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A by-law to regulate traffic and govern and control the parking of vehicles in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the “Municipal Act” authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws prohibiting or regulating parking on highways and on properties other than highways;
AND WHEREAS Section 102 of the Municipal Act authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws requiring the owners or operators of parking lots or other parking facilities, to which the public has access, to provide designated parking spaces for the use of vehicles operated by or carrying disabled persons;
AND WHEREAS Sections 100 through 101 of the Municipal Act authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws to prohibit unauthorized parking on municipal or private property;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that fines may be charged for breaches of by-laws passed pursuant to the powers set out therein and further provides for the removal, impounding or restraining or immobilizing of any vehicle parked on a highway or on municipal property in contravention of a by-law or of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O 1990, c.H.8, as amended;
AND WHEREAS Subsection 175(13) of the Highway Traffic Act, provides that the Council of a municipality may, in relation to highways under its jurisdiction, by by-law designate school bus loading zones in accordance with the said Act and the regulations made thereunder;
AND WHEREAS the Corporation of The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury desires to regulate traffic and govern and control the parking of vehicles in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury hereby enacts as follows:
1.1 In this By-law:
b) “authorized emergency vehicle” means a vehicle as defined in subsection 144(1) of the Highway Traffic Act.
m) “disabled person parking permit” means a disabled person parking permit issued under section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act, and Regulation 581 made thereunder, or a currently valid permit, number plate or other marker or device bearing the international symbol of access for the disabled and issued by another jurisdiction.
w) “owner” when used in connection with real property means: in the case of a property upon which there is a condominium, the corporation incorporated under the Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, C. 19, as amended, the Condominium Act, for that condominium; or otherwise the person(s) shown as the owner of the property on the last revised assessment roll of the Corporation.
hh) “school bus” means a bus used for the transportation of children to and from school that bears on the rear thereof the words “Do not pass when signals flashing”; is equipped with two (2) red signal lights on the rear thereof and two (2) red signal lights on the front thereof; and is painted chrome yellow with black lettering and trim.
pp) “stop or stopping” means any stopping of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal.
tt) “traffic control signal” means that part of a traffic control signal system that consists of one set of no less than three (3) coloured lenses, red, amber and green, mounted on a frame and commonly referred to as a signal head.
eee) “unauthorized area” means any front yard, exterior side yard or interior side yard as defined under the Town’s Zoning By-law, as amended, unless otherwise expressly permitted. (Added by By-law 2019-89) fff) “Administrative Monetary Penalty By-law” means By-law 2022-56 of the Town, as amended from time to time, or any successor thereof; (Added by By-law 2022-73)
ggg) “Designated Provision” means any section of this By-law designated in accordance with Section 9.4; (Added by By-law 2022-73)
hhh) “O. Reg. 333/07” means Ontario Regulation 333/07, made under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended from time to time or any successor thereof; (Added by By-law 2022-73)
2.1 Parallel Parking Right Wheels to Curb - No person shall park a vehicle on any highway other than a one-way street unless on the right hand side of the highway, facing in the direction of the traffic using that side of the street, and unless the right front and right rear wheels of the vehicle are parallel and no more than 15 cm from the curb.
b) In all cases so that the right front wheel of the vehicle is no more than 15 cm from the edge of the
b) On a boulevard, unless an encroachment agreement has been entered into with the Corporation. c) In front of an entrance on the highway to or from a private road, driveway or lane. d) Within an intersection or within 15 metres of an intersection. e) On a crosswalk or within 9 metres of a crosswalk. f) Within 9 metres of a stop sign unless otherwise posted. g) Within 15 metres of any bridge or the nearest rail of a rail crossing. h) In such a manner as to obstruct traffic or in a position or place that prevents or is likely to prevent the i) In such a manner as to obstruct or prevent the clearing or removal of snow from the highway. j) Within 1.5 metres of a fire hydrant or in a manner so as to prevent access to a fire hydrant in the case of k) On the inside radius where there is a 90 degree bend in the road, more or less, for a distance of 9 l) m) On municipal property except in a designated parking zone. n) (Deleted by By-law 2016-13) o) In any public park, trailway or open space areas that do not have designated parking areas. p) In a designated disabled person parking space, unless a valid disabled person parking permit is q) where parking is permitted on the left and right hand side of a highway designated for two way traffic, r) on municipal property without authorization. (Added by By-law 2015-61) s) on private property without authorization. (Added by By-law 2015-61) t) park or let stand a trailer that is not attached to a motor vehicle. (Added by By-law 2015-61) u) on or over a curb within a driveway. (Added by By-law 2016-82) v) on a highway in front of an entrance to a trailway or walkway. (Added by By-law 2018-06) w) on or within 15.0 metres of a Traffic Calming Device. (Added by By-law 2018-61) x) in an unauthorized area (Added by By-law 2019-89)
2.5 Time-Limited Parking Restrictions
b) No person shall park a vehicle on a highway for a period longer than twenty-four (24) hours. (Added by
b) The provisions of Section 2.5 (b) and 2.7 shall not apply to industrial business areas listed below:
ii. Industrial Court iii. Industrial Road iv. Reagens Industrial Parkway v. Stirling Crescent
b) When signs are erected and on display, no vehicle except a school bus shall park, stop or stand in a
3.1 Parking at Regulated Spaces - Where parking is regulated the following additional regulation shall apply:
b) No person shall park a vehicle or portion thereof in an area designated as a Fire Route.
