Alcohol, Smoking and Fire Safety
Every year, fires and fire-related deaths result when someone has been drinking and then either tried to cook or mishandled a cigarette. Even when alcohol isn't involved, smoking while tired or distracted can result in disaster. Here are some tips to increase safety:
Whether it's a party or just a regular day, keep a close eye on any drinkers in your home and make sure all cigarettes are properly extinguished and the stove is off before going to bed.
Encourage smokers to smoke outside.
Provide appropriate ashtrays (large and deep and not easily knocked over). Never extinguish a cigarette in a plant pot, which often contains flammables such as peat moss and shredded wood.
Empty ashtrays into a metal container (not the garbage can) and put it outside.
If people have been smoking in your home or vehicle, check for cigarettes that may have fallen between the cushions or on the floor. Remember - cigarettes can smoulder among upholstery cushions for hours before igniting.
Install smoke alarms on every storey and outside sleeping areas. If occupants smoke in the bedrooms, install smoke alarms inside the bedrooms as well. NEVER smoke in bed!
Test smoke alarms every month and replace the batteries at least once per year.
Babysitters and Fire Safety
Leaving your children in the care of a babysitter is a serious responsibility for any parent. Following these guidelines will help to ensure the experience is a safe and worry-free one for you, the babysitter and your children. Before the babysitter arrives:
Go over your home fire escape plan with your children, making sure that they know the escape routes and the location of the outside meeting place.
Test the smoke alarms to make sure they are working. Smoke alarms will detect fire in its early stages and could give the babysitter and children time to escape.
Speak to a neighbour who will be home for the evening. If there is an emergency, the babysitter can contact this neighbour to get help immediately.
Post emergency numbers right beside the phone. Include your neighbours' name and telephone number and the telephone number where you can be reached.
When the babysitter arrives:
Show the babysitter around the home, pointing out the children's bedrooms and the exits from those rooms.
Provide the babysitter with the address of your residence (i.e. street name, house number and/or unit number). Identify the major intersection closest to the residence.
Review the home fire escape plan with the babysitter, indicating the location of the meeting place and the neighbour's house. Tell the babysitter that if there is smoke or fire, get the children out of the house as quickly as possible and call the fire department from the neighbour's house.
Show the babysitter the emergency numbers by the phone and give him or her a separate Emergency Information Sheet to keep in their pocket. They may have to leave the house quickly and run to the neighbour's. This sheet should include the telephone number where the parents can be reached.
If the babysitter will be cooking or heating up food, demonstrate the use of all appliances they will be required to use.
Never allow babysitters to smoke while on the job.
Make sure that any matches and lighters in the home are kept out of the reach and sight of the children at all times.
Give the babysitter information about the children's routines and special needs, including allergies, medical conditions and medication.
Fill out the "Emergency Information for Babysitters" form and leave it with the babysitter.
Barbecue Safety
A few things can match the fun and enjoyment of a barbecue with family and friends. Practice sensible, safe barbecuing and your get togethers will be a sizzling success.
Season Opener
At the start of the barbecue season, do this three-step safety check of your BBQ:
Clean: Use a pipe cleaner or wire to make sure the burner ports are free of rust, debris, spider webs or other debris.
Check: Examine the hose leading from the tank to the burners. Replace if cracked or damaged.
Test: Find leaks by applying 50/50 solution of water and dish soap to propane cylinder connections and hoses. If bubbles appear, tighten the connection and/or replace the damaged parts and retest.
When you take your propane tank to be refilled, transport it safely by placing it in a secure, upright position with the safety valve on top. It is preferable to transport it on the floor of the passenger compartment. Make sure the windows of the vehicle are open. NOTE: Propane cylinders must be inspected and requalified or replaced every 10 years!
Time to Get Cooking
Always be careful when igniting a barbecue. Take these steps in the right order:
Open the hood.
Open the valve at the cylinder.
Turn on the barbecue controls and light the burner using the igniter button. If there is no igniter, insert the flame from a long match or barbecue lighter through the side burner hole. Light the match before you turn on the gas at the grill controls.
Safety Tips
Even a perfectly functioning barbecue needs to be handled with care. Here is a list of safety tips: Do …
Keep loose clothing away from a hot barbecue;
Keep children and pets at a safe distance;
When finished, turn the gas valve off first, then turn off the burner controls, so that no gas is left in the connecting hose; and
Allow the barbecue to cool completely before closing the cover.
