The Town of BWG is developing a traffic mitigation strategy to help address existing traffic concerns in BWG and support safer and more livable streets for all users.
The strategy will include:
Background and best practice review: a summary of existing traffic conditions in BWG and opportunities to implement traffic calming measures to address traffic concerns; and
Traffic calming design guide: the development of a guide to help the town evaluate and address traffic calming requests, a toolbox of traffic calming measures that can be implemented to help address traffic concerns, and screening and warranting criteria to help select and prioritize traffic calming measures.
How residents can participate:
We understand that the people who live, work, and play in BWG have the best understanding of current traffic concerns as well as opportunities on how to address these concerns. The town would like to hear your ideas at in-person Public Information Centres (PIC) or online through this webpage.
The next PIC #3 will take place on March 6, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Community Corner at the BWG Leisure Centre.

PIC #3
The third PIC provided an overview of the Traffic Calming Guide that will be incorporated in the Town's final Traffic Mitigation Strategy.
Project Timeline
Project Initiation - July 2023
Strategy Outline and Background Review - August 2023
Public Information Centre #1 - September 27, 2023
Design Guide Development - October to December 2023
Public Information Centre #2 - December 13, 2023
Draft Traffic Calming Guide - December to March 2024
Public Information Centre #3 - March 6, 2024
Final Traffic Mitigation Strategy - May 2024
Presentation to Town Council for Approval - End of May 2024
What is Traffic Calming?
Traffic Calming includes adding physical or visual measures to a street to help reduce speeding, aggressive driving, traffic volumes, and other concerns.
Traffic Calming measures can be implemented as temporary tools or permanent changes to the street, depending on the concern and context.
Traffic Calming Process: Example Demonstration
During the final PIC meeting a Traffic Calming Process: Example Demonstration was shown. Residents can view the view the Traffic Calming Process: Example Demonstration HERE.
PIC #2
The second PIC meeting unfolded as a pivotal gathering, marked by constructive discussions and community involvement. Attendees actively shared their insights, concerns, and ideas to address traffic challenges in BWG. The meeting included a brief presentation put on from the consultant group, followed by a warrant scoring process exercise with different aspects of ways urban environment can be used. During the PIC, display boards were provided for attendees to review and provide comments. The project team was also available to answer questions and discuss the project. The display boards are available for online viewing above.
Looking ahead, the next PIC meeting is scheduled for March 2024. This meeting will be a significant milestone, featuring the presentation of a draft Traffic Mitigation strategy that incorporates valued input received from the community. Residents are encouraged to actively participate in the open Traffic Mitigation Strategy PIC #2 survey available above.
PIC #1
The purpose of the initial PIC was to provide information about the project, gather feedback about traffic concerns and potential traffic measures, and explain next steps. During the PIC, display boards were provided for attendees to review and provide comments. The project team was also available to answer questions and discuss the project. The display boards are available for online viewing above.
Thank you to all those who attended!

Get in touch with us!
Project Manager
Hugo Chan, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
Arcadis IBI Group
Phone: 905-763-2322, ext. 63421
Town of BWG Contact
Paul Dubniak
Transportation Technologist, Transportation
Phone: 905-775-5366 ext. 2113
Contact Us