Community Support Program

The deadline for BWG's Community Grant Program Applications is October 1st annually​.


The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Co​mmunity Support Program is intended to provide limited assi​stance to not-for-profit community groups and organizations within the Town to assist with programs and events. This support is in recognition of the value of these groups to the well-being and growth of the community and in helping the Town retain a strong community focus.

For complete details of the Town of BWG's Community Support Program, ​​please review ​the Community Support Policy​ which may be found below.

Complete our Online Application

Types of Support

The Community Support Program consists of the annual community grant program, as well as other types of support as listed below. All requests for support must be made through the completed Community Support Application Form. Requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers or if you require the arrangement of provisions to accessible formats and communication supports.

Community Grant Program

The Community Grant Program (CGP) is an annual application and disbursement program for grants of $500 to $5,000. The application deadline is October 1 of each year​, with grants disbursed in the subsequent calendar year. Organizations must reside within BWG and provide benefit to residents of the community.

Priority will be givent to requests that support programs in the following categories: youth/senior, heritage/civic, arts/culture or leisure/tourism.

Mayor's Discretionary Funding
The Mayor has the discretion to authorize donations less than $500 at any time during the calendar year from funds earmarked during the budgeting process. ​Eligible requests received by the Grants Committee that fall into this category will be forwarded to the Mayor for consideration, and requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested.
In-Kind Contributions
Each Town department has the discretion to make in-kind donations from their own department's resources to a maximum value of $1,000 – including but not limited to the provision of goods or services as prizes and provision of services or use of Town assets for the benefit of the organization. Applications for in-kind contributions should be made a minimum of two months in advance to the required date. Eligible requests recieved by the Grants Committee that fall into this category will be forwaded to the appropriate Department Head for consideration, and requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested.

Approval Process

Applications close on October 1st of each yearAfter the Grants Committee review the applications, Town of BWG Council considers the decisions and gives final approval. 

After Council approval, we contact successful applicants with their final grant amounts and issue payments.  Successful applicants receiving grants/donations of $500 or more must provide a report on the funded activity no later than 90 days following completion, or by the end of the fiscal year for ongoing activities. Consideration of any future grant is contingent upon submission of this report. 

Community Support Policy

Policy Number


Approval Date

July 2015

Last Revised

March 19, 2024

Policy Area

Corporate Services, Clerks Division

Policy Administrator



Grant, financial support, community support


1.1 The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Community Support program is intended to provide limited assistance to Not-for-profit community groups and organizations to assist with programs and events that benefit or contribute to the residents of the Town. This support is in recognition of the value of these groups to the wellbeing and growth of the community and in helping the Town retain a strong community focus


1.2 Each year, as part of the annual budget process, Council will determine the financial commitment to the Community Support Program. This may be supplemented through Town fundraising activities and events.


1.3 This policy establishes eligibility requirements, identifies the types of funding available,
and outlines the application process and reporting requirements.

2.1 This policy applies to Not-for-profit community groups and organizations within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury that are applying for funding along with Town staff and members of Council participating in the Grants Committee.
 Types of Support
3.1 Community Grant - The Community Grant Program (CGP) is an annual application and disbursement program for grants of $500 to $5,000. Grants may be made to support programs or events with a fixed start and end date, or for general operating or capital expenses as long as the specific use can be identified and accounted for. Requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested.

Priority will be given to requests that support programs in the following categories: youth/senior, heritage/civic, arts/culture or leisure/tourism.


3.2 Mayor’s Discretionary Funding - Mayor has the discretion to authorize donations less than $500 at any time during the calendar year from funds earmarked during the budgeting process. Eligible requests received by the Grants Committee that fall into this category will be forwarded to the Mayor for consideration, and requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested.


3.3 In-Kind Contributions - Each Town department has the discretion to make in-kind donations from their own department’s resources to a maximum value of $1,000 – including but not limited to the provision of goods or services as prizes and provision of services or use of Town assets for the benefit of the organization. Applications for in-kind contributions should be made a minimum of two months in advance of the required date. Eligible requests received by the Grants Committee that fall into this category will be forwarded to the appropriate Department Head for consideration, and requests may be approved in full, denied, or approved for a lesser value than requested.

