Welcome to BWG Fire and Emergency Services. We are committed to providing service excellence to our residents and visitors and protecting life, property, and the environment within our community. We do this by providing a wide range of services, including:
- fire suppression
- motor vehicle accident response
- hazardous material response
- fire prevention
- public education
- ice/water rescue response
- enforcement of the Ontario Fire Code
- medical aid response
- investigation of the causes of fires
While performing these services, we are devoted to being a well-planned, trained and equipped emergency response agency where the safety and well-being of all involved in any emergency response is the primary goal.
Fire Services Routine Disclosure
BWG supports open, transparent, and accountable government through the establishment of routine disclosure practices.
Information protected through the MFIPPA (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) will not be disclosed.

File Searches related to Fire Prevention are available upon request and with authorization from the current owner to real estate lawyers/representatives.

Copies of fire reports by property are available upon request. Request applications and fees are processed online.
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