An Adult Entertainment Establishment Licence is required to provide services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations, or to operate an establishment where these activities take place.
The Adult Entertainment Establishment Licence is valid for one (1) year and expires on January 31st annually. The fee for the license is $250 or $200 for a renewal (charges from external agencies may apply).
You Are Required to Submit:
- A completed Licence Application Form.
- A Police Record Check (dated within 90 days and received from the Police Service where you reside).
- Registered business information.
- Proof of Canadian citizenship, permanent residence, or eligibility to work in Canada.
- A certificate of general liability insurance ($2,000,000 minimum).
- Zoning approval (obtained via BWG's Planning Division: 905 775 5369).
- A floor plan of your establishment.

Approvals from each of the following departments below are required before the license will be issued:
- Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (705 458 1103).
- BWG Fire & Emergency Services (905 775 7311).
- BWG's Building Division (905 775 5369).
- BWG's Enforcement Divison (905 775 5366).
Please make an appointment with the Town's Licensing Officer if you have questions or concerns, or to submit your application.
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