Development charges assist in financing capital projects required to meet the increased need for services resulting from growth and development. Development charge funds may only be used for the purpose for which they are collected.
The Development Charges Act, 1997 and Ontario Regulation 82/98 require that, prior to the passing of a by-law, a development charges background study be undertaken, with reference to:
- The forecasted amount, type and location of future development.
- The average service levels provided in the Town over the 10-year period immediately preceding the preparation of the background study.
- Capital cost calculations for each of eligible development charge service.
- An examination of the long term capital and operating costs for the infrastructure required to service the forecasted development.

Town of BWG Development Charge Interest Policy
Effective Date: January 1, 2020 , Revision Date: April 6, 2021
The fundamental principle of funding growth-related capital costs is that ‘Growth should pay for Growth’. This policy serves to ensure that there is compensating interest income to fund the lost development charges (DCs) that will result from the DC rate freeze and deferred payment requirements.
1. Purpose |
The fundamental principle of funding growth-related capital costs is that ‘Growth should pay for Growth’. This policy serves to ensure that there is compensating interest income to fund the lost development charges (DCs) that will result from the DC rate freeze and deferred payment requirements.
This DC Interest Policy aims to ensure that the Town can fund the new cost of capital required to maintain the delivery of our services to new populations and businesses in the community. DCs are the main source of funding for infrastructure required to accommodate growth and without mitigation of the funding shortfall expected, the tax and rate payers would make up this difference. The Town’s goal is for growth to pay for growth as much as the Development Charge Act (DCA) allows. The interest earned from this policy will fund the lost DC revenue resulting from the two-year DC rate freeze as well as the lost DC revenue on the time lapse between date of calculation and ultimate payment of the DCs to the Town.
Subsection 26.2 (3) of the DCA permits a municipality to charge interest from the date the DC is calculated to the date the DC is paid in full.
Subsection 26.1 (7) of the DCA permits a municipality to charge interest on the instalments required by subsection (3) from the date the DC would have been payable in accordance with section 26 to the date the instalment is paid. |
2. Scope |
This policy applies to all employees of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury (the Town), all members of Council and all applicants for zoning by-law amendments, site plans and/or building permits. |
3. Definitions |
Early Payment Agreement means an agreement with a person or business who is required to pay a DC providing for all or any part of the DC to be paid before it would otherwise be payable.
Interest Rate means the published bank prime rate plus 3%.
Occupancy means the earliest of either (1) the date on which an Occupancy Permit or a Partial Occupancy Permit is issued by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, or (2) the earliest date on which the use or intended use of a building or part of a building for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property commences.
Security means an agreed upon asset or assurance provided in anticipation of later payment in full of DCs. |
4. Rate Freeze |
The new subsection 26.2 (1) of the DCA provides that DCs are to be calculated on:
Section 26 requires that the DC balance owing is due at Occupancy. If the period between DC calculation and Occupancy is greater than one month, interest will be charged, as prescribed below:
5. DC Deferral |
Subsection 26.1 (1) of the DCA states that, despite section 26, a DC in respect of any part of a development that consists of a type of development set out in subsection (2) is payable in accordance with section 26.1. Subsection 26.1 (2) identifies the following development types eligible for a DC deferral:
The DC shall be paid in equal annual instalments beginning on the earlier of the date of the issuance of a permit under the Building Code Act, 1992 authorizing occupation of the building and the date the building is first occupied, and continuing on,
The Interest Rate shall be charged on the outstanding balance as at each anniversary date, until the owing are paid in full. The interest will be calculated and charged as follows:
Early Payment Agreements will be offered if the owner of a development would prefer to pay the full DC owing at Occupancy. |
Background Studies
Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. prepared two Development Charges Background Studies for the Town. These studies served as the basis for the development charge rates approved by Bradford West Gwillimbury Council on December 15, 2009 through By-law 2009-134 that came into effect on December 16, 2009; and on March 5, 2013 through By-law 2013-29 that came into effect on March 6, 2013.
- April 2019 Development Charges Background Study
- April 2018 Development Charges Background Study
Consolidation Report (consolidates the January 2018 report and the February 2018 Addendum Report)
- January 2018 Development Charges Background Study
- February 2018 Addendum to Development Charges Background Study
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