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By-law to prescribe the height and description of fences and privacy screens within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
WHEREAS subsection 8 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S. 0. 2001, c. 25 (the "Municipal Act, 2001") provides that the power of a municipality as granted by the Municipal Act, 2001 or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and enhance the municipalities ability to respond to municipal issues;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to paragraph 11 (3) 7 of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws prescribing the height and description of lawful fences;
AND WHEREAS subsection 436(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorizes a municipality to pass by-laws to authorize the right to enter land under certain circumstances;
AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient for the purpose of public safety and to control nuisances to regulate fences and privacy screens;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury enacts as follows:
Short Title |
1.1 This by-law may be referred to as the "Fence By-law". |
Administration |
1.2 This by-law applies to any residential property, as defined.
1.3 The Clerk will be responsible for the administration of this by-law.
1.4 The Clerk may delegate any of their powers and authorities under this by-law to any Town employee as they deem appropriate. |
Interpretation |
1.5 A word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural.
1.6 The imperial measurements included in this by-law are for information only and are intended to be an approximate conversion of the metric measurements, which shall prevail in the event of any conflict. |
Exemption |
1.7 This by-law does not apply to:
a) any fence or privacy screen erected for government or other public purposes by the Town, the County of
b) any property that is subject to a site plan agreement under section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990;
c) any fence that has been installed pursuant to a subdivision agreement under section 51 of the Planning
d) where an exemption has been provided by the Appeal Tribunal;
e) fences that surround a swimming pool, where a permit has been issued in accordance with the
f) hedges wholly located in an interior side yard and rear yard;
g) any fence that has received written permission from the Town; and
h) fences used solely for agricultural purposes located on agriculturally zoned properties. |
Reference to Legislation |
1.8 Reference to any act, regulation or by-law is reference to that act, regulation or bylaw |
Conflict |
1.9 Where there is a conflict between a provision of this by-law and a provision of any other Town by-law, legislation and/or regulation relating to fences or privacy screens, the provision that establishes the highest standards to protect the health and safety of the public shall apply.
1.10 Where any provision of this by-law conflicts with any provincial or federal act, the regulations at the highest jurisdictional authority shall prevail. |
Definitions |
2.1 In this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "Appeal Tribunal" means the Appeal Tribunal as appointed by Council to hear appeals of various by-laws.
b) "Clerk" means the Clerk and their designate of the Town.
c) "Corner Lot" means a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting onto two or more streets or two
d) "Council" means the elected Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
e) "Driveway Sight Triangle" means an area of land contained within and determined by measuring from
f) "Erect" means to construct, put up, assemble, install, alter, reconstruct or replace a fence or privacy
g) "Fence" means a barrier constructed of materials including but not limited to posts, boards, panels,
h) "Grade" means the level of the ground authorized by grading plans approved by the Town adjacent to
i) "Hedge" means a continuous barrier of shrubs, bushes, trees or other plantings used to define a property
j) "Height" means the vertical distance measured between the grade and the highest point of a fence,
k) "Highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, square, place, bridge,
l) "Lot Line" means a boundary of a lot including its vertical projection.
m) "Lot Line, Exterior Side" means a side lot line which abuts a highway on a corner lot.
n) "Lot Line, Front" means:
ii. in the case of a corner lot, the shorter lot line that abuts a highway;
iii. in the case of a corner lot with two street lines of equal length, the Municipality may designate either
iv. in the case of a through lot, shall be the longer boundary dividing the lot from the street. In the case
o) "Lot Line, Rear" means the lot line or intersection of the side lot lines, opposite to, and most distant
p) "Lot Line, Side" means a lot line, other than a front or rear lot line. In the case of a corner lot, the lot
q) "Officer" includes a person appointed and responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this by
i. Municipal Law Enforcement Officers appointed by the Town;
ii. Police Officers appointed under the Police Services Act.
r) "Open Type Fencing" shall mean open chain link fencing or wrought iron fencing spaced no closer than 10
s) "Owner" means the registered owner, occupant, lessee, tenant, mortgagee in possession and/or the
t) "Person" means an individual, business, firm, body corporate, corporation, association, or municipality.
u) "Privacy Screen" means a visual barrier used to shield any part of a yard from view from any adjacent
v) "Residential Property" means land used for residential purposes.
w) "Sight Triangle" means the area within a triangle formed by measuring 6 metres (20 feet) along two
x) "Street Line" means the boundary between a public highway or private street and a lot.
y) "Town" means Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
z) "Yard" means an open, uncovered space on a lot appurtenant to a building.
aa) "Yard, Exterior Side" means the yard of a corner lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard
bb) "Yard, Front" means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line and the
cc) "Yard, Interior Side" means a yard other than an exterior side yard, extending from the front yard to
dd) "Yard, Rear" means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line and the |
General Provisions |
3.1 No person shall erect a fence or privacy screen which:
a) is wholly or partly constructed of barbed wire, chicken wire or other barbed or sharp material;
b) is wholly or partly constructed from sheet metal or corrugated metal panels, manufactured chipboard,
c) is located wholly or partly on Town property, including a highway, unless written permission has been
d) contains a device for projecting an electric current, other than to confine livestock for agricultural
3.2 No person shall construct a fence or privacy screen so as to obstruct access to any Town hydro meter, water meter or meter reading device by any employee, Officer or agent of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
3.3 No person shall erect a fence or privacy screen that is located within 45 centimetres (18 inches) of a Town sidewalk.