b) Notwithstanding Section 3.2 (a) of this By-law, to the extent that an individual attending a social event c) Wrecked, dismantled, discarded, inoperative, abandoned or unplated vehicles are not permitted on d) Unlicensed machinery or objects or parts are not permitted on municipal owned property and will be e) No person shall park a commercial motor vehicle on municipally-owned or controlled property. |
4.1 No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle in a designated disabled person parking space provided by the owners of a privately-owned parking area without the authority of the owner or occupant of such property or on property owned or controlled by the Corporation or any local board thereof, unless a valid disabled person parking permit is displayed in accordance with Section 4.6 of this by-law.
4.7 The provisions of this By-law governing designated disabled person parking spaces located on land not owned or occupied by the Corporation and that is used as a parking lot may be enforced by Officers, subject to the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. |
5.1 One-Way Highways - When signs have been erected and are on display, the highways are designated for one-way traffic only. |
6.1 Stop Signs - The intersections on highways set out in Schedule C of this By-law are hereby designated as intersections where stop signs shall be erected, and signs shall be erected in the locations listed in the said Schedule C.
7.1 Speed Limits - No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than 50 kilometres per hour on any highway within the Town save and except those highways or portions of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule D of this By-law, from the limit set out in Column 2 to the limit set out in Column 3 and at the rate of speed set out for each portion of said Schedule D. (Amended by By-law 2016-57) |
8.1 U-Turns - No driver or operator of a vehicle shall make a U-turn on any highway unless it can be made in safety without interfering with other traffic.
8.3 Processions - No person shall drive or operate a vehicle so as to intersect a funeral or any other properly authorized procession such, as a parade, while it is in motion on a highway except under the direction of a police officer.
9. ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES (Deleted and replaced by By-law 2022-73) |
9.1 Traffic and Enforcement - The provisions of this By-law shall apply within the Town and the Police Officers of the Corporation shall enforce the provisions of this By-law.
9.2 Parking and Enforcement
b) Notwithstanding subsection 9.2a), agents appointed by the Town are authorized to enforce sections
9.3 Acts to Govern - The provisions of this By-law shall be subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, Municipal Act and Provincial Offences Act, as applicable, the regulations made thereunder and amendments thereto.
9.4 Penalty
(a) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law, except a designated provision, is (b) Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1, of this By-law are (c) If a vehicle has been left parked standing or stopped in contravention of a Designated Provision, the (d) The Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 33, as amended from time to time, or any successor (e) Except as set out in sections 9.4 (a) and (d), all other provisions of this By-law and of any other
9.5 The owner of a vehicle involved in a contravention of this By-law, notwithstanding that he or she was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the administrative penalty prescribed pursuant to this By-law unless, at the time of the contravention, the said vehicle was in the possession of some person, other than the owner, without the owner’s consent.
9.6 Any person who contravenes Section 5 of this By-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction therefor, to the penalties as prescribed under the Highway Traffic Act, as amended, which penalties shall be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act, as amended.
10.1 Times - The times mentioned in this By-law shall be those commonly observed including standard time and daylight saving time.
b) Vehicles engaged in works for or on behalf of the Corporation, Power Stream, Ontario Hydro, the County c) Vehicles parked on a roadway in contravention of Section 2.7 of this By-law on January 1st of every year.
Schedule “B” No Stopping Schedule “C” Stop/Yield Signs Schedule “D” Rate of Speed
10.7 By-laws Repealed – That By-law 1994-047 and all subsequent amending by-laws be repealed.
10.8 Short Title - This By-law shall be known as the “Traffic By-law”.
Original signed by Rebecca Murphy, Clerk and Rob Keffer, Mayor. |
Schedule "A" - NO PARKING |
Schedule "B" - NO STOPPING |
Schedule "C" - STOP/YIELD SIGNS |
Schedule "D" - RATE OF SPEED |
Set Fines - Part II |
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