Don't …
Leave the barbecue unattended when in use;
Barbecue in an enclosed space, such as a garage or tent;
Allow grease to build up on the burners or at the base of the barbecue as this could cause a grease fire;
Throw water on a grease fire – this will only spread the flame; or
Position your barbecue too close to wooden fences or walls. Make sure the area behind your barbecue is free of combustible material, since this is where hot gases escape.
Candle Safety
Candles are responsible for hundreds of fires in Canada every year. To minimize the risk of fire when burning candles in the home, the following steps should be followed:
When you go out, blow out!
Carbon Monoxide
What is carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless and odourless gas. Because you can't see, taste or smell it, it can affect you or your family before you even know it's there. CO is harmful because it will rapidly accumulate in the blood, depleting the ability of blood to carry oxygen.

Where does carbon monoxide come from?
Carbon monoxide is a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels. Most fuel-burning equipment (natural gas, propane and oil), if properly installed and maintained, produces little CO. The by-products of combustion are usually safely vented to the outside. However, if anything disrupts the venting process (such as a bird's nest in the chimney) or results in a shortage of oxygen to the burner, CO production can quickly rise to dangerous levels. CO produced by gasoline engines or BBQs in a poorly ventilated space such as a shed or garage can enter a home through connecting walls or doorways.
Where do I put a CO detector?
Most manufacturers specify where you should locate the CO detector. In general, CO detectors are to be installed outside of bedrooms. To avoid both damage to the unit and to reduce false alarms, it is NOT recommended to install CO detectors:
within 2 metres (6 ft.) of heating and cooking appliances
near forced- or unforced-air ventilation openings
within 2 metres (6 ft.) of corners or areas where natural air circulation is low
where they can be damaged, such as an outlet in a high traffic area
What features should I look for when purchasing a CO detector?
Most CO detectors are designed to give an alarm when CO levels reach a high level in a short time. Here are some features to consider when purchasing a CO detector:
Look for a detector that is listed with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). The logos of the testing agency will be on the product.
Battery-operated units allow detector placement in the most convenient location; however, any battery-operated device will require battery replacement. Batteries should be replaced at least once a year.
Do not connect plug-in units to an electrical outlet that is controlled by a wall switch.
Replace CO detectors at least every five years, unless the manufacturer specifies ashorter or longer life.
How can I eliminate sources of CO in my home?
The most important step you can take to eliminate the possibility of CO poisoning is to ensure that CO never has an opportunity to enter your home. Review this list to minimize the risk of CO in your home:
Have a qualified technician inspect and clean fuel-burning appliances yearly, before the cold weather sets in, to ensure they are in good working order.
Have a qualified technician inspect chimneys and vents yearly for cracks, blockages (e.g., bird's nests, twigs, old mortar), corrosion or holes.
Check fireplaces for closed or blocked flues.
Check with a qualified technician before enclosing heating and hot water equipment in a smaller room, to ensure there is adequate air for proper combustion.
If you have a powerful kitchen exhaust fan or downdraft cook top, have a qualified technician check that its operation does not pull fumes back down the chimney.
Never start a vehicle in a closed garage; open the garage doors first. Pull the car out mmediately onto the driveway, and then close the garage door to prevent exhaust fumes from being drawn into the house.
Do not use a remote automobile starter when the car is in the garage, even if the garage doors are open.
Never operate propane, natural gas or charcoal barbecue grills indoors or in an attached garage.
Never run a lawnmower, snow blower or any gasoline-powered tools inside a garage or house.
Regularly clean the clothes dryer ductwork and outside vent cover for blockages such as lint, snow, or overgrown outdoor plants.
Chimney and Fireplace Safety
Poorly maintained fireplaces and chimneys can pose a serious risk of fire. Follow the steps below to keep your home and family safe.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions
Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing and maintaining your chimney or appliance. If you do not have instructions, call the manufacturer. For masonry chimneys, call the builder.
Inspect and clean your chimney regularly
The Ontario Fire Code requires homeowners to maintain the safety of their chimneys and inspect them at least once a year. Your chimney could have a problem you cannot see. If in doubt, consult a WETT (Wood Energy Technical Training) certified chimney sweep.
Check stovepipes and connections
Ensure screws are located at every joint. Also look for leaching (dark staining or white powder) at every joint. This could be a sign of chimney trouble - consult a WETT certified chimney sweep.
Check for creosote
Creosote can form quickly and is a major cause of chimney fires. Check chimney and flue pipes often and clean when necessary - never let creosote or soot build up.
Check walls for excessive heat
If the wall is very hot, it could be a sign of improper installation of the chimney or stove pipe. Check with a WETT certified chimney sweep.
