National Indigenous History Month / National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 2024 / June 21, 2024
WHEREAS: The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury acknowledges the rich and unique cultures, traditions, and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis; and
WHEREAS: For generations, many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near June 21 due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year; and
WHEREAS: The Town of BWG recognizes the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples as the original inhabitants of the land where we stand. Through this acknowledgment, we underline that the fundamental strength of our community lies in our unique racial, ethno-cultural, and Indigenous diversity; and
WHEREAS: Town of BWG Council and residents are committed to creating an inclusive society, and we both seek and welcome opportunities to strengthen ties with our Indigenous communities; and
WHEREAS: We support the aims of truth and reconciliation, to shine light on the tragic legacy of the treatment of Indigenous people in Canada including in residential schools, and to commemorate the survivors, their families, and their communities.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That His Worship Mayor James Leduc and Members of Council proclaim June 2024 as National Indigenous History Month and June 21, 2024, as National Indigenous Peoples Day in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
Please Join us for a Flag Raising
The flag-raising will take place on Wednesday, June 21 at 5:00 pm (outside) at the BWG Leisure Centre (471 West Park Ave.), followed by events at the Library West Lawn:
5:30 - 6:30 PM - Pop Up Market opens
6:30 - 8: 30 pm - Several Indigenous drum and dancing groups to perform
Contact Us
100 Dissette Street, Unit 7 & 8, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7, Map this Location
Phone: 905-775-5366, Send us an email