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A By-law to establish a system with respect to the issuance of special event permits in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
WHEREAS Sections 8, 9 and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, confer broad powers on municipal councils to govern their affairs as they deem appropriate and to enact by- laws for broad purposes;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 126 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council may pass by-laws to regulate cultural and recreational events, including public fairs;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 425 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council may pass by-laws providing that a person who contravenes a by-law is guilty of an offence;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 429 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council may establish fines for offences under its by-laws;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury seeks to regulate the holding of special events in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and deems it necessary and expedient to enact a by-law to govern the holding of special events on public or private property;
AND WHEREAS Committee of the Whole recommendation COW-2025-04 was considered on January 21, 2025 and approved by Council Resolution 2025-23 on February 4, 2025;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury hereby enacts as follows:
1.1 In this By-law:
a) “Applicant” means the person or entity submitting, filing or making an application for a Permit; b) “Council” means the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury; c) “Fire Life Safety Plan” means a written plan to mitigate any emergencies or risks, which may d) “Permit” means any permit issued in accordance with the provision of this By-law; e) “Person” includes a corporation, business entity or group; f) “Private Property” means any lands that are no a Town or Public Facility; g) “Security Plan” means a plan to address property and equipment security before, during h) “Site Plan” means a drawing or sketch of the subject area indicating the details of the event i) “Special Event” means an activity, exhibition, event, or function, more particularly described j) “Town” means The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury; k) “Town or Public Facility” means road allowances, parks, property or buildings controlled by the l) “Town Departments” means any department within The Corporation of the Town of Bradford |
2.1 No person shall hold, organize or sponsor any of the following events or activities on Town property or other public facilities, or on private property which attract more than 2,000 persons who participate or attend, or both, unless the Town has granted a Permit for such event or activity (“Special Event”):
a) parades, processions, marathons, bicycle races, recreational events, animal shows, b) carnivals, bazaars, gatherings and similar events which offer such activities as amusement c) outdoor festivals offering live or recorded music or entertainment for public or private d) organized scheduled contests and exhibitions; e) marine events, including any prescheduled organized concentration of watercraft, involving f) scheduled races, exhibitions or other events involving the operation of motorized vehicles or g) activities or events requiring a variance from the regulations of any municipal department; h) Outdoor assemblies for religious and/or cultural purposes; i) the showing of feature films, television commercials, documentaries, educational films,
2.2 That any individual Special Event exceeding 2,000 people, occurring on lands outside of Settlement Areas and the Highway 400 Employment Lands as designated in the Town’s Official Plan and Town-owned property occur no more than once every 10 years. This provision is applicable to Special Event permits issued in 2024 and onward. 2.3 That for any Special Event, occurring on lands outside of Settlement Areas and the Highway 400 Employment Lands as designated in the Town’s Official Plan, nothing permanent is installed for the event, including foundations, underground utilities, roadways etc., and that the event site is returned to its original state and permitted land uses. |
3.1 Any events or activities taking place or occurring on Town property or other public facilities that are not a Special Event as set out in section 2.1 may require a Permit if, in the opinion of the Director of Growth Services acting reasonably, such a Permit is necessary to ensure the safety of persons and the protection of persons and of property in the Town.
3.2 Special Events managed by the Town or in partnership with the Town are exempt from the requirements of this By-law. |
4.1 A complete application for a Permit under this By-law shall be made to the Director of Growth Services or designate accompanied by an application fee and working deposit in accordance with the Town’s Fees and Charges By-law.
4.2 A complete application for a Special Event shall be filed not less than 120 calendar days before the first date of the Special Event or 180 calendar days in advance of a Special Event with a planned for attendance of greater than 10,000 people. Application forms can be obtained from the Growth Services department.
4.3 The Applicant must be the owner of the subject lands or obtain the written authorization of the owner including an acknowledgement that the owner will be held responsible for complying with any terms and conditions of an approved permit. |
5.1 A complete application shall be granted, granted with conditions or denied by Council. The Applicant may be required to attend a pre-submission meeting to discuss the Special Event with the Director of Growth Services. Presubmission meetings are mandatory for a Special Event with a planned attendance of greater than 5,000 people.
5.2 If an application is submitted after the filing deadline set forth in Section 4.2 above, Council may, in its sole and absolute discretion, upon receipt of a complete written submission from the Applicant outlining the reasons why the time limits could not be met, amend the time limits set out in Section 4.2 above. |
6.1 Public consultation will be required for Special Events with a planned attendance of greater than 10,000 people. The consultation will include a Public Information Meeting convened by the Town in a manner consistent with its approach to satisfying the statutory requirements of the Planning Act for public meetings. The Public Information Meeting will be held prior to Council considering the application. |
7.1 A Permit may be issued upon receipt and review of a complete application for a Permit if, in the opinion of Council, the following conditions have been met:
a) there is a demonstrated benefit to the businesses, residents and visitors of the Town by b) any proposed use of public property, right of way, or facilities will not unreasonably interfere c) the Special Event does not present a safety or health risk to participants, spectators or the d) the Special Event is compatible with the surrounding area or neighbourhood with due e) all comments/recommendations from pertinent municipal and governing operating i. Fire & Emergency Services department, ii. Transportation Services division, iii. Recreation & Cultural Services department, iv. Growth Services department, v. Water/Waste Water divisions; vi. Relevant Conservation Authority, vii. South Simcoe Police Services, viii. Simcoe County Paramedic Services, ix. Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, x. Ministry of Environment (if applicable), xi. Electrical Safety Authority (if applicable), xii. Liquor License Board of Ontario (if appliable), xiii. And others (at the discretion of the Director of Growth Services), have been received
7.2 The Applicant must submit a certificate of insurance evidencing public liability insurance coverage, in the amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), for the Special Event. If the Special Event involves the use and/or sale of alcohol, the amount of insurance required is Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00). The insurance policy will name the Town as additional insured on both policies.