Install a rain cap
A rain cap should be installed on top of all metal and masonry chimneys. If you have a spark screen around the chimney cap, inspect it regularly for blockage.
Watch for smoke coming into the room
This could indicate a blockage in the chimney or a faulty damper control mechanism. Check it out!
Protect floors and walls from heat and sparks
Keep combustibles safely away from your appliance. Always use a properly fitting screen for your fireplace.
Regularly check for signs of problems
Your heating appliance, flue pipes and chimney can deteriorate over time. Look for corrosion or rust stains on the outer shell of a metal chimney and check for bulges or corrosion in its liner. Loose bricks, crumbling mortar, broken liners, dark stains or white powder indicate problems with masonry chimneys. These should be fixed immediately by a qualified mason.
Christmas Tree Safety
Fire safety precautions need to be taken when keeping a live tree in the house. A burning tree can rapidly fill a room with fire and poisonous gases.
Care and Feeding of Your Tree
Selecting a tree: Needles on fresh trees should be green and hard to pull back from the branches. Also, the needle should not break if the tree has been freshly cut. The trunk should be sticky to the touch. Older trees can be identified by bouncing the tree trunk on the ground. If several needles fall off, the tree has probably dried out, and is a fire hazard.
Caring for your tree: Do not place your tree close to a heat source, including a fireplace or heat vent. The tree will dry out quickly, causing it to be more easily ignited by heat, flame or sparks. Do not put your live tree up too early or leave it up too long. Keep the tree stand filled with water at all times.
Disposing of your tree: Never put tree branches or needles in a fireplace or a wood burning stove. When the tree becomes dry, discard it promptly.
Artificial trees: If you are using a metallic or artificial tree, make sure it is flame retardant.
Christmas Lights
Maintain your Christmas lights: Inspect Christmas lights each year for frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in the insulation, broken or cracked sockets, and excessive kinking or wear before putting them up. Use only lighting listed by an approved testing laboratory (ULC).
Do not overload electrical outlets: Unless the directions on the lights indicate it is safe, do not link more than three strands of lights. Make sure to periodically check the wires - they should not be warm to the touch.
Cottage Safety
It is an annual ritual performed by many Canadians each year. Opening the cottage signals the beginning of yet another summer of family fun, rest and relaxation. Minimize risks by taking the time to do it right!
Check Your Electrical Service
Do a visual inspection of the power lines leading into your cottage. If there is any damage or tree limbs on the wires report it to the local utility and have it repaired or corrected before turning the service on in your cottage. Inspect the condition of the wiring inside and out. Mice and other rodents can damage it during the winter months. Have an electrician repair any damage.
Check The Appliances
Underserviced or poorly maintained propane appliances such as stoves, refrigerators and heaters can be dangerous. After sitting dormant for the winter months, have them inspected and serviced by a qualified technician before using them. Consider replacing old appliances with new ones that include safety features.
Safety Equipment
Install smoke alarms just as you would at home and test them to ensure they work. Install carbon monoxide alarms just as you would at home. If you have smoke and CO alarms, replace the batteries to start the season. Make sure you have a fully charged fire extinguisher located in a highly visible spot. Ensure everyone knows how to use it.
General Cleanup
Clean up rubbish, leaves and branches outside to reduce the risk of fire. Dispose of old cleaning solvents and fuels, such as gasoline, kerosene and naphtha, at a hazardous waste distribution centre. They are no longer useable but still represent a considerable fire risk. If you have an approved fire pit outside for campfires, clean it up and cut back any branches or brush that may have grown too close.
Extinguishers and Sprinklers
Extinguishers can put out or contain small fires, but only if you know how to use them. Before even considering using a portable extinguisher, make sure you have access to a clear exit. Also ensure that you are using the right extinguisher for the type of fire you are trying to put out. Look for these symbols that describe the extinguisher's uses:

Type A - Ordinary Combustibles - These include common household items such as paper, wood and cloth.
Type B - Flammable Liquids - Gasoline, cooking oils or fats, oil based paint and kerosene are just some of these.
Type C - Electrical Equipment - Wall outlets, power cords, small and large appliances, wiring and fuse boxes fall under this category.
How to Use an Extinguisher - Remember "P.A.S.S"
Here's a simple way to remember the steps to take when using a portable extinguisher. Start by standing around 3 metres back from the fire. Then follow the acronym "P.A.S.S."
- Pull the pin. The pin is there as a safeguard and locks the handle. Pulling it out makes it ready to use.
- Aim low. The hose or nozzle should be pointed at the base of the fire to best put it out.
