The final set of TWUDG was endorsed by Council on September 20, 2022, at the Committee of the Whole Meeting. Watch the meeting recording.
The Town Wide Urban Design Guidelines (TWUDG) are a set of policies put in place to help shape the look and feel of all future development by ensuring that it is reflective of local context and character, while also ensuring that it reflects innovative best practices to ensure current and future residents continue to see desirable high quality urban design in the public and private realm.
- The creation of a strong community framework and identity;
- The creation of distinct yet integrated neighbourhoods;
- The creation of a transitional interface between urban and significant natural features;
- A compatible and complementary interface between existing and new development; and,
- Pedestrian-oriented neighbourhoods and streetscapes.
They will assist property owners and developers in the preparation of development proposals and the Town and public agencies with the review of development applications to ensure that development is occurring in a sustainable, complementary, and compatible manner.

Review the TWUDG that are currently in effect, applicable to applications deemed complete after September 20, 2022.

The previous Urban Design Guidelines (2005) are only applicable to applications deemed complete prior to September 20, 2022.
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