3.4 A hedge in the front yard shall not be in excess of the height limits contained within this by-law.
3.5 No person shall erect a fence within a sight triangle.
3.6 No person shall erect a fence within a driveway sight triangle.
3.7 No person shall erect any fence, privacy screen or hedge, which creates a visual obstruction within any highway.
3.8 No person shall erect a fence which contains an opening, gate or similar structure that abuts Town property without receiving written permission from the Town. |
Height Requirements |
4.1 No person shall erect a fence in excess of the following height requirements:
a) Rear Yard: No fence erected in a rear yard shall exceed 2.1 metres (7 feet) in height;
b) Interior Side Yard: No fence erected in an interior side yard shall exceed 2.1 metres (7 feet) in height;
c) Exterior Side Yard: No fence erected in an exterior side yard shall exceed 2.1 metres (7 feet) in height;
d) Front Yard: No fence erected in a front yard shall exceed 0.9 metre (3 feet) in height.
4.2 No person shall erect a fence across the front property line of their property unless located on a corner lot or for the purposes of an entranceway/ornamental gate in compliance with this by-law.
4.3 Where the rear or side yard of any lot abuts the side or rear yard of any other lot, the fence to be erected shall not exceed the requirement of any fence that may be erected on any such abutting lot, that is to say the more restrictive provisions of this by-law shall apply except in those situations set out in clauses 5.1 (a) and 5.1 (b) above; and
4.4 Notwithstanding Section 4.1 (d) and 4.5 (a) of this by-law, no open type fencing shall exceed 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height.
Corner Lots4.5 No person shall erect a fence on a corner lot except in accordance with the following regulations:
a) a fence not exceeding 0.9 metres (3 feet) in height may be erected within any part of a front yard; and
b) a fence having a maximum height of 2.1 metres (7 feet) may be erected in an exterior side yard and
4.6 No person shall erect a fence or privacy screen within a sight triangle.
4.7 No person shall erect a fence, landscaping, hedging, trees or structures in such a manner as to create an obstruction within a sight triangle or driveway sight triangle.
Entranceways/Ornamental Gateways4.8 Section 5.2 does not apply to the erection of an ornamental gateway, entranceway or similar structure located in an estate residential or rural residential zone, as defined in the Zoning By-law. |
Maintenance |
5.1 All fences and privacy screens shall be:
a) maintained in good repair;
b) maintained in a structurally sound condition; and
c) maintained so that it is not in an unsafe or unsightly condition and reasonably plumb to the ground.
5.2 For the purpose of this section, maintenance of a fence or privacy screen with a surface that has been previously painted, stained, varnished or which has been treated with other similar protective finishes shall be maintained so that such finish does not visibly deteriorate. |
Privacy Screens |
6.1 No person shall erect a privacy screen:
a) that is located within a front yard;
b) within 0.6 metres (2 feet) of any lot line or street line;
c) in excess of 3 metres (1 0 feet) in height if constructed at grade level; and
d) in excess of 2 metres (6.5 feet) in height if constructed on a deck.
6.2 Notwithstanding Section 6.1 (a), a privacy screen may be located in a front yard when erected between adjacent independent entrances of semi-detached, townhouse and link dwellings providing that:
a) the privacy screen does not extend more than 1.2 metres (4 feet) from the principal building wall;
b) the privacy screen does not exceed 1.8 metres (6 feet) in height; and
c) the privacy screen is located at least 45 centimetres (18 inches) from a Town sidewalk and is located |
Variance from Fence By-law |
7.1 Where a proposed or existing fence, hedge or privacy screen does not comply with the provisions of this by-law, the owner of the lot, or an authorized agent of the owner, may request a variance from any of the applicable provisions of this by-law.
7.2 A request for a variance shall be submitted to the Clerk on the application form prescribed by the Town and shall only be deemed to be complete and ready by the Clerk if it includes:
a) the name, address and contact information of the applicant;
b) the address of the lot relevant to the variance request;
c) reference to the specific section(s) of the by-law from which the variance is sought;
d) a detailed description explaining why the applicant requires the variance;
e) a description of the fence, hedge and/or privacy screen including the dimensions and the specifications
f) a survey or site plan of the lot identifying the location of the fence, hedge and/or privacy screen; and
g) payment of the non-refundable fee as outlined in the Fees and Charges By-law.