- Squeeze the lever above the handle. This will shoot the extinguishing substance from the hose or nozzle. Keep in mind that most small extinguishers will run out of their extinguishing agent in 10 to 25 seconds.
- Sweep from side to side. As you move slowly toward the fire, keep the hose or nozzle aimed at the base of the fire. If the flames appear to be out, release the handle and watch closely. If the fire ignites again, repeat the process.

Keep In Mind
Before you use an extinguisher to fight small fires, make sure everyone else has left the area and that firefighters have been called using 911.
Always have an exit route at your back. Never let the fire get between you and the way out.
Call the fire department to inspect the fire area, even if you are sure you have extinguished the fire.
Once a month, inspect your extinguisher for damage and make sure it is properly charged (see manufacturer's instructions for details).
If you use an extinguisher, it must be recharged by a professional. If it is a disposable unit, throw it out.
Fireworks Safety
Fireworks displays in your own backyard can be a lot of fun, but can pose serious risks if proper precautions aren't taken.
BWG Fire and Emergency Services suggests attending public fireworks displays hosted by a responsible organization if possible. If you still choose to have family fireworks or an informal neighbourhood display, please follow these guidelines.
Be aware or your responsibility
By choosing to set off fireworks on your own property, you are taking responsibility for any harm that should occur to people or property as a result. You may wish to advise your neighbours before doing this and ensure that there will be no undue hardship as a result. Every year, numerous complaints are received because of fireworks being set off late at night or too close to other properties, and this can damage relationships between neighbours.
If your yard is small and you cannot guarantee debris will fall only on your own property, use of fireworks is not recommended.
Set them off safely
Only ADULTS should handle fireworks - appoint ONE person to be in charge who knows the hazards and safety precautions.
Carefully read and follow the directions on the packaging.
Always keep a hose or pail of water close by.
Set off fireworks well away from combustible materials like buildings, trees and dry grass.
Light only one firework at a time.
Never try to light a firework (or hold a lit firework) in your hand.
Never re-light “dud” fireworks. Wait 30 minutes, then soak them in a bucket of water.
Never give sparklers to small children. Sparklers burn extremely hot and can ignite clothing, cause blindness and result in severe burns.
Sparkler wires remain hot for several minutes after burnout, so soak them in water immediately to avoid injury.
If someone gets burned, run cool water over the wound for three to five minutes and seek medical attention if necessary.
Watch the fireworks as they fall to the ground, and mark their locations so that you don't miss anything. If they fall into a neighbour's yard or on their roof, you are responsible for letting them know and retrieving them if necessary.
Dispose of them wisely
Immediately after your firework show, comb the area for any pieces that may have scattered in the explosion.
Use work gloves to pick up any materials that may be hot.
Soak all materials in a pail of water overnight (NOT in a lake or other natural body of water).
Pull out wicks and fuses from unspent fireworks.
Wrap the wet materials in plastic to keep them wet as long as possible and place them in your regular trash.
Halloween Safety
Before kids hit the streets this Halloween, check over costumes, décor and trick-or-treating plans for fire safety!
Grown-ups: here's what we ask you to do to protect your own and others' kids:
- Consider a battery-operated or other artificial flame in your jack-o'-lantern.
- If you do choose a flame-lit pumpkin, use a small candle like a tea-light in a protective holder, and keep it well away from landings, stairs and doorsteps where costumes can brush against the flame.
- Keep a light on on your porch if you are giving out candy, and ensure stairs and walkways can be clearly seen and have no trip hazards.
- Indoors, protect your home and family by placing any candles or candlelit jack-o'-lanterns on sturdy tables, away from curtains and other flammable objects. Never leave them unattended. Always keep candles, matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
- Check your candlelit jack-o'-lanterns regularly to ensure the flame remains low and isn't burning the pumpkin or nearby materials.
Not all adults follow our advice to keep lit pumpkins in a safe location, so prepare your kids:
- Warn your family to steer clear of any lit-up décor, whether it appears to have an open flame or not.
- Avoid costumes with long hems, baggy pants, long flowy sleeves or other parts that drag and could come into contact with flame or create a trip hazard. Make sure that face coverings don't limit vision, and check that kids can see where they put their feet.
- Don't send children out alone, but always with an adult or in a group. Make sure that children know how to call 9-1-1 if they experience an emergency.
- Teach children what to do should their clothing catch fire:
- STOP immediately
- DROP to the ground and cover face
- ROLL over and over to extinguish the flames
Fire Escape Plan

In an emergency situation, it is critical that everyone in the household knows what to do and where to go.
