There are various ways to pay your property taxes.
1. Pay automatically through your bank account by enrolling in one of our two convenient pre-authorized debit plans |
Monthly payment amounts are determined as follows:
Amounts are withdrawn on the last business day of each month, January to October.
A letter is mailed the first week of January indicating the withdraw amount for January to May and the recalculated amount for June to October will be stated on the Final property tax bill issued on the first business day of June, annually.
There are TWO enrollment dates throughout the year, although property owners can submit their application at any time and the Town will hold onto the application until the next enrollment date:
Your property tax account must be in good standing at the time of enrollment to be eligible to enroll in either of the pre-authorized plans.
Fill out our pre-authorized debit application form and include your void cheque or direct banking form to apply. Options for returning the form to us can be found on the application. |
2. Pay manually through your bank by internet, telephone or at the teller. |
Most financial institutions offer internet or telephone banking for payment of your property taxes. To set up the your property taxes as a new bill payee, use your 19-digit property tax roll number (starting with 4312 and ending 0000, no dashes). Every system is different, so if you have specific questions about setting up Town property taxes for online or telephone banking, please contact your financial institution. Did you know some financial institutions give you the option to post-date internet banking payments? Ask your financial institution if they offer this option so you can set up payments in advance and avoid missing a due date! |
3. Pay through the mail by cheque |
Send a cheque with the appropriate stub from your tax bill to: NOTE: The Town is unable to predict the length of time your payment may take to arrive by mail. If you do not feel you have adequate time, drop your cheque and bill stub at the Finance Office instead. (see option #4) |
4. Pay in person by cash, cheque or debit |
In-person payments must be made at the Town Finance Office located at 61 Holland St. E, Bradford. The office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed on all statutory holidays. In-office payment methods are cash, cheque or debit only (no credit card payments). Outside of office hours, you may deposit payments by cheque only with appropriate bill stub in the drop box outside the Finance Office. Please do not put cash in the drop box. |
5. Pay online by credit card |
The only method by which you can pay your property taxes using a credit card is through our Virtual Town Hall online service. Visit the Virtual Town Hall website to create your account. A service fee is charged based on the amount being paid. Charges are subject to change. Please note that Virtual Town Hall can only be used by property owners; it is not available to tenants. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my bill arrives late or gets lost in the mail? |
Property owners are responsible for making payments to their accounts on or before each due date. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from making payment by the due date. Penalty and interest is charged on the first day of each month when there are arrears on an account. Missing a bill? If you misplaced or did not receive a bill, you can view your account using our Virtual Town Hall, or call or email us for the information. If you require a reprint of your property tax bill or statement, one of the property owners must visit the Finance Office in person with photo ID and pay a $10 fee. |
How do I ensure the Town receives my payment in time? |
To understand how early you need to send your payment, let's look at how your payment gets dated:
How much will I be charged if I miss a payment due date? |
Penalty and interest, at the rate of 1.25% per month, will be added to each instalment of taxes past due on the first day of each calendar month until paid in full. Late payment charges are levied by Council By-law under the authority of the Municipal Act and cannot be waived or reduced by Municipal Staff. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse the property owner from responsibility for payment, nor relieve them from liability of penalty for late payment. Please be advised that all payments received are applied first to all penalties owing, then the remainder to the oldest taxes outstanding. |
What if my tax account is in arrears by more than 2 years? |
If a property tax account has arrears dating back two years on January 1st of any year, a tax arrears certificate can be registered against the property. Once a tax arrears certificate is registered on a property, partial payments are no longer accepted and all interested parties are notified. Full payment is then required to be made on the account within one year from the date of registration. Full payment includes all taxes, penalties, interest, any additions to the roll and all reasonable costs incurred by the municipality for the registration. In the event the tax account goes unpaid after the one year period, the property will be sold by public auction or public tender. |

Once you have successfully submitted the form an email confirmation will be sent to you.

If you are a property owner within the Town of BWG you can view account information for your property taxes and water/wastewater utility accounts by visiting Virtual Town Hall.
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