7.3 Upon reviewing an application for a variance the Clerk shall consider:
a) whether it is in accordance with the general intent and purpose of the by-law;
b) if approved, would the resulting fence, hedge or privacy screen be in keeping with the surrounding area
c) are there any special circumstances and would strict application of the provisions of this by-law result in
d) comments from the public resulting from the circulation of the application; and
e) would approval of the variance result in any impacts to the health, safety or welfare of the public.
7.4 The Clerk shall inform the applicant, as well as any abutting neighbours that submitted objections, by way of written notice setting out the grounds for the decision with reasonable particulars and the right to appeal such decision to the Appeals Tribunal.
7.5 A request for exemption cannot be made to erect a fence on Town property.
Appeal7.6 A request for an appeal may be made by the applicant or any abutting owner.
7. 7 A request for an appeal to the Appeals Tribunal shall be made in writing to the Clerk setting out the reasons for the appeal within 10 days after service of the written notice of decision and shall be accompanied by an appeal fee set out in the Fees and Charges By-law to the Town.
7.8 Where a request for an appeal is received, a hearing of the Appeals Tribunal shall be convened and the applicant shall be provided reasonable written notice thereof.
7.9 Where an applicant makes a request for an appeal and fails to appear at the time and place scheduled for the hearing of the appeal, or requests an adjournment on the day of the scheduled hearing, the applicant shall pay to the Town an administrative fee established in the Fees and Charges By-law.
Final Binding7.1 0 Where any person fails to appeal within the prescribed time, the decision of the Clerk is final and binding.
7.11 All decisions made by the Appeal Tribunal are final and binding.
7.12 No person shall fail to comply with a decision of the Appeal Tribunal or Clerk. |
Enforcement |
8.1 This by-law may be enforced by officers, and without limiting or restricting any other power, duty or function granted by this by-law, officers may carry out and/or direct whatever inspections are reasonably required to determine compliance with this bylaw or direction or order made under this by-law.
Power of Entry- Inspection8.2 An Officer may enter onto property for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the following are being complied with:
a) any provision of this by-law; b) an order issued under this by-law; or
c) an order made under section 431 of the Municipal Act.
8.3 The power of entry may be exercised by an employee, officer or agent of the Town.
Obstruction8.4 No person shall hinder or obstruct, or attempt to hinder or obstruct, any officer who is exercising a power or performing a duty under this by-law.
Order8.5 If an Officer is satisfied that a contravention of this by-law has occurred, the Officer may make an order requiring the work to be done to correct the contravention.
8.6 An order issued under the authority of this by-law, shall set out:
a) the municipal address of the property on which the contravention occurred;
b) the date of the contravention;
c) the reasonable particulars of the contravention of the by-law;
d) the date by which there must be compliance with the order;
e) the date on which the order expires, and
f) notice that if the work is not done in compliance with the work order by the deadline, the municipality
Service of Orders8.7 An order may be served by an Officer:
a) personally upon an owner by serving it to a person on the owner's property who is over the age of 16;
b) by posting it in a conspicuous place upon some part of the owner's property and by sending a copy by
c) by sending it by prepaid registered mail to the owner at their last known address, where it shall be
Work Done by the Town8.8 If the work required by an order under the provisions of this by-law is not done within the specified period, the Town, in addition to all other remedies it may have, may do the work at the owner's expense and may enter upon the land at any reasonable time for this purpose.
8.9 The Town may recover its costs of remedying a violation of this by-law by invoicing the owner, by instituting court proceedings or by adding the cost, including interest, to the tax roll and collecting in the same manner as municipal taxes in accordance with section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the exercise of any one remedy shall not preclude the exercise of any other available remedy.
8.10 If the costs for work pursuant the provisions of this by-law are not paid to the Town within 30 days of written demand thereof, the Treasurer for the Town may add the costs, including interest, to the tax roll for the lot and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes.
Offence and Penalty8.11 No person shall fail to comply with an order issued pursuant to this by-law.
8.12 Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter c. P. 33, as amended.
8.13 Any person who is in contravention of any provision of this by-law, or who fails to comply with an order issued under this by-law shall be deemed to be committing a continuing offence for each day that the person remains in contravention or for each day that they fail to comply with the order. |
Validity & Severability |
9.1 Notwithstanding any section, subsections, clause, paragraph or provision of this by-law, or parts thereof may be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid , unenforceable, illegal or beyond the powers of Council to enact, such section or sections or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable and that all other sections or parts of this by-law are separate and independent therefrom and enacted as such as a whole. Same shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of this by-law or of the by-law as a whole. |
Repeal Transitional and Effective Date |
10.1 By-laws 2002-123 and 2007-014 are hereby repealed in their entirety.
10.2 Notwithstanding the repealing of the above by-laws, they shall continue to apply to any acts, omissions or occurrences and any offences that took place prior to the enactment of this by-law.
Effective Date11.1 This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is enacted.
Enacted this 17th day of November, 2020.
Original signed by Rebecca Murphy, Clerk and Rob Keffer, Mayor. |
Set Fines - Part I |
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