Applications and Eligibility  

3.4 Eligibility criteria:

  1. Only one request per organization will be considered per year.
  2. Applicants must be not-for-profit community groups/organizations or registered charitable organizations, and requests will not be considered from or on behalf of individuals. Businesses/individuals that are NOT operating as not-for-profit organizations and that are seeking seed funding, event sponsorship, etc. may contact the Town’s Economic Development Office to discuss funding opportunities.
  3. Organizations or groups whose focus is not within the Town will not be considered for grant.
  4. The grant should not be the primary source of funding for the organization or activity. Grants are intended to be supplementary to main sources of funding.
  5. Grants may not be used to contribute to outstanding deficits. In the event that a recommendation is made to provide funding for a program from which the Town is owed funds, the Town has the right to reduce the recommended grant amount by the amount outstanding.
  6. Consideration will not be given to requests for sponsorship/subsidies for individuals or groups to participate in a sports event, or to attend conferences, workshops or other forms of training.
  7. Grants/donations are not available to groups that have failed to comply with reporting requirements from previous grants.
  8. The granting of financial assistance in any year is not to be regarded as a commitment by the Town to continue such assistance in future years.
  9. Retroactive funding will not be considered.
  10. The organization must extend its services to the general public in Bradford West Gwillimbury, as per the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  11. Organizations from which the Town purchases services or with which it has contracts are not eligible.


3.5 Complete and eligible applications will be reviewed by the Grants Committee using, but not limited to, the following assessment criteria:


3.5.1 Effectiveness - Applicants should demonstrate the expected benefits to the community that will result from the work the grant is to support, and that the work is consistent with the organization’s overall goals.

At minimum, the application must show that the organization:

  1. has a clearly stated mandate, mission and objectives and that the program/service/event to be funded is consistent with these;
  2. conducts regular reviews of its programs and services to ensure continuing relevance to the community;
  3. maintains data on the scope of impact/participation by the community, and volunteer involvement;
  4. is operating in a cost-effective manner;
  5. is able to deliver programs on a self-sufficient basis.


3.5.2 Accountability - The group making the application must exhibit sound financial and

management practices and respond to the changing needs of the community.

At minimum, the application must show that the organization:

  1. follows democratic governance practices and is answerable to membership and public;
  2. assures that its members do not stand to personally benefit financially or materially from the program or event;
  3. has a positive impact on the community and is able to generate financial support from the community;
  4. provides full disclosure of reserve funds and assets, and how funds – including a municipal grant – are/will be spent;
  5. operates within an established business plan and/or budget process;
  6. actively pursues other sources of funding;
  7. provides financial statements if requested;
  8. has defined a clear process for measuring program/service/project results specifically with regards to the requested funds.


3.5.3 Objectives – Each applicant will clearly indicate how its proposed program/service/event relates to existing services and/or provides new services to the community. The application will demonstrate how the grants are to be used to enhance the quality of life for the residents of Bradford West Gwillimbury, and that it does not duplicate existing government or volunteer services.


4.1 Applications for any type of community support must include a completed and signed Community Support Program application form.


4.2 Application deadlines:


4.2.1 CGP grants ($500-5,000): the deadline for applications will be October 1 of each year.


4.2.2 Mayor’s Discretionary Fund (up to $500): none – applications accepted and donations made throughout the year based on available funds.


4.2.3 In-Kind Donations (value up to $1,000): none – applications accepted and donations made throughout the year based on available resources.


4.3 Applications that are incomplete or do not meet the eligibility criteria may be rejected at the discretion of the Grants Committee.


4.4 Depending on the amount of the request, or at the request of Council, the following additional documentation must be attached to the application:


Under $500



Required Documentation




A statement of the organization’s purpose and outline of the services provided to the community. Brochures and other literature may be used to satisfy this requirement.




A budget for the program/service/project, including expenditures and revenues, and a list of all other grants and/or donations. For a recurring activity, an actual budget from the previous year or occurrence is required.




Financial statements (not audited) from the immediately preceding fiscal year including:

• Statement of Financial Position – signed by 2 directors

• Statement of Revenue and Expenditures




Listing of the current Board of Directors, including addresses and phone numbers.




