The following is a listing of the by-laws most frequently requested by the public. To obtain a by-law not seen in this listing or in another format, please contact the Clerks Division at 905-775-5366 or click to email.
- Accessible Parking By-law 2019-22
- Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law 2022-71
- Animal Control By-law 2019-109
- Appeal Tribunal By-law 2014-71
- Building By-law 2020-40 (Consolidated)
- Business Licensing By-law 2014-70
- Cemetery Regulations By-law 2020-79
- Cleaning Drains and Swales By-law 95-079
- Clean Yards By-law 2012-025
- Community Safety Zones By-law 2013-58 (Consolidated)
- Discharge of Firearms By-law 2016-80
- Division Fence By-law 2013-06
- Donation Bin By-law 2015-93
- Entrance and Driveway Width Extension By-law 2017-78
- Fees and Charges By-law 2024-94
- Fence By-law 2020-105
- Fill and Site Alteration By-law 2017-33 (Consolidated)
- Firework By-law 1996-024 (Consolidated)
- Fortification of Land By-law 2008-014
- Graffiti Management By-law 2009-105
- Lawn Watering By-law 2014-17
- Littering By-law 1995-78
- Loitering on Streets and Municipal Property By-law 1994-079
- Motorized Snow Vehicles By-law 1994-080
- Noise Control By-law 2008-083 (Consolidated)
- Open Air Burning By-law 2016-026
- Public Tree Protection By-law 2024-27
- Procedural By-law 2023-18 (Consolidated)
- Property Standards By-law 1998-065
- Reduced Load Limit By-law 2019-23
- Road-Use By-law 2017-79
- Screening and Hearing Officers By-law 2022-72
- Sewer Use By-law 2013-68
- Sign By-law 2011-23 (Consolidated)
- Smoke Free Public Places By-law 2019-41 (Consolidated)
- Special Events By-law 2025-21
- Standing and Stagnant Water By-law 2003-053
- Swimming Pool Fence By-law 2016-65
- Traffic By-law 2014-91 (Consolidated)
- Zoning By-law 2010-050 (Consolidated)
By-laws Electronic Reproduction Disclaimer
All listed by-laws are electronic reproductions made available for information purposes only; they are not official versions. The available formats provided on the website may be different from the actual copy. Please note that plans, pictures, text and / or other graphics may be altered or missing. The Town does not warrant the accuracy of these electronic bylaws. The consolidations cannot be distributed or used for commercial purposes. They may be used for other purposes, only if you repeat this disclaimer and the notice of copyright. Official versions of Town By-laws can be obtained from the Clerks Division at or by calling 905-775-5366.
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