There are two types of Agricultural Open Air Burn Permits - Rural BWG (Area A) and the Holland Marsh (Area C). These permits are conducted as part of a normal farm practice on lands zoned for agricultural use.
These permits are subject to a mandatory inspection by a Fire Prevention Inspector prior to approval.
Rural BWG (AREA A)
You must be considered a farming business that carries on farming activities and reports income to the Canadian Revenue Agency to be approved for an Agricultural Burn Permit. The following must be considered prior to applying for an agricultural burn permit:
- Must be a minimum of 100 feet from all property lines, fences, structures, trees/hedges, overhead wires and combustible material
- Size of burn must be contained to a maximum of 10 feet (length, width, height)
- Ignition and extinguish of the burn must be between sunrise and sunset of the same day
- Means of extinguishment must be on site
Holland Marsh (AREA C)
You must be considered a farming business that carries on farming activities and reports income to the Canadian Revenue Agency to be approved for an Agricultural Burn Permit. The following must be considered prior to applying for an agricultural burn permit:
- Must be a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines, fences, structures, trees/hedges, overhead wires and combustible material
- Size of burn must be contained to a maximum of 6 feet (length, width, height)
- Ignition and extinguish of the burn must be between sunrise and sunset of the same day
- Burn area must be on a non-combustible surface
- Means of extinguishment must be on site
Annual Permit Fee: $100.00 (expires December 31st of the year purchased)
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