Please be advised that the Town of BWG will begin block pruning the tree in the boulevard area adjacent to your home within the next few months and winter 2024. To learn more visit the Notice of Block Pruning webpage.
As the Town of BWG grows, so does our inventory of parks, boulevards and other green spaces. The Town passed a Tree Canopy and Natural Vegetation Protection Policy in September 2019, which provides guidelines for the maintenance, enhancement and protection of these natural resources, including the care of both public and private trees within the Town.
The Town of BWG asks developers to plant new trees, including the boulevard trees that will be assumed by the Town when the subdivision is assumed. The Town of BWG also has a yearly tree planting program for parks and boulevards.
Newly planted trees in urban areas have a lower survival rate than trees in forested areas and they often grow more slowly, so it can take a long time before they contribute as much to the environment as a mature tree; therefore, it’s important that we protect older trees in our community. One of the ways we do this is by educating the public on how to care for trees and on the importance of not removing mature trees unless absolutely necessary. This page provides information on how you can help.
Why are Trees Important?
Healthy trees are critical to our environment and our community because they:
- absorb air pollution
- offset climate change impacts by absorbing greenhouse gases
- prevent soil erosion by holding soil in place
- protect the water cycle by filtering polluted storm water before it enters the groundwater system or lakes and rivers
- provide habitat for local wildlife
- shade us and our homes, protecting us from dangerous UV rays and keeping us cool, thus saving money and energy on air conditioning
- keep our town beautiful for residents and visitors!

Newly planted trees need a lot of water in their first year to become established.

Did you know that tree roots need oxygen to support their growth and overall health?

Learn more about trees on Town property and what to do if you notice an issue.
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