: zinc bath, polyester powder coat
Independent Swings - Approved products: All manufacturers meeting the following standards are acceptable.
- Belt seats from all manufacturers except Henderson
- Accessible bucket seats only from Landscape Structures
Not approved products:
- belt seats from Henderson
- dura glide seats by Little Tikes
- disabled chairs by others
- plastic coated swing chains (plastisol)
Swing standards:
- all styles approved
- all swing posts shall be embedded in footings (anchor footing to bedrock where depth of cover is not at least 1200mm)
- top cross bar shall be min. 2440mm ( 8’ 0”) above finished grade
- top cross bar shall be 89mm (3.5”) diameter (some 60.3mm (2’ 3/8”) will be considered, example Little Tikes Anti Wrap)
- minimum 4 seats provided in one unit or two separate units
- minimum 2 belt seats, 1 toddler seat, 1 seat for a disabled child
- all swing chains shall be ¼” galvanized
- attached to creative structures, no independent slides
- high vandalized areas, specify stainless steel slide
- all other areas specify poly slides
- open slides are required, slide tubes are not approved
- straight, wavy and spirals are acceptable
I8.05 Activity Panels
Do not place a poly panel at the end of a ramp. Use steel bars at ends of ramps mix up steel bars, poly windows, and activity panels to add interest to structure. Provide 40% of activity panels on ground level for wheelchair users
Acceptable panels:
- tic tac toe
- mirror
- Little Tikes 7 station panel
- poly windows
- steering wheel
Not approved panels:
- percussion musical panels, except in low vandalized areas
Unrated panels:
- all other activity panels will be considered. Must be approved by the Town prior to final design and ordering.
NOTE: the following components are not acceptable: diggers, track rides and flexible bridges
I9.01 Perimeter
Where walkways are provided, use asphalt or concrete sidewalks as borders to retain safety surface materials. In other areas, use sodded edge. Ensure minimum setbacks are provided from each piece of play equipment as per CSA standards and in accordance with the BWG Standard Drawings I104, I105, and I106.
I9.02 Drainage
Provide a subdrain system comprised of 100mm (4”) diameter corrugated poly drain pipe (Big “O”) with filter sock embedded in a French drain of 300mm wide x 400mm deep 19mm dia. clear stone set into the subgrade.
- Slope subgrade to drain towards drain pipe at 1.0%.
- Provide a non-woven geotextile filter fabric, (Terrafix 270R or equal) between Fibar and French drain.
- Provide minimum 3 legs of drain pipe to cover all sides and centre of play area.
- Slope drain pipe minimum 0.5% to drain towards a catch basin or discharge into a swale.
- Ensure placement of drainage pipe does not interfere with play equipment footings.
- In poorly drained areas: In addition to above, provide a drainage layer immediately beneath the Fibar comprised of 100-150mm (4”- 6”) 19mm dia. Clear drain stone with a non-woven geotxtile filter fabric, (Terrafix 270R or equal).
I9.03 Safety Surfacing
Fibar Systems engineered wood fibres minimum 300mm (12”) deep or approved equal.
Approved Products:
- Wood Carpet Zeager Brothers
- Fibre Top Play Care
- Bulk Wood Fibar ABC Recreation
- NOT Approved Product: Ecostrat
I10.01 Design
For all parks and open space, an electrical service is required for walkway lighting and future connections within the park. Install a single phase service drop one metre inside the park property line. Lighting priority is given to multi-use trails which are seen as a link between residential areas and schools or other pedestrian/cyclist destinations. Lighting of trails will only occur when trail is adequately populated by a continuum of users and can be sufficiently viewed from residential or public areas. For example, trails through woodlots or trails that lead to an unpopulated area will not be lit.
I10.02 Criteria
The Developers Electrical Consultant is to prepare the electrical drawings for the park or open space block and submit the drawings with the second submission drawing set.
Municipal Property
All Town parks, walkways and stormwater ponds are to be fenced at the interface with residential lots and other lands and are to be located on municipal property, unless otherwise directed.
Park and stormwater fencing to be chain link in accordance with BWG Standard Drawing J102.
Walkways shall have a chain link fence on each side being 1.2m high from the streetline to the front of the house and 1.8m high for the remainder in accordance with BWG Standard Drawing J102.
Common Fences
All fences are to be centered on the common lot line, unless otherwise directed and fence height is to be as determined by the Town. The Developer’s Consulting Engineer shall coordinate the design and indication of the fence type and location(s) required in the preparation of detailed engineering or landscape plans.
Additional chain link or wood privacy fence locations required or where deemed necessary by the Town will be determined during the engineering submission review(s) and preparation of the subdivision or site plan agreement(s).