Notice of Intention to Designate Pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. O.18, As Amended
Bradford United Church (circa 1851) 66 Barrie Street
Lot 50 and Part of Lot 51, Plan 122A, municipally known as 66 Barrie Street, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, resolved to give notice of intent to designate 66 Barrie Street, under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. O.18, as it is of cultural heritage value and interest.

Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Design/ Physical Value
The Bradford Wesleyan Methodist Church has design and physical value as a representative of gothic revival architecture including but not limited to the: original dichromatic brick façade, decorative bargeboard (in the shape of small arches) under the roof eaves, shallow buttresses surrounding the entire original structure, pointed 14 foot arched windows and a high pitched gable style roof. At each corner of the building are small-octagon piers, capped with ten pinnacles structures. In addition to the 10 fourteen high windows, the front of the building features a circular window.
Historical/ Associative Value
The Bradford Wesleyan Methodist Church has historical value because of its direct associations with a number of early settler families and the history of Methodism in the Bradford community. The Bradford Methodist Wesleyan Church has direct associations to the community for hosting of family events and community celebrations.
Contextual Value
The Bradford Methodist Wesleyan Church is important in defining, maintaining and supporting the historic character of the downtown core of the Village of Bradford and is physically, visually and historically linked to its surroundings and is considered a landmark in the community.
Heritage Attributes
- Any remaining dichromatic buff and red brick cladding, including all decorative brick features;
- Shallow Buttresses;
- All fourteen foot high arched gothic-style windows, including the stain glass art;
- Circular window on the east wall of the building;
- Decorative bargeboard under the eaves of the roof;
- Octagonal piers located at the corner of each wall; and
- High pitched gable-style roof
Additional Information
Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the Office of Community Planning, (905) 778-2055, ext. 1403 or email at tdysart@townofbwg.com.
Right to Object
Any person, whether representing an organization or private interest(s), may object to the proposed designation. Objections of the Notice of Intention to Designate the property may be served on the Town Clerk in writing by mail or email using the contact information below.
Notice of objection must be received with thirty (30) days of the Notice and must set out the reasons for the objection and be supported by the relevant facts.
By Mail By Email
Tara Reynolds, Clerk treynolds@townofbwg.com
100 Dissette Street, Units 7 & 8,
P.O. Box 100
Bradford ON L3Z 2A7
Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury this 18th day of January, 2024
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