7.3 The Applicant must agree in writing to indemnify the Town and hold harmless against any damages, suits, claims or losses that may arise as a direct or indirect result of the Special Event.
7.4 Depending on the circumstances of the proposed Special Event, the Town reserves the right to require additional coverage value, terms and conditions. |
8.1 Council may impose, as conditions to the granting of a Permit, such further requirements and restrictions as will, in the sole discretion of Council, protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and protect property, based on the recommendations of Bradford West Gwillimbury staff, Conservation Authority, South Simcoe Police Services, Simcoe County Paramedic Services, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Electrical Safety Authority, Ministry of Environment and Liquor License Board of Ontario. Such conditions may include, but are expressly not limited to:
(a) the payment of a fee or charge for the use or allocation of Town property and equipment not (b) the provision of adequate crowd control and traffic control, security, fire protection, food (c) Consenting to and/or supplying the Town with a criminal record check if the Applicant is an |
9.1 A complete application shall consist of a duly executed Application Form, written documentation of support from the other municipal and government departments/agencies together with payment of the application fee.
9.2 In addition to any other requirements of this By-law, an application for a Permit shall include copies of approvals from any of the following entities that may have an interest in the Special Event, including but not limited to the following:
a) Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit for food services, water supply, sanitary facilities and b) Electrical Safety Authority for all electrical safety and construction issues; and c) Liquor License Board of Ontario for any alcohol related or licensed events; d) South Simcoe Police Services; e) Simcoe County Paramedic Services; f) Relevant Conservation Authority; g) Fire & Emergency Services department; h) Transportation Services division; i) Recreation & Cultural Services department; j) Growth Services department; and k) Water/Waste Water divisions.
9.3 In addition to any other requirements of this By-law, an application for a Permit shall include the following:
a) Site Plan; b) Fire and Life Safety Plan; c) Security Plan; d) Traffic Management Plan; e) Advertising and Promotion Plan; f) Location of where Signs will be placed on Property; and g) End of Event Plan – time line for the clean up and equipment removal from property. |
10.1 The Director of Growth Services is the main contact for Special Events in the Town. Permit applications involving property owned by public agencies other than the Town will be required to coordinate activities with the agency. |
11.1 The granting of a Permit under this By-law does not eliminate any requirement for any business license; any other permit(s) which may be prescribed by any other municipal by-laws, rules and regulations or other governmental agencies. The Applicant will still be required to obtain such approvals as may be required from any other federal, provincial or municipal government or agency in order to carry out its Special Event in full compliance of all laws. These requirements would need to be confirmed in writing from the appropriate agency prior to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury awarding the permit for Special Event. |
12.1 If an Applicant fails to comply with any of the provisions of this By-law, and any provisions of the Permit or any other by-laws of the Town, in addition to any other penalty, the Permit may be revoked at any time without notice.
12.2 The Applicant will be required to post security in the form of a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit with value and terms as set by the Town. The Town will be entitled to draw on the security if the Town incurs any costs as a result of lack of compliance with the terms and conditions of a Permit. Should the Town incur costs in excess of the required security, the excess costs shall be collected in full from the Applicant as permitted though the related provisions of the Municipal Act, up to and including adding the outstanding balances to the tax roll to be collected in the same manner as municipal taxes.
12.3 Prior to the release of any securities held in accordance with section 12.2, the Town will host a post-event debrief meeting with the Applicant and relevant external agencies to review the performance of the event and restoration of the subject lands. Release of the security will be at the sole discretion of the Town.
12.4 If an application for a Permit under this By-law is denied, the application may be reconsidered at a subsequent occasion upon the Applicant addressing, to the satisfaction of Council, the reasons given for the initial denial of the application. |
13.1 Every person who contravenes a provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) exclusive of costs.
13.2 An offence under this By-law constitutes a continuing offence and for each day or part of a day that the offence continues, the minimum fine shall be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and the maximum fine shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). |
14.1 This By-law may be referred to as the Special Events By-law. |
15.1 Where a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section or part of a section of this By-law to be invalid, the remainder of this By-law shall continue in force unless the court makes an order to the contrary. |
16.1 Any reference to a statute, regulation or other legislation in this By-law shall include such statute, regulation or other legislation or provision thereof as amended, revised, re-enacted and/or consolidated from time to time and any predecessor or succession legislation thereto.
16.2 Words importing the singular number shall include the plural, and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine, and the converse of the foregoing also applies, unless the context of the by-law otherwise requires.
16.3 If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provisions or part of a provision of this By-law to be invalid or to be of no force and effect, it is the intention of Council in enacting this By-law that the remainder of this By-law shall continue in force and be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the fullest extent possible according to law. |
17. REPEAL |
17.1 That By-law 2008-013 be hereby repealed. |
18.1 This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is enacted.
Enacted on February 18, 2025.
Original signed by Tara Reynolds, Clerk and James Leduc, Mayor. |
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