Only current property tax owners can obtain property tax and utility information. Property owners can also give written authorization to someone to obtain information on their behalf. Authorization forms are available at our Finance Office or by emailing us.
The Articles of Incorporation are required when ownership is in the name of a company. Information will only be released to the Directors/Owners of the company unless one of the owners provides written authorization for someone else to obtain it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my mailing address? |
Only a property owner is allowed to change the mailing address on an account. Complete our online New/Change/Cancel Form. Once you have successfully submitted the form an email confirmation will be sent to you. |
How do I get an income tax receipt? |
If you require a receipt, please bring your final tax bill to the Finance Office after the September tax instalment has cleared your bank account and your tax bill will be stamped paid in full.
Property owners enrolled in the 10-month pre-authorized debit program can have their tax bill stamped after the final withdrawal occurs at the end of October and the amount has cleared your bank.
If you do not have your final tax bill, a copy of your tax account payment history can be printed for a fee of $10. You must visit the Finance Office in person and photo identification is required for verification of ownership. |
What if my mortgage company is paying on my behalf? |
If your mortgage company has notified the Town that they will be paying your property taxes, they will receive tax billing information directly from us. Residents will continue to receive property tax bills as they are issued. These bills will state “Do Not Pay – Paid by Mortgage Holder” on each payment stub and on the top middle of the bill.
If you receive a bill that does not indicate this and you believe your mortgage should be paying, you can follow up with the Town to determine if a change has occurred since the billing or contact your mortgage company directly.
Property owners cannot request to have their mortgage company removed; this request must come from the mortgage lender. A property owner cannot register for a property tax pre-authorized program while a mortgage lender is showing on their account. |

If you are a property owner within the Town of BWG you can view account information for your property taxes and water/wastewater utility accounts by visiting Virtual Town Hall.
There are fees associated with requesting documents. Below are a list of fees approved by Council for the 2025 tax year. For a full listing of all Town of BWG User Fees and Service Charges, select the document from the menu at right.
Tax Certificate |
$80 |
RUSH Tax Certificate |
$110 |
Duplicate Tax Bill or Tax Statement |
$10 |
Change of Tax Roll Ownership If you've recently purchased or transferred title, a fee covers the costs associated with updating the tax roll. |
$30 |
New Account Added to Tax Roll If property is new to tax roll, there will be a one-time fee to cover the costs associated with setting up the account. |
$30 |
Tax/Utility Payment Transfer Fee applies if payment is transferred from one account to another. This can include property tax account to a different property tax account, tax to utility account or utility to tax account. If you have moved or own multiple accounts you must ensure that your accounts have been set up correctly and individually. (per transfer) |
$10 |
Water Arrears Transfer to Tax Roll A fee applies if unpaid water & wastewater arrears, greater than 120 days, have gone unpaid and transferred to the tax roll. (per transfer) |
$30 |
Accounts Receivable / Building Department Transfer to Tax Roll A fee applies if accounts receivable/building department invoices have gone unpaid and transferred to the tax roll (per transfer) |
$30 |
Mortgage Company Administration Fees
Utility Arrears Transferred to Tax Roll Notice to Mortgage Company Water/wastewater arrears transferred to the tax roll (per roll, per transfer) |
$10 |
Withdrawal of Postdated Cheque on File If a postdated cheque is left with our office and you wish to have it returned or changed in any manner a fee will apply. |
$25 |
Letter for Income Tax Purposes Provided on request of account owner. (per year required) |
$35 |
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