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A By-law to regulate the supply and use of water for lawns within the serviced area of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
WHEREAS the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is responsible for the operation and management of the municipal water system;
WHEREAS pursuant to Section 10 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, a single tier municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public, such as matters related to the health, safety and well-being of persons. 2006, c.32, Sched. A. s. 8.
AND WHEREAS the Section 425 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, states that a municipality may pass by-laws providing that a person who contravenes a by-law of the municipality passed under this Act is guilty of an offence, 2006, c.32, Sched. A. s. 184;
AND WHEREAS Council in the public interest deem it necessary and expedient to regulate the watering of lawns for certain classes of property within the serviced area of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury enact this By-Law;
NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury hereby enacts as follows:
Definitions |
1. For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply:
(2) Water lawns - shall mean the watering of any sod or grass by any means, be it
Word Usage |
2. Whenever this By-law refers to a person or thing with reference to gender or the gender neutral, the intention is to read the By-law with the gender applicable to the circumstance. that precede or follow them. |
References |
6. Specific references to laws in this By-law are printed in Italic font and are meant to refer to the current laws applicable within the Province of Ontario as at the time the By-law was enacted, as they are amended from time to time. For Provincial laws, where the name of the statue does not contain a date, the reference is to the relevant chapter of the R.S.O. 1990 edition, as amended from time to time. For Federal laws, where the name of the statute does not contain a date, the reference is to the relevant chapter of the R.S.C. 1985 edition, again, as amended from time to time, including successor legislation. In either case, where the name of the statute contains a date, the reference is to the relevant chapter of the statutes of Ontario or Canada, as applicable, for that year. In all cases, the reference includes the statute, as amended from time to time, including successor legislation. |
Offence |
7. (1) No person shall, (a) water or sprinkle, or cause or permit the watering or sprinkling of any lawn, garden, tree, shrub or other outdoor plant in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury through a hose, pipe or other attachment at anytime except in accordance with the provision of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of this By Law. (b) wilfully hinders or interrupts, or causes or procures to be hindered or interrupted the corporation, or any of its officers, contractors, agents, servants or workers, in the exercise of any of the powers conferred by this Act. |
Water Supply Regulations - Level Zero (0) |
8. In order to ensure the continued supply of water the Council does hereby prohibit the use of municipally supplied water for the purpose of watering by hose, pipe or attachment at anytime between June 1st and September 30th in every year except as provided for hereunder.
the serviced area of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury with even numbered municipal street addresses shall be permitted to water lawns between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on even numbered calendar days only.
the serviced area of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury with odd numbered municipal street addresses shall be permitted to water lawns between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on odd numbered calendar days only. |
Restricted Watering Declared - Level One (1) |
11. In the cases of drought when reservoir levels become low, a restricted lawn watering and car washing ban will be imposed according to the discretion of the Operating Authority.
however the Town strongly urges that outdoor water use be reduced wherever possible. |
Emergency Declared - Level Two (2) |
13. In the cases of extreme drought when reservoir levels become critically low, a full lawn watering restriction is deemed necessary for a period of time; the provisions of this By-law shall be temporarily suspended to the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services.
(a) No consumer, within the Town of BWG, shall use municipal water outdoors to water (b) No consumer, within the Town of BWG, shall wash any vehicle on a property or any portion of a right-of-way or boulevard adjacent to the property. (c) No consumer, within the Town of BWG, shall use municipal water to fill any outside |
Lawn Watering Exemptions |
15. Any person may water their lawn from a water source other than the municipal water supply system at any time.
the date the sod or seed was installed.
after treatment. |
General Provisions |
19. It is hereby declared that notwithstanding any section, subsections, clause paragraph or provision of the By-law or parts thereof, may be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable, illegal or beyond the powers of Council to enact, such section or sections or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable and shall not affect the validity of enforceability of any other provisions of the By-law as a whole or part thereof and all other sections of the By-law as a whole or part thereof and all other sections of the By-law shall be deemed to be separate and independent there from and enacted as such.
such reference shall be deemed to include all subsequent amendments to such statute and all successor legislation to such statute. |
Penalties |
22. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) exclusive of costs, per incident or each offence and penalty for the expenses of repairing or replacing as a result of the damage caused all of which is provided for under the Public Utilities Act . The provisions of the penalty is as provided and recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1990, Chapter P.33, as amended and shall apply to the said fine. a prosecution against the same offender upon any continued or subsequent breach of any provision and the Judge may convict any offender repeatedly for continued or subsequent breaches of the By-Law, and the provisions of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1990, Chap. M.45, Section 327, as amended from time to time, shall further apply to any continued or repeated breach of this By-Law. Each day shall constitute a separate offense under this By-Law. |
Enforcement |
24. This By-Law shall be enforced by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury or any other officer appointed for the purposes of enforcing this By-Law. |
Repeal Section |
25. That By-Law 2001-021 (Lawn Watering Regulations) of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is hereby repealed. |
Force and Effect |
26. This By-Law shall come into force and effect on the date it is enacted.
Enacted this 18th day of February, 2014.
Original copy signed Original copy signed Rebecca Murphy, Clerk Doug White, Mayor |
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