Report on impact of any previous Town grants, if applicable.


4.5 In providing grants, the Town may impose such conditions as it deems fit, including requesting further documentation if required.


4.6 Deputations are not required to support grant applications unless requested by Council.


4.7 Award notification letters will be sent to successful applicants once all applications have been reviewed and funding decisions made.


 Administration and Accounting
4.8 Distribution of funds will be made as per the following:
  1. The term of a grant shall be for one year only unless otherwise specified.
  2. Renewal is not automatic, nor is any annual increase in funds.
  3. Recipients will be notified in writing of the grant amount approved.
  4. Grants may be awarded with certain terms and conditions. The letter of award will state what, if any, particular restrictions apply to the grant.


4.9 Successful applicants receiving grants of $500 or more may be requested to provide a report on the funded activity by the end of the fiscal year.

The report must certify that funds were spent on the activities described in the application and must also include:

  1. A description of the outcome of the activity and an evaluation of its success;
  2. Copies of any printed materials and/or publicity generated by the activity; and
  3. For grants/donations of $500 or more, or upon Council’s request, a complete and accurate financial accounting of the activity, authorized by a representative with legal or financial signing authority.


4.10 The grant recipient shall repay the whole or any part of the grant, as determined by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, if the grant recipient:

  1. Ceases operating prior to completion of the project/work/event for which the grant was made;
  2. Ceases to operate as a not-for-profit organization;
  3. Merges or amalgamates with any other party;
  4. Has knowingly provided false information in its grant application;
  5. Uses grant funds for purposes not approved by Council;
  6. Breaches any of the terms or conditions outlined in this policy; or
  7. Breaches any of the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code in its operations.


4.11 Any unused portion of a grant remains the property of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. If an unused portion of the grant has already been paid to the grant recipient, it shall be repaid by the recipient on request. It is recognized that organizations that receive grant funding may have different year-end periods than the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and that the funding use will be assessed against the recipient’s year end period.


4.12 Grant recipients wishing to use the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s official logo to acknowledge the Town’s financial support must receive the written permission of the Town’s Communications Officer, and must abide by the terms and conditions of the Town’s Logo Use Policy.


 Compliance, Monitoring and Review

5.1 The Clerk or their designate is responsible for:


a. Ensuring the policy:

  • aligns with relevant legislation, government policy and/or Town’s requirements/strategies/values
  • is implemented and monitored, and
  • is reviewed to evaluate its continuing effectiveness.

b. Communicating application deadlines, receiving and coordinating the review of applications.

c. Coordinating all aspects of the Grants Committee including but not limited to:

  • Agendas
  • Minutes
  • Correspondence to applicants
  • Coordinating the payment of funds from the Finance Division.
  • Reviewing reporting requirements.


5.2 The Grants Committee operates as an internal committee and is comprised of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Director of Finance/Treasurer, Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk, assisted by a staff resource team. The Committee will review all applications based on the criteria outlined in this policy and make recommendations to Council for final approval.


5.3 Senior managers with their respective teams will review In-kind Contribution funding requests as
required to determine their feasibility within operating budgets. Senior managers will report to Council as required in order to request the necessary funds as part of the budgeting process.

5.4 No additional reporting is required.
Records Management 
5.5 Staff must maintain all records relevant to administering this policy in a recognized Town recordkeeping system and in accordance with Town Records Management policies and procedures.
 Terms and Definitions
6.1 Not-for-profit community groups/organizations is defined as a group that operates on a not-for-profit basis that uses their resources for charitable purposes or operates to provide recreation, cultural or social opportunities or enhances environmental or economic opportunities for the residents of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
  •  Community Grant Application

8.1 Feedback about this document may be provided by emailing the Clerk at


8.2 To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this Policy, please see Town’s Complaint Policy.


Approval and Review


Approval Authority




New Review Date



Approval and Amendment History                             


Original Approval Authority and Date


Amendment Authority and Date



  • Remove references to CCIF
  • Amend donation ranges
  • Administrative updates

Address: Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, 100 Dissette St., Unit 7&8, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7

Phone: 905-775-5366, Send an Email

By GHD Digital