Know how to get out
- Develop a home escape plan, indicating two safe ways out of every room, if possible.
- Review the plan with every member of the household, and anyone looking after your home and/or children.
- Teach family members to crawl low if there is smoke. Since smoke rises, this is where the good air is. Teach family members to close the door and go to the window if they are trapped in an upper-storey room.
- Stress to children that they should not hide or wait for an adult when they hear the smoke alarm. They should get out quickly.
Agree on a meeting place
- Include a meeting place outside the home, such as a tree, mailbox or neighbour's house, where everyone can meet and be accounted for.
- Instruct family members to call 9-1-1 from a neighbour's house. NEVER call from inside the home.
Eliminate obstacles
- Tripping could be fatal in a fire situation. Check to see that all tripping hazards, such as scatter rugs, cords, shoes and general clutter, are removed from floors and stairways.
- Repair patios or walkways where there are uneven surfaces.
- Mark the edges of steps with reflective or a contrasting colour of tape, so they stand out and can be seen from a distance.
- Ensure the home is adequately lit. Dimly lit areas may produce confusing shadows or create difficulty in recognizing everyday objects.
- Use night-lights to light the way from the bathroom to the bedroom.
Practice your escape plan twice a year
- Ask family members to go into the rooms they normally sleep in and shut the door.
- Push the test button on the smoke alarm.
- Ensure family members check the door to see if it is hot before opening it.
- Meet with other family members at the designated family meeting place. Do a head count to ensure everyone is out of the house.
Kitchen Safety
In Ontario, unsafe cooking is the leading cause of fires in the home. Cooking fires rank first in the number of injuries and second in the number of fire fatalities. Most kitchen fires are preventable. To prevent a kitchen fire in your home, here are some safety tips:
- Remain in the kitchen when you are cooking
- Never leave the oven or stove burners unattended when you are cooking.
- Always turn off the oven and stove burners when you are finished cooking.
- Keep electrical cooking appliances unplugged when not in use (e.g. toaster, kettle).
- Keep a proper-fitting pot lid near the stove when cooking, and have a portable fire extinguisher close by.
- See the tips at right for putting out a kitchen fire.
- Do not wear long sleeves or loose clothing while cooking. Long sleeves and loose fitting clothing could catch fire if they come into contact with oven or stove top burners.
- Individuals who have long hair should tie it back.
- Be alert when cooking. Avoid cooking when you are tired and when you are under the influence of alcohol or medications.
- Keep combustibles away from the stove. Combustible materials such as dish towels, paper towels and other paper products (e.g. recipe books, cardboard food boxes) are to be kept a safe distance away from the stove and oven.
- Turn pot handles in. Pot handles that stick out away from the stove can easily bumped or grabbed by a small child. To prevent burns and stove-top fires, turn pot handles toward the back of the stove when cooking.
- Whenever possible, use the rear burners.
- Ensure cooking surfaces are kept clean. Clean up spills and grease on cooking surfaces promptly.
Electrical safety
- Avoid overloading electrical outlets with too many appliances.
- Carefully examine electrical cords and discard any that are frayed, cracked or damaged.
- To prevent personal injury, ensure that electrical cords that are in use are kept out of the reach of children.
Smoke Alarms
Only working smoke alarms save lives!
Choose the right smoke alarms.
There are many types of smoke alarms available with different power sources, technologies and features. Before purchasing smoke alarms, visit for information, or contact the fire department.
Install in the proper locations. Ontario law requires that working smoke alarms be located on every storey of the home and outside all sleeping areas (see diagram below). Avoid installing smoke alarms in or adjacent to kitchens and bathrooms, or near air vents, windows and ceiling fans.
Manage nuisance alarms. If a smoke alarm frequently activates due to cooking activities or using the shower, do not remove the battery! Try moving the smoke alarm, purchasing a smoke alarm with a hush feature, or replacing ionization alarms located near kitchens with photoelectric alarms. For more solutions to nuisance alarms, visit
Change the batteries twice a year.
Install a new battery at twice once a year or whenever the low battery warning sounds. Test the smoke alarm after installing a new battery.
Test smoke alarms monthly.
Smoke alarms should be tested monthly, and upon returning home after an absence of more than a few days. If the alarm fails to sound when the test button is pressed, make sure the battery is installed correctly, or install a new battery. If the alarm still fails to sound, replace the smoke alarm with a new one.
Smoke alarms don't last forever. They are required to be replaced within the time frame indicated by the manufacturer. This is usually 10 years. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing, testing and maintaining smoke alarms. For information about smoke alarms, contact your local fire department.